Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 407: Operation started

Wu Yang finished those things in the morning. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, he went to the finance laboratory and saw the teachers and students coming over. Wu Yang laughed.

"Teachers and classmates, our security staff will check your baggage later, because what we are going to do is confidential, so you ca n’t communicate with the outside world, and you ca n’t bring all other storage equipment. Go in! "Wu Yang said, watching those people.

Those people nodded, and now they also know that when conducting financial operations, they must be kept secret!

After Wu Yang finished speaking, he went to the financial laboratory, opened the door, took out his belongings, and gave it to the security guard for inspection. After the inspection, Wu Yang stood there.

He also needs the system in his mind to check what other people bring. With so many people participating in this operation, Wu Yang must pay attention.

By 4 pm, the entire inspection was finished. Wu Yang entered the financial laboratory and let other people go in to prepare for a break. He went to the place where the food was stored for an inspection.

After confirming that there are no problems, Wuyang arrived at his resting place. At more than eight o'clock in the evening, Wuyang arrived at the operating platform in the laboratory. At this time, those people had already divided into groups according to what Wuyang said before. Each group has 2 teachers and 20 students who are responsible for analysis and operation.

After Wuyang got inside, he opened the stock market of Rice and several other countries!

"Today we do not operate. Tonight you can go to bed earlier. Tomorrow during the day, we will first operate the foreign exchange markets in Japan and South Korea. However, you must also pay attention to the changes in the US dollar over the United States. There are foreign exchange markets in Europe,

This time, we want to operate for all the foreign exchange markets that can be operated, this time. I have prepared 400 accounts for you, each of which has 1 billion, which is the funds you operate. Start now. Groups 1 to 20 analyze the situation in Japan, and groups 21 to 40 analyze the situation in South Korea. Groups 41 to 70. Analyze the situation in the United States, group 71 to 85, analyze the situation in Germany, 86 to 100, analyze the situation in other European countries, now we first analyze, we will be in the day and night tomorrow Get started! We are not operating tonight! Wu Yang sat up and talked,

Those people heard it. They nodded in excitement, and they heard it just now. This time, it was a big operation, a 400 billion big operation. If the money hits some small countries, they can destroy the financial systems of those countries. However, they also know that Wuyang ’s purpose this time is not to destroy the financial systems of those countries. But to make money!

"Well, now you start to analyze! You can also use our simulation software to start the operation, but the simulation software does not represent the real situation. The simulation software can only reflect the changes in the foreign exchange market when we are not a banker, and now we There are even more variables! However, just practice it! "Wu Yang said with a smile, the others nodded,

"Okay, start!" Wu Yang said to them, and those people also started to collect the data online and started group discussions. After looking at those situations, Wu Yang went to the following, and various Group teachers and students discussed that the purpose of Wuyang is not only to make money, but also to train those students!

When it was more than 11 o'clock, many students went to rest, but those students who were grouped in the United States and Europe were still busy at this time. They knew that once the operation was done, they would be busy for one night, so now they will Start adjusting your schedule! Wuyang also went to rest at around 3am. By the next morning, when Wuyang arrived in the operating room, the students in charge of South Korea and Japan also arrived.

"From now on, we will continue to analyze other students in Japan!" Wu Yang said to his seat, and began to speak. The students heard it and looked at Wuyang very excitedly. They were waiting for Wuyang's order!

"Come here now to get the accounts of each of your groups! Remember your account and the order of those accounts!" Wu Yang said, and when the group leaders heard that, they went to Wu Yang to get the accounts. After a few minutes, It was also in the hands of those students.

"Log in to your first account, and each account eats 500 million Chinese yen!" Wu Yang said. As soon as those people heard it, they immediately started to operate, and the operation was completed in less than 2 minutes.

"Log in to the second account and eat 800 million!" Wu Yang stared at the change in the exchange rate and immediately said.

"Report Japan's exchange rate against the US dollar!" Wu Yang said! "11742! One yen more than before!" Said a student responsible for watching the yen change immediately.

