Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 862: Be vigilant, Ji Chen identity!

"How did you know these news?" Luo Chen said with a murderous intent passing through his eyes, his tone cold.

Ji Chen is just the outer disciple of Jianzong, and he is only ranked seventh in the outer disciple. In his capacity, it is impossible to know these secrets!

To know this secret, I am afraid that many of the elders of the Sword Sect do not know it, but Ji Chen is only a disciple of the Sword Sect’s outer sect, but he knows the news, and Ji Chen now also tells himself the news, which makes Luo Chen Have to doubt Ji Chen's intentions!

Although he is a fifth-grade martial arts realm, he knows very well that he is nothing at all in front of those truly strong.

And this time there are quite a few forces involved, even the deceitful Deception Valley is not something he can deal with now, let alone secretly design Deception Valley's forces!

Although he is the saint son of Jianzong, if he is involved in such a whirlpool, it will be difficult for him to retreat.

"The Saint Child hasn't entered the Sword Sect yet, so naturally he doesn't understand the current Sword Sect high-level." Ji Chen noticed Luo Chen's killing intent, but didn't take it to heart, but said with a smile: "The name of the Sword Sect elder is Ji Ruhai."


Luo Chen is also a person with a keen mind. Hearing what Ji Chen said, he felt a little bit less prepared for Ji Chen.

If Ji Chen had something to do with Jianzong Great Elder Ji Ruhai, it would not be impossible to understand the emperor's affairs if he heard these news from Ji Ruhai's mouth by chance.

It’s just that Luo Chen did not completely relax his defense against Ji Chen. After all, he has not yet entered the Sword Sect and does not know the situation of the Sword Sect. Only after confirming the situation of the Sword Sect, can he truly be sure that Ji Chen’s words are true. false!

Before that, he couldn't relax his vigilance against Ji Chen!

Seeing Luo Chen's expression, Ji Chen also knew that his momentary failure had caused Luo Chen's vigilance, and he couldn't help but smile.

He really didn't have any other thoughts. He just happened to talk about the Deception Sword Technique, and then he couldn't hold back to say it, and he had no other intentions at all.

But he also knew that it was useless to explain this now. When Luo Chen went to Sword Sect, the misunderstanding would naturally be resolved. He now tried a way to defend, but it would deepen the misunderstanding, so he didn't say much, and directly cast his eyes upwards. Do not continue to struggle on this topic.

Luo Chen didn't say much when he saw it, and temporarily put aside the distracting thoughts in his heart, but his eyes fell on the figure using the deception sword technique, wanting to see if he could see any clues.

Luo Chen is still very interested in the deception sword technique. If this kind of alternative swordsmanship with heavy defense and not heavy attack can be realized, it may be able to improve his kendo skills a lot!

It’s just that although Luo Chen’s current understanding is amazing, the Deception Sword Technique is not a common grade. The complete Deception Sword Technique is the supreme sword technique that ranks in the list of magic skills. Although the current Deception Sword Technique is incomplete, But there are also many mysteries. If Luo Chen is given enough time, he may be able to comprehend the Sword Art of Deception, but now it is difficult to see too many clues.

Therefore, Luo Chen gave up watching after watching for a while, and then turned his gaze to other geniuses. After finding that there was no brilliant genius, Luo Chen simply sat down cross-legged and entered the state of cultivation.

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