Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 959: A little achievement, not worth mentioning!

"Brother Ye, try it first," Li Xiuya hesitated after hearing Luo Chen's words, and said to Ye Hao.

Although he was also very excited about the Ethereal Flame, he also understood his identity. Even if Luo Chen didn't care if he took the Ethereal Flame, Ye Hao and Ye Ming might not be dissatisfied with him.

What's more, the effect of the ethereal flame on him is not as great as imagined. Even if he gets the ethereal flame, it is just another attack method. At most, he will take away the ethereal flame, bring it back to the Promise Pavilion, and give it to him. younger sister.

However, with the style of Wuji Pavilion, it is difficult for him to guarantee that other people in Wuji Pavilion will not be greedy and seek the ethereal flame in his hand. Therefore, Li Xiuya quickly made the choice to give up competing with Ye Ming and Ye Hao for ethereal The flame!

"Cousin, try it first," Ye Ming said to Ye Hao immediately after hearing this.

The ethereal flame in front of him is invisible and invisible, and it fits very well with Ye Hao. If you master the ethereal flame, Ye Hao's strength may increase a lot, and to explore this cave, Ye Hao and Luo Chen are absolute talents. The main force, he and Li Xiuya were far behind Ye Hao and Luo Chen, so Ye Ming didn't hesitate, so he gave up absorbing the ethereal flame and left this opportunity to Ye Hao.

"Then I will try!"

Ye Hao wasn't a hypocritical person. Hearing what Li Xiuya and Ye Ming said, Ye Hao didn't make any excuses, and walked directly towards Danding.

"Under normal circumstances, there are two ways to conquer the spiritual fire of heaven and earth. One is to directly plant the brand in the original fire, and the other is to cut off a part of the original fire, warm it with its own true essence, and re-train it into a complete Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire.

But this ethereal flame is different. Once the original fire is cut, it can no longer be cultivated into a complete flame. Therefore, if you want to conquer the ethereal flame, you can only plant the soul brand in its original fire. "

Luo Chen's voice sounded behind Ye Hao, without the slightest ripple.

Ye Hao nodded. Although he knew the way to conquer the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire, he didn't know that there was such a taboo to conquer the ethereal flame. Originally, he planned to cut off part of the original flame of the ethereal flame, and then slowly remove it. Wen cultivated a complete flame.

Firstly, it is easier to do so than to plant the soul mark directly in the origin of the ethereal flame, and secondly, if you do this, it may be possible for Ye Ming to conquer the remaining ethereal flame!

But after hearing Luo Chen's words, Ye Hao couldn't help but a cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and he secretly cried out a fluke. If Luo Chen hadn't reminded him, he might have destroyed a group of precious ethereal flames!

Throwing away the idea of ​​cutting the ethereal flame, Ye Hao didn't hesitate to mobilize his true essence directly, forming a big hand to grab the ethereal flame.

To conquer the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Fire, you only need to keep its original fire from being extinguished. Even if the outer flames are completely dissipated, they will return to normal soon. Therefore, Ye Hao didn't have too much scruples and planned to move the outer parts of the ethereal flame first. The flame broke.

When Luo Chen saw this scene, he didn't say much, and directly cast his eyes on the jade bottles placed around.

It takes a long time to conquer the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire. Ye Hao wants to completely conquer the ethereal flame, at least it will take a few hours. Under such circumstances, he naturally can't just wait like that!

"Brother, you are an alchemist, have you noticed any difference?"

Seeing Luo Chen looking around, Ye Ming couldn't help asking.

"Brother Luo or alchemist?!"

Hearing Ye Ming's words, Ye Hao, who was attacking the outer flames of Ethereal Flame, moved his hand for a while, and couldn't help exclaiming.

He had seen Luo Chen's martial arts cultivation base, and then he had seen Luo Chen's method of condensing gas into a pattern and waving his hands in formations. At that time, he was shocked to Luo Chen as a celestial being, but he did not expect Luo Chen to still be An alchemist? !

Originally, Luo Chen Formation Wu was a fellow practitioner, and both had extremely high attainments, which had already shocked him, and now he realized that Luo Chen turned out to be a Formation Wudan Third Path fellow practitioner!

And listening to Ye Ming's words, Luo Chen's attainments in the alchemy are not low!

What kind of freak is this!

Li Xiuya who was on the side was also lost for a while, and his gaze towards Luo Chen was full of horror. Luo Chen's enchanting level was far beyond his imagination. At the same time, Li Xiuya understood why Luo Chen knew so much about Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire!

Before, he just thought that Luo Chen had a wide range of knowledge, but now it seems that Luo Chen knows Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire so much because Luo Chen is an alchemist!

A person who cultivates both Pill Dao Martial Dao and Formation Dao at the same time, and both possess extremely high attainments. Such a talent has exceeded his imagination!

And more importantly, Li Xiuya already knew in Qianlong Ancient City that it had been less than a year since Luo Chen officially set foot in martial arts!

Regardless of whether it is practicing formation or alchemy, it needs the support of cultivation. Even alchemists who do not pay attention to their own martial arts cultivation will also choose to rely on pill to improve their cultivation.

It's just that most alchemists who rely on pill to improve their cultivation are far from the opponents of warriors of the same level!

Judging from Luo Chen’s performance in the battle for the Dragon Ranking before, Luo Chen’s foundation is extremely solid, far beyond those of alchemists who have been promoted by pill. In just one year, Luo Chen was able to possess The current achievements, such talents are too dazzling, even if you look at the mainland's hundreds of people, such enchanting evildoers may not be common!

"Some achievements, don't care about it," Luo Chen waved his hand and said calmly when he saw Ye Hao and Li Xiuya's reaction.

For him, the improvement of alchemy and formation was only incidental, so he did not take it too seriously, not to mention that as an alchemist, he naturally took a lot of accelerating cultivation and improving strength. Pills, coupled with the system plug-in, can reach the current level, it is quite normal.

In fact, if he hadn't deliberately slowed down the speed of his own strength improvement and used the accumulation of vitality as a hole card for a turnaround, his current strength would probably be stronger!

Therefore, Luo Chen is not proud of the achievements he has now. In his opinion, this is what he should do. If he fails to do it, he is really embarrassed!

But Ye Hao and Li Xiuya didn't know the mystery. Hearing Luo Chen's words, the corners of their mouths twitched, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

Luo Chen's words are too shocking. Even if he looks at the entire Universe Continent, Luo Chen's achievements are extremely astonishing, but such achievements have become a trivial matter in Luo Chen's mouth?

This contrast is really unacceptable to them!

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