Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 898: Frozen ring, mysterious gloves!

"Study Luo is like this, is it a bit too big?" Seeing Luo Chen's movements, the three Wang Xi who had always been confident in Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little worried. Zhang Juechen couldn't help but rush Wang Xi and he Ye Changli whispered.

"It's indeed a bit big, but Xiao Xuedi should have another back then, right?"

Wang Xi and Luo Chen had more contact than Ye Changli and Zhang Juechen, and immediately spoke, but Wang Xi also didn't have much confidence in his heart, so this statement was also a little lack of confidence.

"Big brother is so handsome!" At this moment, Ye Ming suddenly shouted, his eyes full of admiration!

The corners of Ye Changli's mouth twitched. Before he had time to speak, Ye Ming suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the geniuses of the Xiao family. He laughed and said, "Hahaha, this young master is standing here, you can touch me. !"

Hearing Ye Ming's words, Ye Changli's face suddenly darkened. He forced down the urge to beat Ye Ming, and yelled, "Ye Ming, shut up!"

Although the Ye Family and the Xiao Family didn’t deal with each other, Ye Changli knew that Ye Ming had a few catties. With the strength of Ye Ming’s three-legged cat, let alone against Xiao Yixuan, even the fourth of Xiao’s family in Qianlong Ancient City. Xiao Tie, the weakest person in the world, didn't have any chance of winning. As a result, that idiot even dared to say that kind of thing!

"Cousin, what are you afraid of?" However, what made Ye Changli a little surprised was that Ye Ming, who had always been obedient to him, retorted after hearing his words: "Just the Xiao family's trash, how could it be possible? Is it my elder brother's opponent? I think Xiao Wending will be cut off by my elder brother in a short time. Who dares to attack me by then?"

Ye Ming didn't forget to hook his fingers at the four of Xiao Yixuan while speaking, with an expression of undue beating on his face!

"This kid is funny," Li Ming couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

He is a non-trivial person, otherwise he would not have directly passed on both the Haisheng Mingyue and the Jietian Sword Formation to Wang Xi after he accepted Wang Xi as a disciple.

Although Ye Ming's actions were a bit stupid, he was also quite appetite for him.

What's more, Ye Ming's extraordinary can also be seen with his eyesight. Although Ye Ming's cultivation level is not strong, it is only a seventh-rank martial spirit, and it can only be regarded as the bottom existence in this Qianlong ancient city.

But in Ye Ming, he felt a very strange temperament, that is the temperament that a formation master who has been immersed in the formation for a long time and has accomplished in the formation can have!

In other words, this little fat man who can only be regarded as the bottom in the ancient city of Qianlong with his cultivation base is actually a hidden formation master?

If the four of the Xiao family didn't know Ye Ming's details and fought against Ye Ming, it would really be possible for Ye Ming to use the method of formation!

Therefore, in Li Mingyi's view, even though Ye Ming's remarks just now were a bit arrogant, they were not aimless. If Ye Ming was given time to prepare, it would not be impossible to kill the four of the Xiao family!

When the four of the Xiao family heard Ye Ming's words, they were half angry. Even Xiao Yang, who wanted to split the Xiao family branch from the Xiao family leader's house, had a bit of anger on his face.

Because Ye Ming's words are really too awkward!

But Ye Ming was protected by Wang Xi and others. They really couldn’t do anything with Ye Ming. If they really fought, the four of them might not be Ye Changli, Zhang Juechen, Wang Xi and the genius from Jianzong. Chen's opponent!

Therefore, although the four of the Xiao family were angry, they wanted to swallow Ye Mingsheng alive, but they had to hold back the killing intent in their hearts, but the four of them looked at Ye Ming with coldness and sternness. If they were to find If you get the chance, you will definitely kill Ye Ming and will not show any mercy!

Ye Ming naturally noticed the expressions of the Xiao family's four people, smiled disdainfully, and then cast his gaze on the ground vein ring above.

He did not take the Xiao family four people to heart. Before coming to Qianlong Ancient City this time, he had already engraved several big formations, and he only needed to shake off the formations, and he could inspire those big formations in an instant!

With the power of the big formation, he could easily kill the four of the Xiao family, so he didn't worry that the four of the Xiao family would attack him!

In fact, Ye Ming is more interested in the formation that Luo Chen just set up than the four from the Xiao family!

As a formation master, Ye Ming could easily see that Luo Chen's continuous flashing just now was just to set up a big formation. Now Luo Chen chose to show up because he had completely arranged the formation, and that Xiao Wending still knew nothing, Ye Ming really wanted to see Xiao Wending's reaction when he saw Luo Chen stimulated the formation!

"The arrogant Luo family kid!" On the ground pulse ring, Xiao Wending couldn't help roaring when he heard Luo Chen's words.

Although he knew that Luo Chen would not waste his true essence unconsciously just now, but now he heard Luo Chen's words, he still couldn't help being angry!

You must know that he is a third-rank martial emperor, and his cultivation base is far superior to Luo Chen. As a result, he was first humiliated by Luo Chen with his physical skills. With the shadowless physical skills, Luo Chen treated him as a prey. Now Luo Chen It even directly shows his disdain for him. How can Xiao Wending, who has always been the most dazzling genius of the Xiao family, accepted by countless people? !

A pair of pure white gloves appeared in Xiao Wending's hands. The white gloves exuded an awe-inspiring chill. Xiao Wending's body also had chills, spreading towards the surroundings, and covering Xiao Wending's three-foot-round ground. A layer of crystal frost!

"Little devil of the Luo family, I admit that you have a very strong body, but if you really think that I can't help you, then it's a big mistake!"

Xiao Wending gave a long whistle and pressed his hands on the ground. The ice under his feet quickly spread to the surroundings. In a blink of an eye, the entire arena was covered. Numerous cones of ice appeared on the ground ring arena, directly turning the ground ring ring into a piece of frost. Forest of thorns!

Each ice cone exudes an awe-inspiring chill, which makes people's movements slow.

"Luo family kid, originally I didn't want to use these gloves, but why are you irritating me?!"

With awe-inspiring killing intent in Xiao Wending's eyes, he slowly walked towards Luo Chen.

Although he is a cultivation technique with an ice attribute, and his cultivation level has reached the third rank martial emperor, but he wants to freeze the entire ground ring arena with his own strength.

He was able to turn the ground pulse ring into what it is now, completely relying on the ability of his gloves!

But this ability is not free. Every time he uses this ability, he will be planted with a curse, and once the number of curses accumulates to a certain level, he will be cursed back, and the horror hidden in the glove will be Take advantage of this opportunity to break up his soul and occupy his body!

Therefore, if it were not forced, Xiao Wending would not use these gloves. However, facing Luo Chen's provocation, Xiao Wending couldn't help it, and planned to use these gloves to wipe out Luo Chen!

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