Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 920: Xiao Tie's back hand, the same life talisman!

And just as Luo Chen continued to comprehend other martial arts and martial arts with the help of the epiphany state, the sword light that Luo Chen had previously slashed had already reached the three of the Xiao family!

"Damn it!"

Xiao Tie's expression became extremely ugly as he looked at the sword aura that looked like a **** sunset.

Above that sword aura, he felt an extremely strong oppression, that kind of suffocating oppression, he had only felt it on Xiao Henshui, the head of the Xiao family!

In other words, the power displayed by Luo Chen's sword has reached the level of Xiao Henshui!

You must know that Xiao Henshui is the pinnacle of Emperor Wu, only half a step away from Emperor Wu's realm!

Luo Chen is only a Ninth-Rank Martial Venerable, and he is able to exert such power. Doesn't it mean that Luo Chen's strength has completely surpassed his peers, enough to compete with the older generation? !

"Don't worry, this is because of the epiphany."

Xiao Yixuan on the side saw Xiao Tie's expression, how could he not know what he was thinking, and immediately said with relief.

He knew very well that it was impossible for Luo Chen to issue such a powerful attack with Luo Chen's current strength.

And the reason why they felt the extremely strong oppression from Luo Chen’s sword was because Luo Chen was in a state of enlightenment, and the sword cut out aroused the spirit of heaven and earth. With the addition of the spirit of heaven and earth, this The sword has the terrifying coercion that suffocates them all!

Hearing Xiao Yixuan's words, Xiao Tie also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at the sword light that quickly approached him, his expression was extremely gloomy.

Although he knew that Luo Chen's slashing of this sword was due to luck, he had to face the sword that Luo Chen slashed now!

"It seems that I can only use that one!"

Xiao Tie gritted his teeth for a while. Although he had thought of using that hole card when he played against Luo Chen before, Luo Chen's movements were too fast. Before he was ready, Luo Chen had already sent him off the ring!

And when Xiao Yi exposed the ghost spirit on the ground pulse ring before, he had already secretly prepared his hole card to rescue Xiao Yi.

It's a pity that Xiao Yi had not waited until he opened his hole cards to rescue, and he was already taken over by the ghost, so although he was prepared, he still did not use his hole cards in the end!

But now in the face of Luo Chen's massive blow, Xiao Tie didn't dare to hide anymore. He knew very well that if he hides it again, it is very likely that he will really die!

After gritting his teeth, Xiao Tie showed a painful color on his face, but without any hesitation, a ball of scarlet light flew from his palm.

The ball of light split in half in the air, half rushed towards Luo Chen, and the other half fell on him!

"Simultaneous Talisman!"

Seeing the abnormal shape of the red ball of light, Li Ming's eyes narrowed.

He didn't expect Xiao Tie to have such a good thing in his hands. This co-existence talisman could connect the lives of two people together, and both will be damaged when one is prosperous. The damage suffered by either party will be equally divided among the two people until one party falls. Will be lifted!

The difficulty of refining this kind of contemporaneous talisman is not high, but apart from some extremely close warriors, very few people are willing to use congenital talisman.

Because the role of the co-generation talisman is extraordinary, but this kind of magic talisman has a great hidden danger, that is, the two sides of life connected by the co-generation talisman must not be too far away from each other, otherwise, the co-generation talisman will go back!

Although the backlash of the same life talisman is not fatal, it is not so easy to survive it!

Now that Xiao Tie actually used the same life talisman, and directly planned to connect himself and Luo Chen's life, it was obviously an idea to die with La Luochen!

After all, the power of this sword cut by Luo Chen was too amazing, even if its power was weakened by half, it was not something an ordinary Wu Zun could bear!

Even Luo Chen himself may not be able to withstand half the power of that sword!

What's more, under the influence of the Simultaneous Talisman, even if Luo Chen did not fall, the suddenly injured Luo Chen would be awakened from the state of enlightenment. It can be said that Xiao Tie's actions are truly harmful to others and self!

"Simultaneous Talisman? Doesn't it require both parties to let go of their soul defenses to establish a connection?"

Ye Changli on the side heard Li Mingyi's words and couldn't help asking.

He knows the existence of the same life talisman, but although this kind of magic talisman can establish a life link, it requires both parties to be connected to let go of their soul defenses.

With the relationship between Luo Chen and the Xiao family, how could Luo Chen let go of his soul defense and let Xiao Tie establish a life link with him? !

"The same life talisman has been sacrificed and refined by the martial sage strong, and its power is equivalent to a strike of the soul attacking martial arts of the top grade.

Li Ming shook his head when he heard the words, and explained: "If the soul defense cannot withstand the attacks of the high-grade soul martial arts of the ground level, even if the warrior hit by the same life talisman does not let go of the soul defense, he will force the same life The warrior of Fu establishes a life connection."

"It's just an attack equivalent to a high-grade soul martial art?"

Hearing Li Mingyi's words, Ye Chang turned his head loose, and looked at Xiao Tie with a crazy smile on his face not far away, his eyes full of pity.

Luo Chen cultivated Yunlong Ninth Rank, and he had already reached the level of punishing evil and warding off easy changes, and was not invaded by all methods. No soul attack method below the heavenly rank could have any effect on Luo Chen!

That Xiao Tie wanted to forcibly connect himself and Luo Chen's life with the symbiosis talisman, that was really a foolish dream!

"Elder Li don't have to worry about it, it's just an attack equivalent to the martial arts of the first-tier souls, and it won't have any effect on Xuedi Luo!"

Zhang Juechen on the side also said to Li Mingyi, looking at Xiao Tie with disdain.

"The old man is not worried about the saint son," Li Ming smiled when he heard the words, stroked his long beard, and explained: "The old man just saw such a sacrificed symbiosis talisman, which was a bit surprised.

After all, it is not a small price to sacrifice a symbiosis talisman!

As for the Saint Child, Lao Yu is not worried. You are not disciples of the Sword Sect. You don't know the details of the sword that the Saint Child cut out, but Lao Yu is the elder of the Sword Sect. How can you not know the details of the sword of the Sword Sect? "

Speaking of this, Li Ming actually showed a frenzy on his face, looking at Luo Chen sitting cross-legged on the ground, he said with excitement: "The sword of the saint son is the ancestor of my sword, that is, the creation of the sword ancestor. His sword skill is called'Zhantian'!

This type of sword move is the ninety-eighth exquisite sword move of the magic skill list, and the biggest feature of this type of sword move is that it can cut off all cause and effect! Therefore, the co-existence talisman would not affect the sword that Shengzi had just cut! "

Hearing Li Mingyi's words, Ye Changli and Zhang Juechen couldn't help but look moved. Before they could speak, two short screams suddenly heard not far away, and then they returned to peace...

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