Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 908: Free play, let you three moves!

Luo Chen, who was climbing the dragon column, didn't know the thoughts of other people. When he climbed close to four-fifths of the height of the dragon column, Luo Chen faintly felt a huge pressure.

It's just that compared to the pressure he faced when he climbed the Dragon Pillar for the first time, the pressure this time was more of an illusion, and it had no effect on Luo Chen at all!

Soon, Luo Chen carried this pressure and directly boarded the top of the dragon pillar!

"It's really a lot easier than last time," Luo Chen thought to himself as he stood at the top of the dragon pillar.

He did not feel any discomfort after climbing the dragon column this time, except for a slight sweat on his forehead. Compared with the last time he climbed the dragon column, this time is undoubtedly much easier!

And all this, in addition to the reason that his cultivation has improved a lot, to a greater extent, it is because his physical strength has undergone a transformation after washing the muscles and marrow!

"If I confront Xiao Wending again, even if I don't rely on my body technique, I should be able to defeat him if I hit it hard!" Luo Chen felt the majestic power in his body, and thought to himself.

"So fast……"

Among the many geniuses onlookers below, a genius from the Flowing Cloud Empire widened his eyes and muttered.

It takes a lot of effort even for him to climb the outer dragon pillar, but Luo Chen easily climbed the middle dragon pillar, the gap between them is almost like Tianyuan!

"Is this the energy possessed by Liuyun Academy's most outstanding genius for thousands of years?" The genius of the Liuyun Empire looked at Luo Chen's back, with a vague idea in his heart.

"The Xiao Family turned out to be an enemy of such a genius. Even if the Xiao Family's momentum is still great now, it is probably only a matter of time before its destruction!"

The genius of the Liuyun Empire looked at Luo Chen's back, clenched his fists with both hands, and thought to himself: "After I go back, I will persuade the Patriarch to make a good relationship with the Luo family, and then suppress a few Xiao family disciples when the Xiao family is busy. Name!"

Among the crowd, there are not many people who hold similar ideas to the genius of the Flowing Cloud Empire, and even many geniuses from the outside are considering whether to invite the strong in the family to show their favor to the Luo family!

Luo Chen naturally didn't know that he just wanted to test his strength after washing the muscles and cutting the marrow, which attracted many geniuses to show favor to the Luo family.

After determining his approximate strength, Luo Chen jumped directly from the dragon pillar and hurried towards the mansion occupied by him and Zhang Juechen and others.

It's still early, he can rest for a while and prepare for the upcoming ring battle!

As Luo Chen left, the surrounding geniuses slowly dispersed, each preparing for the next battle...

There was nothing for a night, and Luo Chen woke up early the next day, and Ye Changli and the others rushed towards the center of Qianlong Ancient City.

By the time Luo Chen and the others arrived, many people had gathered in the city, and when Luo Chen appeared, many geniuses looked at Luo Chen with a little more brilliance.

Obviously, Luo Chen's climb of the Dragon Pillar yesterday still had a big impact on them!

Luo Chen was watched by everyone, his expression unchanged, his eyes fell on the ground pulse ring above, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, all the geniuses who had not been eliminated arrived at the center of Qianlong Ancient City and gathered near the Dimai Ring.

And the ground pulse ring suspended in the sky has also changed. The original ten huge ring are rapidly changing, and in the end only five huge ring are left floating.

Seeing the changes in the ground pulse ring, the geniuses around were not surprised.

Because after the previous two days of ring battles, there are now only a hundred talents who have not yet been overwhelmed, plus many of the remaining geniuses have already fought against each other, five arenas are completely enough.

As the five huge arenas took shape, Luo Chen didn't hesitate, just a little bit below his feet, and directly landed on one of the arenas, his eyes swept over the geniuses below, and finally settled on Xiao Yi, with a calm expression: " Just you, come up for a fight."

He has never fought against Xiao Yi, so Xiao Yi could not refuse to challenge Xiao Yi at all, and more importantly, Xiao Yi had already lost two games, and if he lost another game, he would be eliminated directly!


Seeing that Luo Chen had directly chosen himself as his opponent, Xiao Yi's expression became extremely ugly.

His strength is only one-line stronger than Xiao Tie, and Xiao Tie was defeated by one sword when he faced Luo Chen who only had a fifth-rank martial arts cultivation base. Now that Luo Chen is already a ninth-rank martial artist, how could he be Luo Chen's? opponent?

Originally, he was still holding a bit of luck. No one chose him as his opponent in this free match. After eliminating enough people, he was completely able to get into the final ranked battle!

But now that Luo Chen chose him as his opponent, he simply cut off his chance to enter the ranking battle!

If it were not for the rules of the ring battle, Xiao Yi really wanted to directly reject Luo Chen's challenge, but because he had never fought Luo Chen before, even if he was not reconciled in his heart, he could only bite the bullet and board the ring at this moment.

At the same time, the remaining four arenas were also occupied by other geniuses, and each selected its own opponent.

"Boy! You are looking for your own death!" Xiao Yi looked at Luo Chen with a sullen expression, wishing to swallow Luo Chen alive.

If he can get into the ranking battle, even if the final ranking is extremely low, his position in the Xiao family will still rise a lot, and the resources he can obtain will also increase a lot.

But now that Luo Chen appoints him to fight, it is undoubtedly completely cut off his chance to enter the ranked battle!

Coupled with the grievances between Luo Chen and the Xiao family, new and old hatred, public and private enmity, how can this make him not angry?

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes," Luo Chen lowered his eyes and said with a calm expression: "I am in a good mood today. I will give you a chance. Three moves, within three moves, as long as you can touch my clothes. Corner, or let me move a half step away, I will take the initiative to give in."

Luo Chen's voice was not small, the genius in Qianlong Ancient City naturally heard his words, and as Luo Chen's words sounded, there was an uproar on the court.

"Xuedi Luo is really murderous..." Ye Changli looked at the sullen Xiao family three people not far away, and his eyes were a bit more playful.

He knows very well how strong Luo Chen's strength is. Even the previous Luo Chen, Xiao Yi's trash can't meet Luo Chen within three moves, not to mention that Luo Chen has undergone another transformation now, and his strength is once again. Promote.

In Ye Changli's eyes, let alone three strokes, even with thirty strokes, Xiao Yi couldn't touch the half of Luo Chen's hair!

"There is a good show to watch now," a genius of the Flowing Cloud Empire couldn't help but laugh in a low voice.

The grievances between the Luo family and the Xiao family where Luo Chen was located were not a secret in the Liuyun Empire, as long as the larger forces knew it.

As for the geniuses who can go to Qianlong Ancient City to participate in the Dragon List competition, naturally it is impossible for them to come from a bad power, so they can easily guess why Luo Chen did this!

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