Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 402: impossible

After Wu Yang had finished speaking to the deputy commander, he was still sulking there. When he came, he didn't expect that the above was going to deal with this matter, so Wu Yang had no good temper for them.

"Wuyang also knows that your contribution to the economy of our country is great, but this has already happened, and we always have to solve it, so we called you today, not that we must do it .

Let me put it this way, and I won't hide it from you. Not only are foreign companies putting pressure on us, but also domestic companies, they are also putting pressure on us. Those foreign companies have also agreed. As long as you announce the technology, then, I What domestic enterprises can also use those technologies! If you can, we pay for the technology you have, and the benefits of our exchange from abroad, do you see? The Chief Executive said, looking at Wu Yang.

"Ha!" Wu Yang heard it and smiled bitterly. The others also looked at Wuyang.

"You continue to say!" Wu Yang saw the others looking at herself and immediately spoke to the deputy commander.

"We also hope that you can drive the economic growth of our country. I think you also understand that it is not that we do not support you, it is those companies, and their countries are also standing behind. If we do not agree, then our country is in other industries. It will also be hit by foreign countries, and this is just the beginning.

Therefore, we had to compromise. In the morning, we convened a group of think tanks for a meeting. Because this matter is related to you, we did not inform you. Those people say that this is not the time for us to blame them, for now. Although we will not lose, our country's economy may fall into a state of collapse!

And those countries, especially the United States, want us to do so, so we have no way now, so at the beginning. We also ask you if there are other ways, if not. We can only do this. Now is not the time when we are in conflict with those countries. It is not that we do not want to support you, but that we consider it from the big picture. We can only do this, we need time!

The United States has always wanted our country to have trouble. As long as our country has been peacefully developing for 20 years, then we have the strength to compete with the United States, whether it is economic or military, but now we have neither The certainty of winning, so there can be no conflict, the only thing that can be done. Just forbearance! "The deputy commander looked at Wu Yang and said.

"Wuyang, I didn't force you, I don't want to force you. Even we said that we all want to protect you, but at present, the United States is the one who most hopes that our country and those countries will do it.

What country is Japan? You should know that Japan is a dog in the United States. South Korea and Japan are also deadly opponents, but this time why the two countries can still unite together. There is also Germany. Without the United States acting in the back, Germany will not choose to offend China.

The relationship between China and Germany has always been very good, and you think about why you have to wait until Japan and three other countries announce it before the United States announces that the United States is to avoid suspicion and not let us point our finger at the United States.

So, let the dog out of Japan come out and let them face us. Our goal is the United States. Is it because of a few dogs that all the prospects for the development of our country will be buried? The commander looked at Wu Yang and said it.

"You think I want to take out those technologies. If this technology is put into our own country, those industries in our country will be able to get up right away. Maybe we can compete with the United States in 20 years. We also know the importance of those technologies. Sex, we are betting that you can come up with better technology! "The commander looked at Wu Yang and said again, but Wu Yang still didn't speak when he sat there!

"Wuyang, we have been discussing it until noon last night, and we can think of ways we can think of. In the United States, we hope that we will not agree, as long as we do not agree, then, not only the automotive industry, but other industries , The United States will also organize other countries to siege us, and later it will be simpler to organize. They already have the basis for cooperation!

So think about it, what can we do! As long as the United States has destroyed our country's economy, then there is still no country in the world that is his opponent. In that way, it will be more difficult for our country to get up again in the future. The United States will not give itself the potential If the opponent has any chance, let ’s say Japan. You also know that Japan originally could have threatened the United States over the economy in the last century, but as a result, a Hiroshima agreement has ended the Japanese economy. Haven't recovered yet!

Do you think Japan will be stupid, do they not know the consequences of signing this agreement? But they also have no way. If they do not sign, Japan may become ruins again! "The commander looked at Wu Yang and persuaded him there.

He hopes that Wuyang can understand that the way these people are doing now is not to not consider Wuyang, but that they must consider the entire country and the development of the entire country!

"Did you ever think that those companies in our country will not use those technologies!" Wuyang thought about it and asked.

"Why not?" The Chief Executive asked Wu Yang in surprise.

"We don't have such high-precision processing instruments. Do you think those countries will sell those technologies to us? Don't talk about technology, it's the equipment that we can't buy back!" Wu Yang looked at the chief executive and said lightly !! When they heard it, they fell into a short silence.

"Is it really impossible? The technologies you have in hand really need high-precision equipment!" Vice President Wu looked at Wu Yang and asked.

"All of my technologies came out in the laboratory. After the theory came out, we also worked hard to get them out. If we want to mass-produce, then we must get high-precision equipment. Otherwise, the enterprises in our country are simply useless! "Wu Yang said while watching Vice President Wu.

"Hey!" After the commander heard Wu Yang's words, he sighed, and now they don't know what to do!

"You said, can we take this opportunity to buy some high-precision equipment from Germany?" General Yang asked while watching others.

"Don't think about this problem. The United States will not agree. I said how do those companies agree with our Chinese companies to use those technologies. It turned out that we couldn't use them at all! And those domestic companies are also foreign companies. I was deceived! "Said the commander again.

"What should we do? Can our technology only sell money, and our country is not short of money! Nor do we need to make money in this way!" The deputy commander looked at everyone and said.

"Eh!" The commander nodded and thought of it there. If his country was unavailable, it would be a big loss to hand it over, but it did n’t seem to work, and the United States was waiting there. They are elsewhere, and continue to work on China's economy!

"Wuyang, what else can you do?" Vice President Wu asked Wuyang while looking at it. The others, when they heard it, looked at him.

"These countries are not monolithic, and if those countries' own losses are also very large, would you say that they would still listen to the United States?" Wu Yang looked at the commander and asked them.

"Well, what can you do. Just tell everyone and listen?" The commander looked at Wu Yang and asked.

"You said, if the financial crisis in those countries has any impact on those countries, will they still listen to the United States?" Wu Yang asked again.

"Wuyang, I hope you can figure out one thing, that is, what the United States is doing this time, no matter what we do, is good for the United States. You have to know that the United States is not only afraid of us, but also to Europe. The United States is also very jealous. The United States does not want the European economy to develop too fast.

And now the European side can already threaten the United States, so no matter what we do, it is beneficial to the Rice country. The American side hopes that our countries will fight, no matter who wins, the United States will eventually win! The commander looked at Wu Yang and said. The others nodded when they heard it.

"What if the United States and other countries had a financial crisis?" Wu Yang asked again.

"What did you say?" They heard the commander, and they all stood up, including the generals. They all stood up. Wu Yang said it was shocking!

"I said, except China, we let those countries have financial crises. After the financial crisis ~ ~ will definitely bring an economic crisis, and if we do n’t happen in China, then you said, those countries will Continue to deal with us in China? "Wu Yang asked again.

"Are you sure you can do it?" The commander asked anxiously.

"I didn't know until I did!" Wu Yang said immediately, who dare to guarantee this.

"If you can't guarantee it, what should we do? Aren't you saying the same as not saying it?" The deputy commander sat down discouraged.

"Don't say anything else, let's solve this problem again!" The Chief Executive also sat down!

"I can only say that I might be able to get it out, but you want me to take out those technologies, that's impossible! Anyway, what to do, you think about it yourself, my technology can't be used for them!" Wu Yang sat there and said.

"I said Wuyang, let's not say if you have the ability, at least, you also have a big picture, this is related to the National Games, no joke!" The commander looked at Wuyang and advised him! (To be continued)

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