Super System Myth Zoo

Chapter 789: Absorbing Pangu’s Blood

Thinking of this, Su Yan shook his head and rejected his idea. Very few people in the eternal era could survive, let alone this ground-breaking existence.

In the myth, he turned into Mount Buzhou after his death. Perhaps something left behind resonated with the Pangu bloodline in his body.

Su Yan no longer thought about it, but continued to climb towards the top of Buzhou Mountain. He could intuitively feel that that place was where the Pangu bloodline in his body was summoned.

Buzhou Mountain is so high that ordinary monks may not be able to climb to the highest point in their lifetime. If it weren't for Su Yan's secret and shadowy skills, he probably wouldn't be able to climb to the highest peak.

One day...two days...three days...

Seven days passed, and Su Yan was just climbing towards the top of Buzhou Mountain like a robot. The power in his body exploded, and the power of rules was entangled in an endless stream.

It is impossible for people below the saint level to stand in Su Yan's position. The pressure here is too great. However, because Su Yan has Pangu bloodline in his body, the pressure on Buzhou Mountain has no effect on him.

Under such relaxed conditions, Su Yan spent fifteen days and finally fell down.

"A cave?"

When he reached the top of Buzhou Mountain, the first thing Su Yan saw was the cave that led to the depths of Buzhou Mountain, and that feeling of calling came from the entrance of that cave.

Su Yan took a breath and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Standing in front of the cave entrance, Su Yan felt a wild aura rushing towards him, as if he was standing in the wilderness.


With a soft breath, Su Yan stepped into the cave and instantly fell violently downwards.

The fall took a long time. It took him ten days to climb Buzhou Mountain and nearly three days to fall to the core of Buzhou Mountain.


Su Yan landed on the ground and began to look around. There was a faint fluorescent light around him, and there was no darkness at all.

The place where Su Yan was was a huge blood-red space. In front of Su Yan, a small pool appeared. The small pool was full of blood and looked extremely oozing.

"This is………"

Seeing the blood-like thing in the pool, Su Yan couldn't move forward for a moment. He stared at the blood in the pool as if he was seeing a treasure.

"Ding! Host, it has been detected that there is Pangu blood nearby. After the host absorbs it, it can strengthen Pangu's bloodline. Please absorb it as much as possible!"

Just as Su Yan was staring at the pool of blood, a system notification suddenly sounded in his mind.

In fact, he knew what the pool of blood was when he saw it without any special prompt from the system.

I wonder if there is anything else in this world besides Pangu's blood that can activate the Pangu blood in his body.

"System, how to absorb Pangu's blood?"

Su Yan looked at the pool of Pangu's blood with fiery eyes and asked the system in his mind.

He can feel that as long as he absorbs this blood, his strength will be greatly improved!

"Ding! To absorb Pangu's blood, you only need to enter the blood pool." The system's electronic sound sounded and he said to Su Yan.

"Is it that simple?"

Su Yan murmured and then walked towards the blood pool.

"As expected of Pangu's blood, he is indeed domineering!"

As soon as he stepped into the blood pool, a violent force attacked him.

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