Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 390: Sun Ming's request

And just after Gu Xinlong came out of Wuyang's house, many people knew about it and asked about Gu Xinlong. They didn't know if Wu Yang would agree with what Gu Xinlong said, or even what Gu Xinlong said. Those people don't know.

"I said, I just went to visit. Oh, do you think Wuyang would agree to cooperate with us? Do I dare to cooperate with him in front of him?" When Gu Xinlong received the tenth call, he pretended Very helpless to say,

He must not dare to say that he got an opportunity from Wuyang. If he really said it, not only his chance might be gone, but Wuyang would offend Wuyang because those people were upset.

Now Gu Xinlong would not dare to apply to Shencheng, because now if you go back, some people in the novel "Pig> Pig" Island "ww.m may be able to guess something, and dare not call home to explain the situation. You can only wander with other people in the capital.

In the box of a bar in Beijing, many of the children in Beijing are sitting there. Now they have also received a death order from their family. Wuyang will not go home for the Chinese New Year, and they will not be able to go back. All the news, and live to live,

In addition, you must not offend Wu Yang and the Wu family. If you offend, do not go back and solve it yourself, so those children are now worried about sitting in the box.

"Hey, as a person who has done Wuyang, I haven't lived in vain in my life, less than us, but I have achieved more than we have. We, from the outsiders' point of view, have some skill , But it all depends on their parents, and Wuyang, others, rely on their sister to give you millions of commission fees,

3 years. Become the richest person in China, and in the world, can also be ranked as the number one, we are alive! "A young man in his 20s looked at the others and said depressed.

"Willn't China have a Wuyang? But I think we will all have a chance in the future. Wuyang will still cooperate with us!" Another young man also said there.

"Oh, let's hear it!" The others asked and asked with great interest.

"A lot of people have evaluated the value of those patents in Wuyang's hands. Guess, how much is it worth?" The young man asked proudly.

"How is it worth hundreds of billions?" Said another hesitantly, not sure.

"Hundreds of billions. Are you kidding, who is Wu Yang? If it's only a few hundred billions, he won't let it go. Our families still go looking for him like this! I tell you, at least 3 trillion

And there are still no new patents, if you have more patents in the future. You look at it, Wuyang's wealth does not know how much. Otherwise, if everyone wants to get close to what Wuyang is doing, people in Wuyang will leak a little fortune from their fingers, which will be enough for our families to eat! You too underestimate Wuyang! "The young man immediately retorted those people,

"No, so many?" Many people looked at him in surprise after hearing it.

"So. We all have the opportunity. So much wealth, no matter what Wuyang does, requires a lot of materials. We may not be able to sell the piece. But the upstream material supply, let alone the other, Dream Technology purchases hundreds of millions of office supplies every year.

If Wuyang's company continues to expand, you say, how much office supplies do you need to purchase and what is the annual profit?

You count, so we all have a chance. Now it's up to Wuyang to whom it is given. Many people now say that the question of money that the Wu family does not worry about now is whether the children of the Wu family can go up.

The Wu family children will definitely not be short of money. Wuyang can just write a check, which is enough for them to spend a lifetime, and you think about it, Wuyang's four brothers, two brothers in the army, two brothers in the place,

If you think about it, who can supply those things in Wuyang, even if the Liu family supplies part of it, there is a large part that needs to be supplied by other companies.

So, we all have a chance. Otherwise, our old men rushed us to Beijing to do something. They don't expect us to talk about things, they want Wu Yang to see the attitude we want to cooperate with him. Right? "That young man analyzed there,

Others heard and nodded one after another. Before they came, the people in the family told them the same way!

"So, let's play here. It's the best to hear good news. It doesn't matter if there isn't any. We are here and Wuyang will surely know it!" Said the young man.

"Well!" The others nodded their heads, and at this time, a young man opened the door and said to the people inside, "Wu Xiaoxu came over and brought a few people he didn't know!"

"Wu Xiaoxu came out, didn't you, you see clearly?" The people next to them all stood up when they heard it, but they knew that now the people of Wu family would not come out to play at all!

"It's true, not only we saw it, but many others saw it!" The young man said immediately.

"Go, look and see if there is any chance!" One of them took the lead and said, and walked inside, while the others followed.

"Dean, I have finished the New Year's greetings in advance today. I'm here to invite you for two drinks!" Wu Xiaoxu stood up and said.

