Super System Myth Zoo

Chapter 469: Here comes another person who is not afraid of death

After Su Yan's flying boat approached the imperial capital of the Yan Dynasty, it began to land slowly towards a huge square in the city. Next to Su Yan and the others, there were many such flying boats landing.

On the edge of the square, there are many flying boats parked. They vary in size, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they are parked around a few huge doors in the middle of the square.

Just like the stars over the moon, those doors looked extremely dazzling among the many flying boats. In the middle of the square, there were also groups of people surrounding the middle group of people.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect everyone to come so early. It seems that everyone is full of confidence in this battle on the Genius List!"

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man wearing a flaming red robe laughed loudly and said to the people in front of him. Behind him, a group of young people also wearing flaming red robes but with somewhat immature faces followed closely.

"Elder Yan is so polite. Didn't your Yanyang Sect come quite early this time?"

In front, an old man in plain white clothes heard the middle-aged man's words and answered with a smile on his face. When he saw that among the disciples behind the man, one had fiery red pupils and his aura was obviously stronger than those around him. When meeting many young men, he spoke with a teasing tone.

"Hey, it looks like you have a good seedling. I have long heard that your Yanyang Sect, Yanyangzi, is so powerful. I heard that you have already broken through to the Divine Emperor Realm? Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that this time, your Yanyang Sect is on the list of geniuses. It’s so gratifying to have a place!”

"No, no, Sect Leader Bai is too polite. Bai Qingyun of your Qingyun Sect is not bad, but this kid is probably not as good as him! Hahaha!" Elder Yan said with a smile on his face after hearing the old man's words.

There are many such forces in the square, and even the forces that are arriving one after another are still increasing. The entire huge square is gradually becoming lively, and similar scenes are constantly happening among the surrounding forces.

"Business exchanges... can actually be seen here, it's really a ghost!"

Su Yan and his flying boat stopped aside. When they saw the people around them, they were constantly complimenting each other. Su Yan, who had just got off the flying boat, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

I didn't expect that the business disputes in Lingwu Continent were so serious. They obviously looked down on each other, but they insisted on showing that I am weak and you are the most NB, for fear that others would not know that they are excellent.

After Su Yan got off the flying boat, the little girl Ning'er had already put the flying boat away. Su Yan had already given this thing to her. Su Yan naturally would not break his promise. Jian Wushuang kept saying this after getting off the flying boat. Standing silently behind Su Yan.

Su Yan shook his head, why did he always recruit some people like this, who were always taciturn. If Su Yan hadn't known that Jian Wushuang had such a temperament, he might have thought that he was suffering from depression.

"Sir, we have to wait here for a while. Every time there is a competition for hegemony in the Genius List, we will be at the gathering place of all the forces, waiting for the leaders of the forces to arrange their respective residences!"

The old God King and the Purple Gold City Lord came over from behind and reminded Su Yan in a low voice, fearing that this man would do something earth-shattering when they were not paying attention.


Su Yan nodded. Since he had to wait, he would just wait here for a while. In a new environment, Su Yan had no intention of causing trouble.

"Hey! Who am I? Isn't this the Lord of the Purple Gold City? Why did you come here so early this time? What? Where is your horse?"

Just as Su Yan finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly came from the side.

Su Yan turned around with a puzzled look on his face and saw a group of people slowly walking towards Su Yan and the others. The leader was a middle-aged man with a sinister smile on his face. His eyes were full of sarcasm when he looked at Su Yan and the others.

"Lord Lanyun City!"

Seeing the person coming, the faces of the Lord of Purple Gold City and the Old God King were downcast. This guy was the Lord of a city next to Purple Gold City. Due to the ever-present competitive relationship, the relationship between the two cities was very stiff.

Every time when it comes to the competition for hegemony on the Tianjiao List, there will always be friction between people from the two cities, and ridicule like this is commonplace.

In the past, the Lord of Purple Gold City and the Old God King would definitely have resisted, but now, the Old God King and the Lord of Purple Gold City couldn't help but look at Su Yan beside them. When they saw a trace of amusement gradually emerging from the corner of Su Yan's mouth, Their eyelids couldn't help but twitch at the same time.

No, this guy is going to be in trouble.

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