Super System Myth Zoo

Chapter 14 Everyone’s Shock

"Sir! Can you please take us to the survivor base? Or we can follow you, we can do a lot of things!" Among the survivors of the group just now, a fat man with a fat face came out, He said to Sun Wukong cautiously.

Unfortunately, who is Sun Wukong? How could a noble race that had awakened the Lingming Stone Monkey Gene talk to people from other lower races? Sun Wukong just turned his back on the fat man and went to clean up the corpse.

Sun Wukong's reaction made the fat man a little embarrassed, but due to Sun Wukong's great strength, he did not dare to say anything.

Su Yan looked at all this and felt a little funny in his heart. Let alone them, even Sun Wukong, his host, was not willing to say a word other than obeying his orders.


Su Yan looked at the few survivors in front of him, but he was thinking about other things. He still had Bai Xiaosheng's gene pool! It's just right for this group of people who haven't unlocked the gene to awaken.

By then, a huge intelligence organization would run throughout the apocalypse, specifically to collect information for himself and at the same time make money for himself. Su Yan could already imagine the days when he would become a rich man in the apocalypse.

As for their loyalty to themselves after awakening the gene pool, Su Yan, who has system constraints, will not consider this possibility at all.

"Wukong, come back after cleaning up!"

Su Yan put away a bunch of crystal cores and said to Sun Wukong, who had almost cleaned up the body.

"What! Such a powerful being is actually someone else's subordinate!" A group of survivors discovered that Sun Wukong, who they had been fawning over for a long time and ignored them, was actually the person in front of them who did not look very powerful. Men!

"Xiaonian! Let's go!" Su Yan greeted Su Xiaonian, who was still in a daze, and then walked towards the zoo.

Su Xiaonian was stunned. Is this still the principal he knew? Not to mention his own powerful strength, he actually has such a powerful subordinate!

Su Yan was about to walk into the zoo, then he seemed to remember something, turned around and said to the group of survivors: "If you have no place to go, you can come in and hide."

"Ah! Okay!" The survivors nodded in confusion. They were shocked and speechless by the facts in front of them. Such a powerful person was actually the follower of this young man. This... this What happened to the world!

At this time, Zhao Yuer's world view also collapsed. Is this still the college classmate she knew...

The monsters in the zoo have been cleaned up by Su Yan and Sun Wukong, and the animals that were scared to hide inside have gradually returned to normal. Therefore, in addition to the number of animals in the current zoo being somewhat reduced, other animals are related to the outbreak of the apocalypse. It was no different before.

Everyone walked in the zoo and exclaimed from time to time. They never expected that there was such a peaceful place in Chuzhou City.

In the outside world, either zombies are rampant or various organizations divide the territory. Su Yan's zoo seems a bit unusual.

After placing the survivors in the zoo's staff dormitory, Su Yan returned to his room alone, opened the system panel, and the blue virtual screen appeared in front of Su Yan again.

[Host: Su Yan

Possess genes: Pangu Gene (First Level) Demon Gene (First Level)

Possess supernatural powers: none

Possess weapons: none

Realm: First level awakener

Points owned: 63658 points

Number of draws: None

Current mission: Collect ten followers (1/10)]

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