Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 379: Rapid development

After hearing Wu Yang's words, Xie Yiwu nodded, but still nodded, he also knew that Dream University, a lot of things to the outside, is a mystery, until now, I have a lot of mysterious places .

"The principal, we really want military training for three months?" Xie Yiwu said watching Wu Yang.

"Well, it must be three months. Now is the time to exercise their will. They will be able to persist. In the future, their achievements will not be worse. If they cannot persist, we have no other better way. We can only fire them! Wu Yang nodded and said.

"But in December, the winter will be very cold. Can the students adapt?" Xie Yiwu asked again.

"Yes, you underestimate the potential of our students. Before their seniors, they were not considered by the teachers, but now, if you look at the teachers who have been teaching here for 2 years, they will not think that those students are not!" Wu Yang smiled and looked at the students and said.

For those students, Wu Yang has high expectations. I had money before, but no one could do a lot of things, but as long as my students came out, then I had enough talents.

After looking at Wuyang ’s training ground for a while, I held a meeting with the staff and teachers. Wuyang emphasized that students must study without worries here, as long as the students need anything?

Well, w∧ww. Then, the staff must do it as soon as possible, and the teachers also need to communicate more with those students. Students must answer any questions in a timely manner, and do not let students take questions. After studying the following lessons, Wuyang came to the students at noon and asked about the students. Those students said they seemed to have gradually adapted to this life,

Wu Yang heard it and was very happy,

At night, Wu Yang visited the classrooms as usual. The teacher of the first week has finished speaking. Now it is time for the students to study by themselves. The day after tomorrow will begin their first round of examinations.

So now in the study room, the students are also studying intensely. They don't know how difficult the first exam will be, and whether they will pass the exam, so those students are very serious!

Then Wu Yang spent more than a week in the military training ground and saw those students take the test twice. After most people passed, Wu Yang was relieved that none of the students were linked in both subjects.

Only a small number of students may have hung up the first subject because they were unsuitable at the beginning, and very few people hung up the second subject exam. Wuyang saw this situation. I was relieved a lot, and then let Liu Mingshan from the school look at the students here. Wu Yang needs to go back to the school.

In the evening, Wu Yang returned home and ate a meal with his mother. Then he talked with Zhang Xiu in the living room and talked about things in the house. At about 8 o'clock, Liu Yufei also returned.

Seeing Wuyang return. Liu Yufei was also very happy. Both of them had not met for more than a week.

"You're still willing to come out of the school, now I don't know how many people want to find you!" Liu Yufei said while sitting next to Wuyang with a smile.

"Find me, what do you want me to do?" Wu Yang asked puzzledly looking at Liu Yufei.

"What do you want to do for you and invest for you? Didn't you let me buy a steel plant? Other people saw it and thought you were going to enter a new industry, come here one after another, hoping to hear your suggestions, and There is hope to know, aren't you optimistic about the industry? "Liu Yufei said looking at Wu Yang.

"The industry is good in the next few years. However, I still don't see this profit. My acquisition is useful. In the future, we estimate that steel is needed.

And now we are not only buying steel, we are also buying some precision casting plants, but we are not in a hurry. Now let ’s improve the steel factory first, and then let ’s say, I read the information of that steel factory.

The steel produced is wire and rod, and there are also plates, but very few. Hey, we also need to upgrade the entire steel plant technology, we need better steel! Wu Yang said sitting there.

"What the **** are you going to do?" Liu Yufei asked Wuyang curiously.

"Car!" Wu Yang smiled, watching Liu Yufei spit out two words!

"Ah, cars, we have no technology at all?" Liu Yufei asked in surprise.

"I know, but I didn't say it was done now, now we are also making technical reserves!" Wu Yang nodded.

"Technical reserve, do we have researchers there?" Liu Yufei still asked without understanding.

"Oh, my school! Did you forget that my school has many majors!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Really, is our school really making technical reserves?" Liu Yufei was very happy at this time. She didn't expect that Wuyang had the advantage of opening that school.

"Then you say, what do I do in school every day, Dream Technology is slowly going on track, and your work has been reduced a lot, right?" Wu Yang asked with a smile.

"Well, it's a lot of relief. If it weren't for Qi Wei, we don't know how easy it is now, but there are no major events now! By the way, Wuyang, how long can you say our cars will be available? Liu Yufei asked curiously.

"It takes about 2 years, don't worry now, anyway, next, I will always stare in the school!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, I know. Don't worry, I will show you the company!" Liu Yufei nodded with a smile,

Next, Wuyang almost ran at 2 o'clock in the school ’s home. On the school side, Wuyang mostly stayed in the laboratory, and Wang Dezhi started a cultural company with liberal arts students. It specializes in animation and animation, as well as games, and its employees are school teachers and students.

An architectural design institute has also been established. Also teachers and students do things inside!

In addition, a charity fund was set up. Wuyang took out 50 billion as the start-up fund of the charity fund. It mainly does two pieces of charity, one is the charity of students, and the other is the help of children with serious illness. Being these people is also a dream university investment major and Economics students and teachers are in charge.

Some management majors, finance and accounting, and law majors will also have students to join. In addition, they have become a lawyer company, a free lawyer company, which is responsible for providing lawyer assistance to the poor!

The establishment of Wuyang Dream Charity and Dream Law attracted national attention!

Many people did not expect that Wuyang would set up such a company at this time. So many people have criticized Wuyang before, which means that Wuyang has made so much money and did not set up a charity company.

But Wuyang himself knew that no matter what he did, he first thought that the time to train his students was immature, but now the sophomores and juniors are starting to practice, so Wuyang at this time It is also the establishment of such a company, so that their students can get enough exercise before graduation.

However, these companies, Wuyang, just turned around when they opened their businesses, and then every week, listening to those students reporting on a week's work, and what new work plans are there,

Wu Yang just listens, whether it's wrong or right, Wu Yang's not talking, it is to let those students do their own exercises and explore by themselves.

And the rest of the time, Wu Yang spent in the laboratory, that is, with engineering and science students, constantly in the laboratory, doing various experiments,

In December, the freshmen also returned from the school, Wuyang went to welcome those freshmen, and then put the main energy into the laboratory,

Of course, every morning, Wu Yang watched the students go to class at the gate of the teaching building, and after 8 o’clock, Wu Yang had to patrol for 1 to 2 hours to watch the students' class situation.

This afternoon, Wu Yang was just going to take a look at the experiment. At this time, the phone rang. Wu Yang picked it up and looked at it. He was the commander and picked it up.

"I said, Wuyang, what have you been busy with lately, why haven't you seen anything coming out of you?" The commander inquired with a smile after Wuyang connected the phone.

"What can I do to make it happen. Now I have so many students to watch!" Wu Yang said with a bitter smile.

"Well, tomorrow, you may want to come to our command department. Some things we need to hear from you. After you return at night, someone will send you a copy of the information. We need you to make a copy of those information. Analysis ~ ~ We need your valuable opinion now! "The commander smiled and said to Wuyang.

"My precious opinion, no, what am I?" Wu Yang consciously said.

"I knew you were going. You are now a think tank. We have things that cannot be accurately judged and need to listen to your opinions!" The commander explained Wu Wu with a smile.

"Oh, I remember, okay, I'll go back to see at night!" Wu Yang heard it, remembered it, he still has such an identity!

"All right, come to our office tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, let's discuss this together!" The commander heard Wu Yang's consent and said happily.

"Yes!" Wu Yang agreed, and when he arrived home at night, several people arrived at his villa and handed himself a box.

After saying that, after seeing all of them burned and then dissolved by hand, Wuyang heard it, and my heart was strange, I don't know what is in the box!

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