Super System: My One-click Cultivation

Chapter 996: Legacy of sword ancestors, mysterious powerhouse!

"Look, that boy seems to have made a decision and is ready to choose a sword!"

At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed. Jian Xiu who was discussing around heard that he was about to turn his eyes to Luo Chen, and everyone realized that Luo Chen didn't know when he had reached the middle of the sword pond. Walked towards a sword embryo.

"The boy is going to choose that sword embryo?"

A sword repairman couldn't help frowning when he saw this, and said with some doubts: "There are countless magic weapons in this sword pool. The sword embryo can't see any spirituality at all. If you want to wait for it to transform into spirituality, you don't know the need. How long did that boy actually plan to choose that sword embryo?"

His words also expressed the hearts and minds of many people around. There are countless magical weapons in this sword pond, among them are the peerless magical artifacts from the masters of the sword, and the magical weapons transformed from heaven and earth. , But Luo Chen abandoned those magic weapons, planning to choose a sword embryo that has not been completely cast?

On the contrary, it was the sky above the sword pond, and the elders who suddenly appeared after sensing the sword test stone was cut off, looked at Luo Chen with a little more appreciation, as if looking at a flawless piece of jade.

"Although the divine swords in this sword pond are good, except for the spiritual things that are conceived by the world, they are all from the hands of others," the gray-robed old man, known as the'Old Ghost', stroked his long beard lightly and laughed: "How can the sword of sword repair be faked by others? This kid chose this sword embryo, obviously intending to cast a divine sword that suits his own liking! This kind of disposition is compared to the two in the sect. The kid has to be much stronger!"

Hearing the words of the gray-robed old man, the surrounding elders couldn’t help but nod their heads. They naturally knew who the two boys in the gray-robed old man’s mouth were. Apart from the two Sword Sect saints, there might be no one. Can make the gray robe old man show this expression.

"No!" The woman in white next to the'Wan Old Ghost' suddenly exclaimed, her eyes were a little more shocked, and her face was horrified: "Wan Old Ghost, Zhou Old Ghost, look at the kid's choice. That sword embryo!"

Seeing that the woman in white was so ghoulish, the others couldn't help but cast their eyes on the embryo of the sword in front of Luo Chen. After taking a closer look, the same horror appeared in their eyes.

"This is... the sword embryo left by the Patriarch?!"

A man with a blue shirt and white hair had a bit of shock in his eyes, and he said in surprise: "This kid can actually attract the sword embryo left by the ancestor? Even if he has the sword crystal left by the ancestor, he wants to attract the sword embryo. It's not a simple thing, at least the two boys in the clan can't do it!"

"It seems that my Sword Sect really got a real evildoer this time!"

The gray-robed old man, known as the “Wan Old Ghost,” suddenly said with emotion: “I’m afraid we don’t need to fight anymore. Since the young man is able to inspire the sword embryo left by the ancestor, even we are not qualified to teach him. We can only ask Xiaozu personally pointed this boy out."

"Little ancestor retreats and hits the ancestral realm. It has long been no more than asking about the internal affairs of the clan. Is it worth it to disturb the young ancestor for this young man?"

The woman in white was a little worried when she heard the words, and said in a deep voice: "You and I know the situation of the ancestor. Now it is the last moment for the ancestor to hit the ancestral realm. what……"

"This matter was decided by the little ancestor himself before the retreat," the gray-robed old man shook his head, and said with a serious face: "The little ancestor was ordered to come down before the retreat. If someone can induce the sword embryo left by the ancestor, no matter he You must let him know what you are doing, even if he is in retreat."

Speaking of this, the gray-robed old man looked at Luo Chen with a bit more envy, and said in a low voice: "If I can make Xiao Ancestor take it so seriously, I think there should be something extraordinary about the sword embryo. Maybe this young man It is really possible to reach the level of the original Patriarch..."

The few people around were also silent for a while, but their gazes towards Luo Chen were a little more brilliant.


In the sword pond, Luo Chen naturally did not know the communication of those people in the sky. He just felt that there was something in the sword pond calling him, and when he followed the voice from the bottom of his heart and walked in the direction where the call came from , In the end it appeared before a sword embryo that was entirely white, like a piece of white jade.

And when Luo Chen stood in front of the sword embryo, the sword ancestor Jianjing in his heart was beating frantically, and the astonishing sword intent spontaneously sprayed out of his body. Not only that, but Luo Chen even felt it faintly. There was a little throbbing deep in the soul, it seemed that this sword embryo was something connected to his soul!

"It looks like I have no choice..."

A faint smile appeared on Luo Chen's face. He looked at the sword embryo in front without any hesitation. He raised his hand and pressed it on the hilt of the sword embryo. The next moment, the sword embryo was pulled from the sword pool by Luo Chen. Came out.

"Keng——!" "Keng——!" "Keng——!"

Following Luo Chen's movements, the long swords hanging from the waist of the sword repairer around the sword pond all spontaneously spontaneously spontaneously sheathed, and the hilt points to the direction where Luo Chen is, as if worshipping. He bowed his head slightly in the direction where Luo Chen was, as if he was welcoming their king!

Wan Jian is here!

This is the real world of ten thousand swords, not just the Lordless Divine Weapon in the sword pond, even the swords around the sword repairing life-like sabers, at this moment, they quietly unsheathed and sent them in the direction of Luo Chen. My respect!

Seeing this scene, Luo Chen's eyes flashed, looking at the embryonic sword in his hand, his eyes were a little bit surprised.

Although he knew that this sword embryo could provoke the sword ancestor sword crystal, there must be something extraordinary, but when he saw this scene, Luo Chen could not help but shake.

Just a sword embryo can attract such a momentum. If this sword embryo is completely transformed, wouldn't it be able to become one of the most exquisite swords in the world, be included in the annals of sword repair, and become a legend? !

"Unexpectedly, the sword embryo left by the old man was actually moved..."

Outside the city of Swordsman, on the top of a low hill, there is a statue sitting on the top of the hill like a statue. I don’t know how long the figure has been sitting withered, and it seems to have noticed something. His figure flashed, and the fallen leaves all over his body were shaking. Then disappeared.

In the next moment, this figure appeared above the sword pond, looking at Luo Chen in the sword pond, with a bit of relief in his eyes, and said with emotion: "I can't think of a young man who inspired the sword embryo left by the old man. Jun, even the old man probably didn't have such achievements at the beginning, right?"

And almost at the moment when this figure appeared, the several powerful men who had been hiding in the sky above the sword pond were also shocked. They quickly showed their figures and said respectfully: "I have seen Xiao Ancestor!"

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