Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 884: Xiao Yang confessed, Jianzong elder!

Seeing Ye Changli and the others look at him, Luo Chen didn't hide anything, so he spoke about the information of Jing's spirit body.

The threat of this special physique is not big or small. Although it can reflect the opponent's attack at a critical moment, the power it can reflect is fixed and cannot be improved by any means.

Luo Chen didn't think the power of the mirror spirit body that Xiao Yang possessed could reflect, otherwise, the Xiao family wouldn't be able to treat Xiao Yang like that!

After all, even if the senior leaders of the Xiao family are all brain-dead, it is impossible for Xiao Guidao, the ancestor of the Xiao family, to not know the importance of Xiao Yang!

And since Xiao Guidao acquiesced to the actions of the senior leaders of the Xiao family, it proved that Xiao Yang's mirror spirit body was not strong enough to make him feel excited!

Therefore, Luo Chen is not too afraid of Xiao Yang, not to mention that even if it is the mirror spirit body, there is a way to crack it. If Xiao Yang really uses the mirror spirit body ability in front of him, Luo Chen will be a lot easier, because He can easily defeat Xiao Yang with the help of the weakness of the mirror spirit body!

"Brother Wang may be defeated," Ye Changli couldn't help but speak after listening to Luo Chen's explanation of the mystery of the mirror spirit body.

He didn't know that the aristocratic family had such a special physique. If it weren't for Luo Chen, he didn't even know that this method was actually brought by the special physique. It was not some kind of secret technique as he had guessed before!

Zhang Juechen couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words. Now Wang Xi is trapped by the pitch-black chain and cannot break free in a short period of time. During this time, Xiao Yang can completely damage Wang Xi!

"It's not that simple," Luo Chen smiled and said calmly.

The mirror spirit body is indeed powerful, but Wang Xi’s combat experience is not a display. Luo Chen doesn’t know if Wang Xi knows that Xiao Yang possesses a mirror spirit body. Wang Xi did not go all out when he used the method of binding the gods sword. , Has always left myself room for maneuver.

At the moment when Xiao Yang burst into the mirror spirit body, although Wang Xi did not avoid it, he also responded.

Now that Wang Xi is trapped in a pitch black chain is just an illusion. If Xiao Yang really thought that Wang Xi had no power to fight back, then he would be wrong!

As long as Xiao Yang relaxes a little bit, Wang Xi's thunder blow will greet him!

Luo Chen's voice has not yet fallen, and on the ground pulse ring, a bright moon rises behind Wang Xi, and the Qinghui spreads across the ground pulse ring. If you look closely, you will find that the bright moon behind Wang Xi is basically a stack of countless sharp sword energy. Made!

Jianzong Sword Skill·Sea Rise and Bright Moon!

At the moment when the bright moon appeared, the black chains on Wang Xi's body disappeared and the snow melted, leaving no traces. Xiao Yang, who was rushing towards Wang Xi, had no time to react, and was directly hit by the sword Qi Mingyue behind Wang Xi , Directly vomiting blood and flew out, his face pale.

"I admit defeat!" Xiao Yang hurriedly yelled when Wang Xi still had the idea of ​​continuing to attack.

Although he still has the power to fight again, but now he has lost the first move, and if he continues to fight, he is likely to be severely injured, which will affect the subsequent ring battle, so Xiao Yang also decisively surrendered and did not give Wang Xi a chance to hit him hard!

Hearing Xiao Yang's words, the look of regret on Wang Xi's face was fleeting, she glanced at Xiao Yang coldly, did not speak, and jumped off the ring.

His consumption is not small. If he continues to fight, even if he can severely inflict Xiao Yang, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, affecting the subsequent arena.

Therefore, after Xiao Yang surrendered, Wang Xi did not continue to entangle, but left the Earth Pulse Ring directly.

Anyway, in Wang Xi's opinion, even if he has not been able to educate Xiao Yang now, he will have the opportunity to settle with the geniuses of the Xiao family in the ranking battle later!

"Unexpectedly, Senior Wang has mastered that swordsmanship," Luo Chen said with a smile looking at Wang Xi who had jumped from the ring.

"It's a fluke," Wang Xi knew that Luo Chen had the Sword Ancestor Sword Crystal. Although the method he had just used was concealed, it was absolutely impossible to hide it from Luo Chen, so he didn't hide anything, and admitted directly and generously.

It's just that neither he nor Luo Chen mentioned the method he used before. Even if everyone around heard the conversation between him and Luo Chen, they would be confused, and they didn't know what they were talking about!

Zhang Juechen and Ye Changli were also extremely curious about Wang Xi's previous methods, but seeing that Luo Chen and Wang Xi were so mysterious, neither of them asked in this large court. They planned to wait until after the dragon list competition. .

After Wang Xi defeated Xiao Yang, there were no exciting battles. It didn't take long for the ten ground veins to fall back to the ground, and the energy of ground veins disappeared. All the geniuses who participated in the dragon list competition knew this was. The performance of the end of the ring battle on the first day was that those geniuses did not hesitate to find a place with strong spiritual energy and directly entered the state of cultivation.

Luo Chen and others found a mansion full of spiritual energy and directly occupied it. There was Luo Chen, the terrifying existence who had boarded the dragon pillar in the middle, and the three of Wang Xi, Zhang Juechen and Ye Changli stared at him. Luo Chen and the others did not encounter any obstacles in occupying the mansion.

Activating the isolation formation in the mansion at will, Luo Chen and the others quickly entered the cultivation state, but it didn't take long for Luo Chen and the others to welcome two uninvited guests outside the mansion where they were.

The person on the left is the disciple of Jianzong, Ji Chen, while the person on the right is wearing the costume of Jianzong elders. Although his hair and beard are all white, his spirit and energy are very good, and his eyes are even more delicate. Flashing, giving people extremely strong pressure.

If Wang Xi is here, he can recognize that this person is the elder of Jianzong Biyunfeng who once accepted him as his disciple, Li Mingyi!

"Holy Son is here?" Li Ming asked Chong Jichen as soon as he looked at the mansion ahead.

Although with his strength, the isolation formation on the periphery of the mansion could not stop him at all, nor could it stop his exploration, but Luo Chen's identity is special, even if he Li Mingyi is the elder of Jianzong, he does not dare to offend, so Li Mingyi did not use his spiritual knowledge to go to the mansion.

"Back to the elders, the Saint Son is in this mansion, and Junior Brother Wang is also in it," Ji Chen said respectfully.

Li Mingyi’s position in the Sword Sect is extremely special. Although he is only the Peak Saint King, he has strangled the existence of the Holy Master Realm with a single-handed sword formation. Therefore, although Li Mingyi is only an ordinary elder of Biyun Peak, he As long as Li Mingyi breaks through to the realm of the Holy Lord, his status will soar in an instant, and he will even take charge of a mountain and become the master of a peak!

So even though he was the nephew of Jianzong Grand Elder Ji Ruhai, he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Li Mingyi.

"Well," Li Ming nodded a little, and then said: "Go call the door."

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