Super System Myth Zoo

Chapter 784: Bloodline Pressure

"The fight between these geniuses is truly terrifying. We are not even qualified to intervene."

"Before, I thought about getting a share of the pie here. Now it seems that such a fairy palace has been targeted by countless forces. I am afraid that they are the only protagonists this time."

"Haha, it's different in the past. It's just that since the mortal disciples of the Holy Spirit Clan and the Buddhist disciples of the Western Buddhist Kingdom came into the world, these geniuses have been released one by one. Before, we could still lie down and drink, but now we can't even catch a hair. "

"Stop talking, it seems that the Immortal Palace is about to open!"

A group of monks were attracted by the battle between Xiao Yan and the Demon Lord, and they immediately started talking.

However, at this moment, there was another change in the Immortal Palace.


A shocking loud noise resounded throughout the valley, and everyone's eyes were drawn to it.

As this shocking loud noise fell, the fairy palace in the valley suddenly converged on the fairy light, and even the lava next to it began to solidify.

"The Immortal Palace is open! Everyone rush! It's full of treasures!"

"Disciples of the Great Sun Sect follow me into the Immortal Palace, and anyone who stands in my way will be killed without mercy!"

"No one can stop me, I will fight with anyone who stops me!"

As soon as the restrictions on the Immortal Palace disappeared, those people rushed towards the Immortal Palace like crazy, leaving behind all their previous words of retreat.

"Hahaha, Grandpa Nugui, here I come, all the babies are mine!"

Just now, when the young man in linen clothes from the demon race saw the Immortal Palace opening, he rushed over impatiently.

He held a turtle shell in his hand and ran through the crowd. Whenever someone blocked him, he would just throw the turtle shell over and clear out a large area of ​​people in an instant.

"Shall I go? So fierce?"

Seeing the crazy look of these people, Su Yan was a little dumbfounded, but he quickly reacted and lifted the fat man next to him into a mobile phone and followed him closely.

In an instant, Su Yan's speed tore through the space, and like a seal in the crowd, he ran far away silently.

Su Yan couldn't care about the others anymore, so he first entered the Immortal Palace to seize the opportunity.

"Open the sky!"

There was someone blocking the way in front of him, so Su Yan took out the Immortal Killing Halberd to clear the way, and slashed down with the halberd, and a large number of people were instantly wiped out.

This scene fell in Fatty's eyes, frightening him so much that he held Su Yan's hand tightly, fearing that he would fall cold if he accidentally dropped it.

"Hmph! Who dares to stop me? Get out of my way!"

At this moment, an unruly voice suddenly came from next to Su Yan. Su Yan thought about it and looked in the direction of the voice. He saw next to him the Demon Lord who had just been fighting Xiao Yan.

Seeing that the Immortal Palace was opened, the two of them no longer cared about fighting. Entering the Immortal Palace was the only way to go.

A member of the demon clan?

Su Yan looked at the Demon Lord, rolled his eyes, and a bad idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

Then, he activated the demon blood in his body, and in an instant, a pure demon aura emanated from his body.

The Demon Lord was rushing towards the Immortal Palace with all his strength, but in the next moment, a terrifying pressure enveloped him.

"Huh? This..."

Feeling this pressure, the Demon Lord's expression suddenly changed that day, and huge waves surged in his heart.

This pressure is not the pressure of strength, but the pressure of pure bloodline level.

There are demons around who are of a higher level than his bloodline!

The Lord Demon instantly thought of this possibility and looked around. Then, he saw Su Yan who was looking at him with a playful look on his face.

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