Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 869: The fight is raging, and there are many discussions!

"But for now, let's take a look at how far this bluestone stick technique can be under the blessing of the giant rock battle body, right?"

After Luo Chen had a scrutiny in his heart, he then cast his eyes on the ring, with a little more expectation in his eyes.

The combination of the bluestone stick method and the giant rock battle body, which have always been known for their sturdiness, complements each other. The power of the two can be more than just one plus one. The combination of the two can completely burst out unimaginable The power of terror!

Under Luo Chen's gaze, Qing Yan let out a long whistle, and the long stick in his hand took the shadow of the sky full of sticks, whizzing at Wang Xi!

Wherever the long stick passes, the surrounding space is faintly distorted. If Qingyan's power can be stronger, it may be able to directly smash the space with brute force!

Wang Xi's expression became extremely solemn. Although he could not recognize the giant rock battle body that Qingyan possessed, he also noticed the surge of power in Qingyan's body. Facing Qingyan's aggressive stick, Wang Xi had no choice. Head-to-head.

Although he has been able to do it lightly, he is undoubtedly not dominant against Qingyan in this state. If he chooses to head-to-head at this time, it is undoubtedly a fool!

Therefore, Wang Xi directly used his body technique to avoid Qingyan's blow, and appeared behind Qingyan, swiping countless sword lights from his long sword, covering Qingyan.

Qing Yan's complexion remained unchanged, and he ignored the sword lights at all. He continued to wave the long stick in his hand, and its power was a little stronger than before, causing ripples in the space around the long stick.

"If you blindly dodge, I'm afraid Xuechang Wang won't last long at all," Luo Chen whispered when he saw this scene.

He is very aware of the role of the giant rock battle body. After the body is strengthened by the giant rock battle body, the physical body of Qingyan can obviously support him to push the power of the bluestone stick method to a higher level!

And the rock skin on the surface of Qingyan's body is the best defense method, enough to resist Wang Xi's many attacks, allowing him to concentrate on accumulating the power of the bluestone stick method!

If Wang Xi can't interrupt the power of Qingyan's accumulation of the bluestone stick method, and waits until Qingyan pushes the power of the bluestone stick method to a certain level, then Wang Xi will lose!

"It seems that Qingyan won this battle," said an outside genius with certainty.

Although they don’t know that Qingyan actually has a special physique, they also know the strength of the bluestone stick method. The power of this martial art is amazing. If the defects are not equally large, even the owner of the bluestone valley and a holy master It is the turn of life and death, I am afraid that Bluestone Valley has been destroyed long ago, taking away the heritage of Bluestone Valley!

But even if the bluestone stick method has great flaws, no one will deny the power of this stick method!

"Yes, that Qingyan was able to stack the bluestone stick technique on the seventh stick, even a genius who was a realm higher than him might not be able to catch his bluestone stick technique on the seventh stick.

Qingyan in this state may be able to stack the bluestone stick method to the eighth or even the ninth stick. Then if Wang Xi allowed Qingyan to continue to stack the bluestone stick method, it was only a matter of time before he failed. "

"The strength of Wang Xi is not weak, but it is a pity that I met Qingyan. I hope that Wang Xi will go head-to-head with Qingyan on impulse, and we will also lose a strong competitor at that time!"

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