Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 888: Dwarf silhouettes, earthlings!

"Don't worry, the old man will naturally not send those weak disciples," Ji Ruhai said immediately after hearing Luo Chen's words: "If those people really drag the holy son, don't need the holy son to act, Li Mingyi The elders will expel them!"

Ji Ruhai didn't hesitate to say this. He knew exactly how precious a sword ancestor inheritance was, so even if it was only a little bit that might affect Luo Chen's acquisition of the sword ancestor inheritance, he would try to clear it!

"So I'm relieved," Luo Chen nodded when he heard the words, and smiled: "I'm afraid that the spatial passage of the Great Elder will not last long, right?"

"Holy Son has good eyesight," Ji Ruhai's eyes flashed with surprise. Luo Chen was no more than a fifth-grade martial artist, and he was able to perceive that the space channel behind him was almost reaching its limit. This eyesight was indeed extraordinary.

"The old man will first go back to the clan to arrange matters within the clan, and the disciples in the clan will arrive here within seven days. Please wait for seven days here."

After speaking, Ji Ruhai stepped directly into the space channel and disappeared together with the space channel.

"The next time there will be Elder Lao Li," Luo Chen turned his head to look at Li Mingyi and smiled after the spatial passage disappeared.

Although this Sword Sect elder was only the pinnacle saint king, he had once killed a master of the holy master realm, so it is not impossible to count him as a master of the holy master realm.

With such a strong guard by his side, he doesn't have to worry about the geniuses of the Xiao family jumping over the wall and making some crazy moves.

Luo Chen has always been extremely defensive against those people in the Xiao family, especially now that the Purgatory Dragon Heitan has been left by him in the Canglan County City, sitting in the Beast Temple, and Jin Yu has also been left by him in the Flowing Cloud Empire. There is simply not enough guarding power around him.

If the few people in the Xiao family are really desperate, it is very likely that Emperor Dong Wu or even a master Wu Sheng will be invited to kill him!

In the face of such a powerful person, he really couldn't deal with it. Although those masters could not kill him, they could completely consume his life-saving means!

Now that Li Mingyi stayed by his side, his hanging heart was finally able to let go.

Even if the few people in the Xiao family really invited Martial Saint to attack him, and with the presence of Li Mingyi, he was already invincible, and there was no need to worry about his own safety.

After all, Li Mingyi is able to attack and kill the strong of the Holy Master Realm with the Saint King Xiu as his master. Even in this Liuyun Empire, because of the mysterious formation, he can only exert the strength of the Martial Saint Realm, but relying on the sky Sword formation, the ordinary Martial Saint is not Li Mingyi's enemy at all!

"The saint son is serious," Li Ming smiled and said sternly: "The saint son is the core of my sword sect. Although the saint son has not yet entered the sect, the saint son has obtained the opportunity left by the patriarch. I am a sword Elder Zong will naturally protect the Son."

Luo Chen didn't say much when he heard the words, he greeted Li Ming as soon as he entered the mansion, and then he entered the cultivation state again...

There was nothing for a night, and the next day Luo Chen and others left the mansion early in the morning and rushed to the center of Qianlong Ancient City to participate in the next day's ring battle.

Luo Chen and the others did not wait long. All the geniuses who participated in the dragon ranking competition have arrived. Many of them have already lost three times. They have directly lost the geniuses who participated in the next round of the arena, although these geniuses cannot continue to participate in the next round. Competing, but I don't want to miss the grand scene of so many geniuses.

Soon, there were geniuses on the ten ground pulse arenas, and Luo Chen and the others swept across the ten ground pulse arenas, watching the battles they were interested in.

"Student Luo, that person seems a bit weird," Ye Changli's voice suddenly rang in Luo Chen's ears, with a little surprise.

Luo Chen looked in the direction pointed by Ye Changli, but found a short figure moving quickly on the ring, leaving behind afterimages.

"That's the Earth Spirit family?" Luo Chen looked at the short figure and said.

The earth spirits are a branch of the top ten great clans among the hundred clans in the mainland. The people of this tribe are short in stature and have average combat effectiveness, but they are proficient in escape techniques, which makes people extremely troublesome.

And the astonishing escape technique displayed by the figure on the ground pulse ring is indeed very similar to the escape technique often performed by the Earthlings.

In particular, the ground pulse ring is composed of the Qi of the ground pulse, and the use of the escape technique on the ground pulse ring is even more effective.

"Holy Son is right, it's the earth spirit family," Li Ming nodded a little and said, "but that person is not a pure blood earth spirit, just a human race with a trace of earth spirit blood by chance. "

"Master, if that's the case, is that person an earthling or a human?" Wang Xi looked at the figure, wondering.

Listening to Li Mingyi's statement, the person on the ring is somewhat different from the half-demon and half-demon he recognizes. He is not born, but is more like a transformation.

"The bloodline of the Earthlings in his body is not strong. Although the appearance is modified by the bloodline of the earthlings, it is indeed a human race," Li Mingyi explained with a smile.

This kind of situation is extremely rare, because the blood of the spirit race is extremely overbearing, and if it is not for a warrior who has a physical body to a certain degree, it can't bear the blood of the spirit race at all.

However, the blood of the tyrannical warrior is extremely powerful, and a small amount of the blood of the spirit race will only be swallowed instantly when entering the body of those warriors!

And the blood of the spirit race that the weak and weak warrior can't bear at all will be directly burst by the blood of the spirit race!

This has also led to the existence of both human bloodline and spiritual bloodline being almost all born after the combination of human and spiritual powerhouses. It is extremely rare to see this kind of acquired transformation by spiritual bloodline.

"That person is lucky," Li Ming smiled and briefly explained the difficulties involved.

After listening to Li Mingyi’s words, Wang Xi and others looked at the figure on the ring with a bit of envy. This kind of luck is really amazing. With such amazing luck, I am afraid that this person's achievements in the future will not be. low.

As for Luo Chen, he didn't show any abnormalities. Although the person on the ring was lucky, he was far worse than him. Naturally, he couldn't be envious of this.

Under the gaze of Luo Chen and the others, the opponent of the little figure finally lost patience, and wanted to make a full effort to defeat the little figure, but the little figure found a flaw and took the opportunity to send it out of the ring.

"If it's against that person, it will take some effort," Luo Chen thought to himself as he looked at the little figure jumping from the ring.

The strength of that little figure is not high, but the escape technique he masters is extremely difficult, and he might have to work hard to defeat that person.

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