Super System Myth Zoo

Chapter 768: A big baptism

Su Yan was confused and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a several hundred meters tall lizard-like animal staring at him on a mountain not far from him.

"Uh...dinosaur? But why is it so big?"

Su Yan looked at the dinosaur with some surprise.

Ordinary dinosaurs are only tens of meters tall, and even the largest dinosaur, Diplodocus, is only over a hundred meters tall.

However, the one in front of him is probably more than three hundred meters long, right? It's much bigger than Godzilla in movies on Earth.

"Ding! Since the world embryo has been transformed by the host and has produced spiritual energy, these creatures will become very large in size."

In Su Yan's mind, the system's electronic sound sounded, answering Su Yan's question.

"It turns out that's why..."

Su Yan couldn't help but nodded when he heard the system's answer.

In his perception, there is indeed a spiritual energy around him, which can easily explain why these animals have become so huge.

Because there is no method of cultivation, these creatures can only absorb spiritual energy through instinct, and spiritual energy can only slowly change their bodies, but it cannot be converted into spiritual power.

Therefore, although these creatures have become larger, they are still animals.

"According to this timeline, should there be a world annihilation?"

Su Yan touched his chin, and the corners of his mouth gradually curved.

Then, his figure disappeared again, and the next moment he appeared outside the earth.

"Well... it's a good idea to have a comet hit the earth. It's a baptism..."

Su Yan looked at the earth and murmured, and then the energy of chaos condensed in his hands.

Under his thoughts, a huge meteorite slowly formed in his hand.

Then, the meteorite in his hand was thrown towards the earth.

Looking at the gorgeous meteorites, Su Yan's eyes were full of peace. Although there are many creatures on the earth now, his ultimate goal is to create the human race.

Cultivating his own power among the human race was Su Yan's only idea. Otherwise, if he created a solar system for no reason, wouldn't he be full?

The meteorite dragged a long tail flame and flew towards the earth. It only took an instant before it hit the earth.

In an instant, like a drop of water falling into a basin, the whole world faced a natural disaster.

Countless broken boulders were scattered towards various places on the earth.

The creatures on the ground are all looking for a place to escape.

Except for some creatures that can drill into the ground and originally live in the deep sea, all others cannot escape the fate of being destroyed.

After a great baptism, there will be a new biological evolution.

Su Yan saw all this in his eyes, and then he sat on the space and began to sit cross-legged.

Time is passing, and time in this world passes very quickly. Su Yan seems to have no feeling at all, and has been sitting cross-legged in the space, like a god's mansion.

On the earth, after being baptized by meteorites, only a small number of living things remain.

However, this small group of creatures showed an extremely amazing ability to turn their eyes. As time passed, another era of diverse creatures came.

Pangea has gradually separated, the Ice Age has arrived, and the human race... also appeared at this time...

Su Yan, who had been meditating in the space, suddenly opened his eyes at a certain moment.

"Huh... I slept for a really long time, huh? Has the human race appeared yet?"

Opening his eyes, Su Yan took a long breath, but when he noticed the situation on the earth, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

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