Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 992: The selection of swords in the sword pond has attracted attention from all sides!

"Then Elder Lao Li took me to Jianchi," Luo Chen smiled at Li Ming and said with a decision in his heart.

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Li Mingyi agreed with a smile of course, but the Jianzong disciple beside him was excited.

As disciples of the Sword Sect, they naturally know that Jianchi chooses swords. It can be said that every genius goes to the Jianchi to choose swords. It is a grand event, and Luo Chen can be selected by the sword ancestor Jianjing, and his kendo talent is naturally not bad , If Luo Chen enters the sword pond to choose a sword, the scene will probably be unprecedentedly grand. They naturally don't want to miss this kind of scene.


The Sword Pond is located to the west of the Sword Casting City. Although it is named after the'pool', the Sword Pond occupies most of the area on the west side of the Sword Casting City. A huge Taiji diagram, in which there are countless long swords inserted upside down, with amazing sword energy rising into the sky, that is the famous sword pool in the city of sword casting!

In this sword pool, I don’t know how many divine swords were made by the masters of the sword, and there are many spiritual things from heaven and earth transformed into divine swords under the amazing sword intent in the sword pond. If anyone can get those divine swords One of them can reach the sky in one step!

Under the leadership of Li Mingyi, Luo Chen and others quickly reached the periphery of Jianchi. As the holy place of the sword city, the place was already full of people. Some came to join in the fun, and some came to try to see if they could stir up the sword. The scene of the sword repair of the Excalibur in China seemed extremely warm.

"If you want to enter the sword pool to select swords, the only requirement is that the comprehension of sword intent needs to reach a very high level," Li Mingyi pointed to the many black stone pillars standing around the Taiji Tu and said to Luo Chen: "Holy son, please see. Those stone pillars are the treasures for testing the sword intent. They are called the test stone. Only the sword repairer who leaves at least half an inch of the sword mark on the test stone by virtue of the sword intent can enter the sword pool to select the sword. qualifications."

Speaking of this, Li Ming paused and said proudly: "This is the rule set by the ancestor at the time. Although there is no one around this sword pond, no one has dared to violate this since the existence of the sword pond. rule.

Because any sword repairer who dares to violate this rule is equivalent to provoking my sword sect, and on this continent, no sword cultivator dares to provoke my sword sect! "

Luo Chen's expression remained unchanged when he heard that, but Wang Xi and many Jianzong disciples beside him unconsciously showed pride.

"I'll try it!"

Looking at the sword testing stones around, Luo Chen had a little more eagerness in his eyes, nodded at Li Ming, and jumped out of the team and swept towards a sword testing stone.

Li Mingyi and his party have already attracted the attention of countless people. After all, the combination of a Sword Sect elder and several Sword Sect disciples is still very eye-catching near this sword pond. Now I see Luo Chen moving towards a sword stone. Snatching away, many Jian Xiu couldn't help but cast their eyes on Luo Chen.

Although Luo Chen did not wear the sword sect disciple's costume, being able to walk with the elder of the sword sect and a group of sword sect disciples was enough to explain Luo Chen's identity.

And Jianzong disciples entering the sword pond to select swords has always been a major event in the city of sword forging, and the surrounding sword repairs will naturally not miss such a grand occasion.

"Xi'er, try it too," Li Ming turned to Wang Xi when he saw Luo Chen skimming towards the sword stone.

For Wang Xi, Li Mingyi still values ​​it very much. After all, the swordsmanship is also a rare kendo talent, even if you look at the swordsman, it can rank in the top fifty.

Wang Xi, who was born with a bright sword heart, will definitely have a place in Jianzong in the future, so Li Mingyi will naturally not forget his disciple for the grand event of Jianchi choosing a sword.

When Wang Xi heard this, he didn't say much, but also slid out of the team and slid toward a sword test stone.

"Unexpectedly, I could see Sword Sect disciples come to Jianchi to choose swords today!"

Not far away, a sword repairman couldn't help but sighed: "These two people are not very old, but they have been able to come to Jianchi to choose swords. Jianzong is worthy of my generation's holy land!"

No one would doubt that Luo Chen and Wang Xi have the ability to enter the sword pond to select swords, because those who can enter the sword sect are all geniuses with amazing kendo talents!

"I don't know how deep the sword marks these two people can leave on the test stone," Jian Xiu smiled beside him: "Since these two are disciples of the Sword Sect, at least they can leave a half inch deep sword marks. , I just don’t know how much their limit can reach."

"Even if the younger boy has amazing kendo talents, he is too young after all. I think he can leave an inch deep sword marks is already extremely amazing; as for the older boy, he should be able to leave an inch and a half. Deep sword marks."

The companion of Jian Xiu heard this for a moment and said with a smile.

Because Luo Chen and Wang Xi are disciples of the Sword Sect, no one would think that they were not qualified to enter the sword pool to choose a sword, but because of their age, few people believed that Luo Chen could test the sword. Left too deep sword marks.

After all, kendo requires the accumulation of time, even if it is a genius who is amazing and brilliant, without enough time to pile it up, its understanding of sword intent will not be too terrifying.

"Elder Li, how deep do you think Shengzi and Junior Brother Wang can leave on the sword test stone?"

Ji Chen was also a little curious, couldn't help but look at Li Mingyi and asked.

He believes that his eyesight is not as good as Li Mingyi, so naturally he will not guess at this moment.

"Even though Xi'er has a clear sword heart, but at a young age, he has never practiced my Jianzong technique too deeply, and at most he can leave a two-inch deep sword mark."

Li Mingyi pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice, "As for the holy son, I can't guess it. The two holy sons in the sect are already three inches deep on the test stone at the age of the son. Jianhen, the Saint Child’s talent is probably stronger than those of the two Saint Sons, no one knows how far the Saint Child can ultimately achieve."

Hearing Li Mingyi's words, Ji Chen was even more shocked.

Although he had a good relationship with Luo Chen and knew that Luo Chen had amazing talents, he did not expect that Li Ming's evaluation of Luo Chen would be so high!

It is not an exaggeration to know that the kendo talents of the two saints in the sect is a rare encounter in a thousand years, and in Li Mingyi's view, Luo Chen's kendo talents are still higher than those of the two saints? !

The Jianzong disciples around him were shocked, but their eyes became hot.

At the time the two Saints Sword Pool selected swords, it caused a sensation in the entire sword domain. In Li Mingyi's view, Luo Chen's talent for swordsmanship is still higher than those of the two Saints. What kind of grand occasion should it be? !

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