Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 956: Uninvited guest, ban the formation!

"It's better to go to the Wusheng Cave Mansion first," Ye Hao said directly to the Luo Chen trio without entangled in the problem of the lost sea.

Luo Chen and the others didn't say much. Following Ye Hao, a group of four quickly passed through a dense forest and appeared in front of an old cave.

The gate of the cave was very broken, and only half of the plaque was left. The word "Zhenma" written on it was vaguely recognizable. As for the other characters, it was too vague to be recognizable.

"This is the Martial Saint Cave Mansion," Ye Hao pointed to the cave mansion in front of him, Chong Luo Chen and the others said: "Actually, this cave mansion was left by Martial Saint. It's just my guess. What realm is it? I don’t know if the strong man of ”left behind, but I can be sure that it is at least the cave house left by the strong man of Martial Saint.”

Ye Hao paused at this point, and continued: "If Brother Luo and Brother Li are worried about any danger, they can leave now. After all, I don’t know what is in the depths of the cave. If it is true What accident happened? If Brother Luo and Brother Li were involved, I would really be to blame."

"The opportunity is right in front of you, is there any reason to turn around and leave?"

Luo Chen smiled when he heard the words. When he discovered that this cave mansion was in a lost sea, he had already guessed in his heart.

After all, the lost sea is the continent's extinct land, and it is almost impossible for an ordinary martial expert to leave a cave in it!

If this Dongfu is really Wusheng Dongfu, it is likely to be related to Qiankun Academy, and it is more likely that this Dongfu is at least left by a strong Saint Lord Realm!

Because in addition to the warriors who have a relationship with Qiankun Academy, if you want to come and go freely in the Sea of ​​Lost, and also leave the cave and the teleportation array inside, that is at least something that the Holy Master Realm can do!

"Li is also very curious about what is in this cave mansion," Li Xiuya also laughed when he heard the words, and said.

Although he was worried about encountering danger in this cave, he knew his own situation very well. Although he was a disciple of Wuji Pavilion, it was because of his younger sister that he barely entered Wuji Pavilion.

In the Wuji Pavilion, he is also a marginal figure who is dispensable. In fact, if it were not for the help of his sister, he might have been squeezed out of the Wuji Pavilion long ago!

Even if he wins the fifth place on the Liuyun Dragon Ranking this time, it won’t increase his position in the Wuji Pavilion much, because he knows very well that Wuji Pavilion is a sect with alchemists as the main body, and ordinary martial artists do not. Was in the eyes of Wuji Pavilion!

He wants to be valued by the Wuji Pavilion, and either has enough alchemy talent or possesses the strength above the Wuji Pavilion, so that the senior leaders of the Wuji Pavilion have to pay attention to him!

Although he had obtained the non-phase sword technique before, the sword technique was too mysterious and he could not comprehend much. As for the jade slip that recorded the non-phase sword technique, it did not play any role in his hands, so He would not hesitate to trade that piece of jade slip to Luo Chen in exchange for a useful pill for him!

And he was able to win the fifth in the Liuyunlong list, and the medicine he had traded from Luo Chen played a big role!

Now that his strength is stronger than before, I don't know how much, the opportunity is in front of him, how can he miss it?

"I listen to Big Brother!" Ye Ming said without hesitation either.

He knew his strength very well, so he made up his mind to hold Luo Chen's thigh all the time and not let go!

Hearing what Luo Chen and the others said, Ye Hao didn't say much any more, and went straight into the mansion just a little bit below his feet.

Luo Chen and the others also followed Ye Hao, and also entered the mansion.

And shortly after Luo Chen and the others entered the mansion, several slender figures walked out of the thick fog behind them, with a tired look on their faces, but they couldn't hide their joy.

"Finally, I found the cave house left by the Sovereign Lord of Demons," the headed person looked at the cave house in front of him and couldn't help but smiled: "The mission of the Academy requires us to explore the cave house left by the Sage Lord of Demon Slayer. All of the treasures belong to us, as long as a copy of the Ancient Summoning Sutra is handed over to the academy, now this task is more than half completed."

"Yes," someone next to him laughed: "The Sovereign Sovereign is the senior of the academy. It was hopeless to break through the realm of the Sage Lord at the beginning. He sat in the mansion. The Sage Sovereign has always been upright, and there are probably not many dangerous institutions in his cave , The only difficult task in this task is to find the cave mansion left by the predecessor of the Suppression Demon."

"Okay, let's go in and take a look, finish the task earlier, I also have enough credits to go to the five-color pagoda to retreat," someone nearby urged.

"Okay, then we'll go in early," the leader smiled and walked directly to the cave mansion in front.

Several people behind hurriedly followed, but only one figure froze in place.

After the others took a few steps, they found that the man was not moving, and the leader couldn't help asking, "Axue, what's wrong, is there anything wrong?"

"Ah? It's okay," the person called ‘Axue’ came back to his senses, waved his hand, and said, "I was just a little distracted."

After that, the person called ‘Axue’ hurriedly followed, but he whispered in his mouth: "Is it my illusion? How did I perceive Xiao Chen’s breath?"

The others did not hear the muttering of the person called ‘Axue’, and when they saw that person followed, they didn’t delay any longer and walked directly towards the depths of the cave...


Inside the mansion of the Sage Demon Lord, Luo Chen and others quickly passed through the corridor under the leadership of Ye Hao, and appeared in front of a stone room, and outside the stone room, there was a light curtain blocking, behind the light curtain, vaguely Saw a huge Danding stand upright.

"This should be the pill room," Ye Hao pointed to the stone room, and said with some shame: "It's a pity that even though I found this place, I couldn't crack the light curtain. I could only miss Baoshan for nothing."

Luo Chen's eyes fell on the light curtain, and then laughed: "It's just the simplest method of blocking formation. Although some changes have been made, it is not difficult to crack, but if it is not for the formation of the master, it will be The martial arts expert should not easily break this light curtain."

Then Luo Chen turned his head to look at Ye Ming, and said lightly: "I said before, if I crack the two formations in this cave mansion, I will consider you to meet my requirements. This time it is cheaper for you."

After speaking, Luo Chen stepped back directly to make room for Ye Ming.

"Thank you, brother!" Ye Ming said quickly upon seeing this.

He also recognized that the formation in front of him was just the simplest banned formation, and it was not difficult at all to crack this formation.

Luo Chen counted this formation among the two test formations, undoubtedly lowering the requirements and being able to easily complete Luo Chen's test, Ye Ming was naturally delighted!

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