Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 362: look forward to

After saying a word of thanks, Wu Yang started to introduce what Dream Technology Group will release this time, first the camera, then the graphics card, display, then the memory and hard disk, and cpu, especially the hard disk.

Before, people outside did not know that Wuyang had researched hard disks. Now when I heard that Wuyang introduced hard disks above, many people, especially Chinese, applauded.

When introducing cpu, many Chinese people in the venue stood up and applauded. They had known for a long time. The cpu performance of Dream Technology can be said to be the most advanced cpu in the world.

As soon as these several CPUs came out, there were more than 200 million orders directly, and the delivery period was also scheduled to go next year. The entire CPU brought more than 700 million sales to Wuyang at one glance. This does not include Wuyang itself Use those cpu to bring value! When the cpu is introduced,

Wu Yang stood there. At this time, Liu Yufei also took a glass of water. Wu Yang smiled at the people below, drank it, and said, "I know that what you are most concerned about is our dream technology. The TVs, computers, and mobile phones are now at 20, and it should be able to be introduced at 5 o'clock.

Now, let me introduce you to Dream TV. After the press conference last year, Dream TV has shipped 170 million units worldwide, accounting for 62% of this TV shipment. Here I thank you again for your support,

This time, the new TV will not let you down. This TV, in addition to using the graphics cards and displays I mentioned earlier, we have also added a lot of features, please look at the large screen.

Everyone, please watch the video! immediately. Above the conference display screen, a new Dream TV you started playing video,

A man at home, after using the remote control to press the voice control mode, then lay on the sofa and said one, the core one, and immediately, the TV switched from the previous screen to the core one. The man took a look, didn't like to watch, and then said, the core 13 stations,

Immediately, the TV switched to 13 units, and the person looked at it again and determined that it would not look good in the future. That said, Channel 18. The TV switched to channel 18!

After watching for a while, the man said, close!

Then a confirmation box pops up, the man said OK, and the TV turned off!

"Papapapap." Immediately, the entire venue was filled with warm applause.

"Hehe. I know that you have a lot of people, especially in winter, you do n’t want to reach out and press the remote control, so. I have prepared this for you,

There is one more, I think you will like it,

Especially for men who like to watch sports channels, and women who watch TV shows, this TV can record and broadcast programs within 24 hours of any TV station, that is to say, all European football games are at night, and you You have to go to work the next day and you ca n’t stay up late to watch the ball, then you can let the TV play back the 24-hour program in the TV, but you can choose the time to watch directly! Wu Yang said again.

"Oh!" A lot of people heard the scene, and they all raised their chapters. Many reporters also applauded. Sometimes they could n’t watch it at night. They had to wait to see it after work in the afternoon.

But some of them are not replayed, they must be on the Internet, so they are very entangled. If you watch at night, you ca n’t get up the next day without watching.

Now that Wuyang Dream TV has this feature, they are naturally quite happy!

Next, Wuyang continued to adopt the new technologies used in the TV. The conference site was also applauded by many people. After the TV was released, Wuyang began to release computers. This is also an important product.

Dream Technology almost monopolized the high-end computer, and when the display screen at the press conference released the Dream Technology computer, many people couldn't help but be amazed. Like the very smooth glass, the surroundings of the computer are extremely smooth, much simpler and brighter than the previous two computers.

"Look at this. The latest computer of our dream technology can also be said to be the first real computer produced by our dream technology. In the past, the computer of dream technology and many key components were purchased from other companies. component,

And this computer, from the inside out, is all the technology of Dream Technology. Our cpu performance is the best, the graphics card and display are also the best in the world, and the battery is not to mention,

The system can also be said to be the most stable system in the world, and the camera has just been seen by everyone. Even in a low-light environment, our images are very clear, and the hard disk, which I just introduced, is full The world's most stable and fastest hard drive,

The technology used in this computer is the latest technology of our dream technology and the latest technology in the world. Specifically, I will introduce it to you now! Wuyang began to introduce the overall performance of this computer. Many people saw that they wanted to buy such a computer. After Wuyang finished the introduction, it was a quotation.

"This computer, depending on whether we use cpu and memory, hard disk, we are still divided into three models, low configuration, medium configuration and high configuration, the price is the same as last year's three models, and the second generation of dreams, from today to 12 From the beginning, all price reductions of 1,000 yuan, the dream generation, from 12 o'clock this evening, price reductions of 2,000 yuan again!

However, the first generation is no longer ready for production, and there are still 200,000 units in stock. If you need it, you can order it! Wu Yang said to the camera with a smile, and even if it is the first generation computer of Dream Technology,

Although it has been on the market for almost two years, the current performance is still better than the latest computers of many companies on the market. This time, the price of the first-generation computer of Dream Technology has been reduced by 2,000 yuan, which is 3,000 lower than the previous price. Compared with other computers, the price is still no advantage, but the cost performance is also stronger than many computers!

After Wu Yang said those things, he paused again. At this time, it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Liu Yufei saw that Wu Yang stopped and sent a glass of water again. After Wu Yang finished drinking, he watched The people below laughed.

"Haha, I know that most of you want to see what the dream technology mobile phone looks like today, and in front of the computer, most people do the same!"


"Papapa!" The people below laughed immediately after hearing what Wu Yang said, and then applauded warmly.

"Seriously, I like this phone myself, but for the sake of confidentiality, I don't use it now. After the press conference, I will immediately switch to my own phone!" Wu Yang said with a smile. stand up.

"I also read the reports of your reporters before, and you guessed what kind of mobile phone our Dreamtech technology is, and how well does it work?

However, what I want to tell you now is that you all guessed wrong, and it was ridiculous! Your age has not been affected by the previous mobile phones. Here, I call those mobile phones we used before as feature phones, and my mobile phone is only a mobile phone!

Maybe you will say again, no matter what kind of mobile phone, it ’s still used to make a call. Yes, the mobile phone is used to make calls, but my mobile phone is not only used for phone calls, but also used for learning. , Entertainment, video communication, and even sharing, share all your daily life and feelings! Wu Yang continued to say above.

And the people below and the people in front of the computer were in a hurry, they couldn't hear what Wu Yang said, they had to look at the mobile phone!

"Well, I won't say much more, everyone please look at it!" Wu Yang smiled as he said, and then the big screen went black, not shut down, but the entire screen was black,

After Wu Yang saw it, he went to the background and took a rest, and let those people go to see it. Those people looked at the black screen and didn't know what it was. Immediately, they found out that the screen was slowly on.

However, in the middle of the screen, those who saw a line started to wonder what it was, but slowly, they found that this should be a side of what should be. After staying there for ten minutes,

Slowly ~ ~ It was originally a straight picture, and it started to stand up. Almost everyone is staring at the screen.

"Wow!" When the screen started showing part of the phone, many people were amazed. Slowly, the entire straight line is all standing up. There are a total of 5 mobile phones, one placed vertically and one placed horizontally.

"Papapa" immediately gave a warm applause to the entire venue. Although the audience only saw the appearance of the phone, everyone was convinced by the appearance of the phone, and then,

The screen switches again, and a mobile phone stands up with the left corner as the support point and starts to rotate. Many people also see the back of the phone, the back is also very flat, and there is the logo of Dream Technology,

This mobile phone is just like a glass mirror, so people can see it. I ca n’t believe this is a mobile phone, but Wu Yang said before that this is a mobile phone and it is a very advanced mobile phone.

However, at this time, everyone is hoping that the mobile phone can be turned on, and Wuyang can come up to explain it to everyone!


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