Super System Myth Zoo

Chapter 747: Crushed directly to death

"Uh...Senior, you can do whatever you want."

Su Yan was also a little confused about Du Ziteng, who had a limited IQ. Did the umbilical cord wrap around his neck when this person came out of his mother's womb?

With such a low IQ, I don’t know how I survived until now.

The Golden Cudgel is indeed extraordinary, but would Sun Wukong be an ordinary person who dares to walk around so struttingly with the Golden Cudgel?

As long as you are a normal person, you will know that Sun Wukong is extraordinary if you think about it carefully.

Moreover, he is still a demon clan. A demon clan member appears in the human race and is not hunted down by the human clan, which can already show his extraordinary power.

All I can say is that money and silk move people, and if you don’t commit suicide, you won’t die.


After receiving Su Yan's answer, Sun Wukong snorted coldly at Du Ziteng and walked over directly holding the golden cudgel.

"Hand over your weapons obediently! Maybe I can spare your life!" Seeing Sun Wukong walking towards him, the greed in Du Ziteng's eyes became stronger and stronger.

The closer you get to this golden cudgel, the more extraordinary you can see him.

"want to?"

When Sun Wukong heard Du Ziteng's words, he grinned and said in a playful way.

"Haha, do you want to hand it over yourself?" Looking at Sun Wukong, Du Ziteng sneered.

A smile flashed in Sun Wukong's eyes, and he said lightly: "If you want it, I can give it to you, but you have to catch it."

After saying that, Sun Wukong lightly threw the golden cudgel in his hand towards Du Ziteng.

"Senior! You!"

Seeing that Sun Wukong actually threw the golden hoop directly, Ling Yushuang's face was full of shock. She thought there would be a big battle next, but she didn't expect that Sun Wukong would directly give away the golden hoop.


Seeing Sun Wukong's actions, Du Ziteng was a little surprised. He thought Sun Wukong was just talking, but he didn't expect that he actually handed it over himself.

Something is wrong...

Du Ziteng was still not that stupid. He did not move, for fear that Sun Wukong would have some back-up plan.

But after observing for a while, he found that he was still looking at him with a smile on his face, and most of Du Ziteng's doubts dissipated.

Did he really plan to hand it over directly?

Although he was still confused, the golden cudgel had already fallen towards him, and all Du Ziteng's eyes were immediately attracted to the golden cudgel.

Holy soldiers!

Without thinking, Du Ziteng stretched out his hand and wanted to take the golden cudgel in his hand.

However, the moment he touched the golden cudgel, his expression suddenly changed.

As soon as he touched the golden hoop and held it, Du Ziteng suddenly felt that what he was holding was not a stick, but an ancient sacred mountain. The terrifying pressure coming from it made his heart freeze.

In just a blink of an eye, the pressure increased greatly. Du Ziteng felt something was wrong and instantly burst out with all his strength.




Three sounds sounded at the same time. The first one was the sound of Du Ziteng's breath exploding from his body, the second one was the sound of Du Ziteng's desperate roar, and the third one was the sound of the golden cudgel crushing it into pulp.

The whole process took less than a second and was completed in one go. Du Ziteng, who was still alive and kicking and sarcastic towards Ling Yushuang and the others, had turned into a ball of dead flesh.

Blood and minced meat splashed on Du Ruhai's face, making him a little confused.

His son died like this? Was he directly crushed to death by a weapon?

"No! How could this happen! I want you all to be buried with me!"

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