Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 900: Desperate iceman, the past in the snow!

Luo Chen is no stranger to the icy blue lines on Xiao Wending's gloves, because it is one of the mainland's hundred clans, the snow clan's top power, and Jianzong is the symbol of Hantian Palace, one of the mainland's top powers!

Before Luo Qingxue joined Qiankun Academy, Luo Chen thought about finding a way to let Luo Qingxue join Hantian Palace!

Only because the Queen of Phoenix suddenly appeared, Luo Qingxue finally chose to join Qiankun Academy without waiting for people from Hantian Palace to come and solicit!

After Luo Qingxue joined the Qiankun Academy, Luo Chen originally thought it would take a long time for him to meet the people of Hantian Palace, but he did not expect that not long after this had passed, he would see the sign of Hantian Palace!

"You can recognize the sign of Hantian Palace?" When he heard Luo Chen's words, Xiao Wending couldn't help but feel a little more confused, and immediately said: "That's right, your position in the Sword Sect does not seem to be low. It’s not something difficult to understand."

Xiao Wending didn't know the existence of Jian Ancestor Jianjing, and because he was not in Liuyun Empire for a long time, he didn't know much about Luo Chen.

But through the attitude of Ji Chen of the Sword Sect before and the strong man who was suspected of being the elder of the Sword Sect toward Luo Chen, he could also guess that Luo Chen's status in the Sword Sect was not low!

Although I don’t know how Luo Chen went, the luck of dog feces is valued by Jianzong, but since Luo Chen is a disciple of Jianzong and has a certain position in Jianzong, it’s normal to have an understanding of Hantian Palace. thing!

"You guessed right, these gloves are indeed part of the Hantian Palace," Xiao Wending looked at Luo Chen and said coldly: "These gloves are called Dupao Ice Hand, and your soul will become Dupai Ice. Nourishment for the hands!"

Before he finished his words, a blue light burst from the white gloves of Xiao Wending's hands, and a large number of twisted ghosts flew out of Xiao Wending's gloves, rushing towards Luo Chen with a screaming cry!

"Han Tiangong's unaccounted curse weapon will actually appear here?!"

Below the ground pulse ring, when Li Ming saw this scene, his expression became a bit solemn, and he said solemnly.

"Master, what do you mean by cursing? Is there something mysterious about those gloves?" Wang Xi on the side heard Li Mingyi's words and couldn't help asking.

He also knew about the existence of Hantian Palace, but he was limited to knowing that there was such a power. Other than that, he didn't know anything about Hantian Palace.

Now that Li Mingyi's expression became so solemn when he mentioned the gloves in Xiao Wending's hands, Wang Xi was also a little disturbed in her heart!

"This news is actually not a secret. As long as you go to the snowy area to inquire about it, you will be able to get the relevant information," Li Ming groaned for a moment when he heard the words, looking at Wang Xi and Ji Chen with the same puzzled look beside Wang Xi And Zhang Juechen and others slowly said: "But since you are curious, then I will talk to you."

Li Ming glanced at the ground pulse ring above, and saw that Luo Chen was swinging the incomplete Sword Ancestor Sabre to kill the approaching ghost. He sighed softly and whispered: "These gloves are not called grabbing at first. Po Bing Shou, whose original name should be Xuan Bing Shou, was a weapon refined by the third generation of the Palace Master of Hantian Palace for his protégé disciple.

At first, the Tianjiao swept countless Tianjiao of his generation with Xuanbing hand. Later, in a battle, the Tianjiao and a genius of the ghost race fought, and both fell into the sixth eternal eternal cave of the mainland... "

Hearing Li Mingyi's words, not only Zhang Juechen and the others, but also Luo Chen and Xiao Wending who were fighting on the ground pulse ring could not help but stop, and cast their eyes on Li Mingyi.

Luo Chen was curious about the origins of the ice slammer, while Xiao Wending was surprised that the ice slammer he obtained by chance was still related to the mainland extremity!

"The Continent Territory, Eternal Demon Cave..." Ji Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured.

He knows something about the Eternal Demon Cavern, because he once entered the Eternal Demon Cavern. Although he only stayed on the edge of the extremis for a while, he still can't forget the terrifying oppression!

"After the genius of the Hantian Palace and the Tianjiao of the ghost tribe fell into the Eternal Devil's Cave, the soul lamps that the two left behind in their respective forces were extinguished, which made many mainland forces think that the two had fallen into the Eternal Devil's Cave. For this reason, Hantian Palace also had a violent conflict with the ghost clan, and the two sides even lost a few powerful masters of the Holy Master Realm!"

Li Ming said in a calm tone, his eyes swept away from everyone, and continued: "And just three years later, the genius of Hantian Palace walked out of the Eternal Devil's Cave, and his cultivation level was even higher than that of the Holy King. The realm is only one line away!"

"Holy King Realm?!" Xiao Wending's eyes narrowed slightly, as if thinking of something, his face instantly became extremely pale.

Seeing the change in Xiao Wending's expression, Luo Chen couldn't help but feel a little confused, but he didn't say anything. He just watched Xiao Wending carefully, not knowing why, there was a faint feeling of anxiety in his heart, which made him very upset.

Li Mingyi didn't seem to notice the changes in the expressions of the two on the ground pulse ring, and continued to say: "The genius of Hantian Palace unexpectedly survived, and the whole of Hantian Palace was naturally very excited, and quickly welcomed the genius back. Hantian Palace.

However, on the third day after that genius returned to Hantian Palace, a shocking change occurred in Hantian Palace! "

Speaking of this, Li Mingyi's expression has also become a little dignified, and he said solemnly: "The five elders of the holy master realm in the Hantian Palace have all died!"

"That genius from Hantian Palace?!" Luo Chen condensed, blurted out.

While talking, Luo Chen looked at Xiao Wending who was opposite, and found that the Xiao family genius's complexion became paler, and for some reason, Luo Chen's anxiety in his heart increased a little.

"Shengzi guessed well," with Li Mingyi's strength, it is naturally not difficult to hear Luo Chen's voice, and said solemnly: "Yes, it is the genius of the Hantian Palace who did it!

It didn’t take much time for Hantian Palace to find the murderer, that is, the genius of Hantian Palace. The third-generation palace owner of Hantian Palace personally shot and captured him. However, after a great battle, the genius of Hantian Palace suffered. Seriously injured, but successfully escaped from Hantian Palace! "

"Later things should come to mind without me saying more..."

Li Ming's gaze swept across everyone, his gaze finally fixed on Xiao Wending's hand, and his tone was calm and said: "The genius of the Hantian Palace is killing everywhere, and the faces of all the people killed by him have become extremely old, as if vitality It's like being drained by something.

Therefore, the genius of the Hantian Palace was called by posterity Shura, and the mysterious ice hand he used also has the current title of the ice survivor.

It's just that, afterwards, Soul-repelling Shura was ambushed by many powerful men, severely wounded and fell, and the whereabouts of the Soul-repelling Iceman was also unknown, but I did not expect that this place would appear! "

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