"The first account was surprised 300 million again! The exchange rate will be reported in 5 minutes!" Wu Yang said again.

Five minutes later, a student said again, "1153, 212 yen more than before!"

"The first and second accounts each tossed 200 million Chinese Yen! Complete the pending order in 5 minutes!" Wu Yang said again.

At this time, the abnormal fluctuation of the exchange rate was also found in Japan, and it was immediately reported to the main government department. When the main government department got the news, it immediately started to check, but this time the fluctuations began to calm down in less than 30 minutes, which was an increase of 01 yen when they opened the market!

After seeing this situation, those people thought that it was a small accident and they ignored it, but after another half an hour, the foreign exchange market in Japan fluctuated again, and this time the fluctuation was relatively large!

The Japanese side immediately attached importance to it. At this time, the changes in the Japanese foreign exchange market also attracted the attention of many countries and investment institutions and speculators. They began to pay attention to the foreign exchange market in Japan.

At more than 11 o'clock, Wuyang started to operate again, and this time, when I saw it in Japan, I also made a reverse operation. However, some people were attacking the yen. Everyone knows that they are still watching.

The Japanese side is very annoyed at this time, although there is no way to count the specific losses, but the fluctuation of the yen is still very large! In the afternoon, Wuyang continued to operate. Many people saw Wuyang's operation and followed it. However, some cautious investment institutions are still watching. After 2:30 in the afternoon, Japan The foreign exchange market there is closed.

Wu Yang did not retain the Japanese yen. Those students thought the operation was over, but Wu Yang said with a smile!

"From now on, enter the Singapore market and continue to operate the Japanese yen! After the closure of New Needle, we will enter the foreign exchange market in New Zealand and continue to operate!" After Wu Yang said, those students also entered the foreign exchange in Singapore The market continued to operate the yen. Within an hour, all of them knew that someone was going to fight against the yen.

At this point, many institutions have also begun to operate, but at the beginning, the amount was not large! This situation was also found in Japan. At this time, Japan did not know who did it at all. Now they are also intelligence personnel who let their country scattered around the world to find out which country or individual did it!

Those intelligence personnel in Japan heard and started to investigate. Soon, they found Wuyang's head. They found that Wuyang had convened many students back to school, and those students were all majors in finance and economics. And Wuyang is also very rich,

Therefore, people in Japan quickly discovered the news, and in other countries, they quickly learned that Wuyang was operating on the yen. Those foreign media reported that Wuyang was vengeful. Reported that Japan and other countries have oppressed China ’s auto industry. After seeing such reports, domestic media have translated and reported on the Internet.

"Wuyang, Baga, we must let him lose all our money to Japan this time!" After hearing the reports from the people below, the Japanese Prime Minister scolded his teeth because of the rise of Dream Technology and Japan ’s economy last year. According to their previous data, there should be no major changes, but last year, Japan's gdp may drop by 3%!

And all of this ~ ~ is caused by Dream Technology to seize the Japanese electronics market, so they are very afraid that Dream Technology will enter the automotive industry. Once Dream Technology enters the automotive industry, then Japan ’s The economy, instead of falling by 3%, may directly cause Japan's economy to fall into a long-term downturn. Japan has experienced 20 lost years.

If you let Wuyang do this again, it is estimated that it will be another 20 years. It is even a problem whether it can be up or not. Nowadays, the world's science and technology are developing rapidly, and Japan has fewer and fewer places to occupy advantages. The side is also worried. They are resolutely not allowing Dream Technology to enter the automotive industry.

At this time, many people abroad knew that Wuyang had been shorting Japanese foreign exchange after sniping the Japanese foreign exchange market. On the same day, Japan began to depreciate against the US dollar. However, at this time, Wuyang was no longer operating, but instead Back to where I lived, I started to rest.

Wu Yang actually knows that as long as he opens a head, there will be a lot of people to follow him. This is that the strict control of the United States and other countries is useless! Those speculative agencies will not miss this opportunity, and the Japanese Prime Minister also convened an emergency meeting in Japan! Meeting in the Prime Minister's House overnight! (To be continued ...)

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