"Xiao Xu, these two days depend on you. Otherwise, we won't see so many heads over there. Come, everyone together!" What Wu Xiaoxu called the dean was actually Wu Xiaoxu Wu Xiaoxu's chief supervisor is the county-level administrative director, and that person is at the city level!

"Hey, me, I just know a few people and hope that they can help us in Queensland! Now our tourism resources are so abundant that it is a pity not to use them!" Wu Xiaoxu said immediately.

"Well, yes, but Xiaoxu, there is one thing. I am asked by someone from the Ministry of Commerce today. Can your brother Wu Yang come to our province to invest?

If we can come, our industrial park plan, he said, there must be no problem, that is, we do n’t want to set up, they will let us set up, you know, there are not many industries on our side,

We also hope that Wuyang can come to my side, but we also have a self-knowledge. We can't see Wuyang. So, I also hope that you can give me a good word, and let me be more at ease. Wu Will the conference come to invest with us? The dean looked at Wu Xiaoxu and asked in a whisper, several others, also of the dean level, listened carefully.

"Haha, Dean, he is my younger brother. If I really need it, I will definitely go to him. I don't want to say anything else, I don't think you know?" Wu Xiaoxu said with a smile.

"Well, understand, Xiao Xu, I dare not say that other people, as long as Wuyang comes, I will fight with the province and set up in your county. What is missing, what do we get, how?" That dean I heard and understood the subtext in Wu Xiaoxu's words. Wu Xiaoxu hasn't got what he deserves, so naturally he won't use his relationship!

"Dean, don't say this, you also know that many people are asking about this now. If I really boast about Haikou for you and it doesn't work out then, I will be sorry for you, I will talk about this later!" Wu Xiaoxu Said right away,

At this time, the door of Wu Xiaoxu's box was knocked open, Wu Xiaoxu gave a stun and shouted in.

"The third brother!" As soon as the door opened, a person came in and called the third brother to Wu Xiaoxu. Wu Xiaoxu took a closer look and it was Sun Mingliang.

"I said why are you here?" Wu Xiaoxu asked while looking at Sun Mingliang,

"I'm also entertaining. I heard you are here, so I'll come over and toast!" Sun Mingliang said with a smile.

"Let's still use this. What the **** is it?" Wu Xiaoxu knew he would not toast so easily! When Sun Mingliang heard Wu Xiaoxu saying this, he immediately closed the door, and then looked at the person at Wu Xiaoxu's table.

"It's okay. It's all my leader! If you can say it, you can't say it, just say it next time!" Wu Xiaoxu looked at Sun Mingliang and said.

"Brother 3, we want to see Wu Yang, look?" Sun Mingliang said immediately, in his mouth, Wu Xiaoxu also understood that it was Yu Zhongming.

"I said, Wu Yang also has a good impression on you, isn't it when you meet?" Wu Xiaoxu thought about it and said with a smile.

"Hey, third brother, help us once, we have also grown up from childhood! You know before, we didn't say sorry to Wuyang!" Sun Mingliang looked at Wu Xiaoxu with a bitter smile and said.

Wu Xiaoxu heard it, thought about it, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed Wuyang's phone number. At this time, Wuyang ~ ~ and Liu Yufei were watching TV at home.

"Brother, you're looking for me!" Wu Yang asked Wu Xiaoxu's phone and immediately asked.

"Well, I don't want to call you, either. Sun Mingliang found me. He said they wanted to see you!" Wu Xiaoxu said immediately, and those who were at the same table with Wu Xiaoxu also knew that Wu Xiaoxu was at this time. Call Wuyang, the atmosphere is afraid to pant!

"Come when you want to come. I didn't tell them not to come. Besides, I told them before. I have time to come and sit at home. Why, they are still born?" Wu Yang said immediately. After getting up, Wu Yang still admires those who are bright Sun, and he was on his side before!

"Well, if you are free tomorrow morning, I will let them come over!" Wu Xiaoxu heard Wu Yang say this, and immediately asked,

"Yes, let them come over!" Wu Yang answered immediately. After waiting for the call. Wu Xiaoxu said with a smile to Sun Mingliang who was looking at himself.

"Wu Yang told you before that I want you to sit and sit with him when you have time. You have already given birth and come to me. Really, go tomorrow morning!" (To be continued ...)

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