Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 647: Wu Wenlong's Secret

The commander-in-chief and Dean Wu and the Executive Yuan, the staff at the staff side are all sitting in the conference room. It can be confirmed that on July 4th, leaders of 27 countries around the world will come to China. The big countries, or the oil-rich countries in the Middle East, originally did not come to the Russian president. I heard that the president of the State of Brit will also come. …,

Russian President Kemp will also come. He also hopes to get enough economic support on the Chinese side. This year, China ’s economic growth in the first two quarters may exceed 15%, and this growth is brought by high-tech companies, and the employment situation is even more Needless to say.

College students are more likely to find jobs than in the previous two years, and many young university graduates from Japan, South Korea, and Russia have come to China for employment. These three countries have employed more than 3 million people in China. Therefore, all three countries now attach great importance to China.

"This time we want to achieve two goals. One is the internationalization of the currency. The second is to resolve the disputes. Russia, Japan, and South Korea have no problems. They all support us. European countries also want to support them. Ours, but they still have to listen to the rice country, so these two questions still depend on how to get the rice country.

If we continue to fight, we are not afraid. They will fight. We are not afraid. His country is afraid to attack us directly. If he attacks, Wuyang will definitely take action. Now we do n’t know how powerful Wuyang is. According to our information, he seems to have an intelligent group, whose number is unknown, whose list is unknown, where he is unknown, and who are all teachers and students of Dream University.

Therefore, we can judge that if the State of China dares to act. Wuyang may have a fatal blow. In addition, Wuyang has provided us with a large number of technologies. Many technologies have now been implemented, and some are in research and weapons. We have no problem. The quality of the soldiers, we are not worried at all, we have our own training method! "The commander-in-chief sat there, smiling and watching the participants sitting here.

Those in the army, when they heard it, were smiling. They are now doing exercises at the base in Gan province. Various troops are rotating up, and the second phase of experimental equipment is also being expanded. Wuyang has sent many students to help in the past.

"The most important point is that the economic bonus brought by the development of science and technology in our country, which is the talent bonus we are talking about, is extraordinary. Now we are just getting started. There will be blowouts in the next few years. Expansion.

future. Our country has enough scientific and technological talents, so. With regard to the economic development of our country, I have no worry at all, and I can say for sure that our country can completely get rid of the middle-income income trap within the next 10 years. Our country can enter the ranks of developed countries. Think about how proud a country with a population of nearly 1.4 billion people has entered the developed countries! Dean Wu also sat there and laughed.

People in the Executive Yuan heard that. He also nodded with a smile. The economic situation is now very good, and domestic enterprises have been transformed very successfully. Therefore, the Executive Yuan has now begun to shift the focus of the economy to the people's livelihood.

"Very good, but now those countries are staring at us, China. Now, except China, there is no such good economic situation in that country. Europe, America, Africa, and Asia, except China, are all in economic downturn. Among them, the chaos in the Middle East is not decent! Therefore, this time they come here, it is estimated that they will still talk to us about foreign investment. The scale of this investment is a bit large, I do n’t know, Wuyang will agree! Said looking at Wu Wenlong. Then everyone else looked at Wu Wenlong.

"This, look at me, I really don't know, I haven't seen him this year!" Wu Wenlong said with a grin.

"You are not qualified as a father!" Dean Wu said immediately.

"Most of this kid is on Dream Island. I ca n’t find him on Dream Island anymore? Besides, I have n’t even been to Dream Island, and I do n’t know how, but among you, Many people have gone! "Wu Wenlong said with a smile and shaking his head.

"Well, Dream Island is really good. This kid really spent a lot of money!" General Yang nodded.

"Now we just want to see Wuyang. Can we take out the project and invest in other countries? There are now auto companies in the Mi country, but not in Europe. Russia is focusing on this project, and India and Pakistan are also focusing on it. With this project in mind, I want to sell those cars to Central Asia and the Middle East.

In addition, European countries, Japan, and South Korea are fancy about those biopharmaceutical and material technologies. In addition, they are also fancy about electronic technology. Nowadays, 90% of domestic and foreign mobile phone and computer manufacturers use electronic components. They are all dream technology, and they are all core products.

According to our estimates, the profit of electronic components of Dream Technology will exceed that of Dream Computer and Dream Mobile this year! "Dean Wu said.

"Can these Wuyangs be taken out? There is one more, and it has any impact on our country. Good technology, it is better not to take it out!" General Fu said. The people from the army nodded.

"But it doesn't work out. People just stare at this. Once our currency is going to be internationalized, then we always have to pay a little price!" Wu Wenlong said.

"But this is the core technology, can it be taken out? We do not agree to take it out!" General Yang said immediately, and they did not want the core technology to be taken away by other countries.

"Then how can we talk to those countries?" Dean Wu looked at General Fu and asked them.

"Give him a car, yes, TV or anything, mobile phones, but also core electronics, biotechnology, materials technology, and ultra-high precision precision instruments. .

According to what we know, several laboratories in Wuyang are precision instruments with ultra-high precision. Nowadays, those precision instruments on the market of Dream Group have not reached the laboratory level, anyway, those at the laboratory level. Technology cannot be exported! General Fu said very resolutely. At this time, the people in the Executive Yuan all looked at the commander in chief.

The commander said to Wu Wenlong: "Now call Wuyang and ask him. Does he have more advanced technology in various fields? Ask me!"

"Can he tell me this?" Wu Wenlong heard it and looked at the commander in a daze.

"You ask! Let's say, we'll see again when the time comes!" The commander said again.

"Yes" Wu Wenlong heard it, holding the red phone on the office desk and dialing Wu Yang's cell phone, while Wu Yang was lying on his sofa at home, holding Liu Yufei in one hand and resting one hand on his back. Above, watching TV. It is mainly accompanied by Liu Yufei. After hearing the phone ring, Wu Yang picked up his cell phone and took a look.

"It's a secret phone again, hey!" Wu Yang saw it, sighed, and took it.

"Hey, hello!" Wu Yang asked with a phone.

"Wuyang, what are you doing now?" Wu Wenlong asked, pressing his handsfree.

"Dad, what are you doing, watching TV at home, is there something wrong?" Wu Yang asked while sitting there.

"Yes. Yes, on the 4th, there will be leaders of many countries coming to China to discuss economic issues in the world. We estimate that they still want you to invest, but we think that the technologies you have are all Very core technology, we don't want to let it flow abroad.

But if you do n’t let those technologies go out, you have no way to invest, so I would like to ask, if you have more advanced technologies in various fields, we can rest assured! Wu Wenlong asked.

At this time, Liu Yufei muted the TV and looked at Wu Yang.

"Dad, you also ask this, can I tell you?" Wu Yang heard it and said, touching his head.

"You, you can tell a little bit, you also know that we are all very anxious now ~ ~ Whether China can rise, it depends on these years, and this time, if we have enough Chips will be able to fight for our country for several years!

So, when necessary, we are going to make sacrifices and get more time for our country! Wu Wenlong said anxiously.

Wu Yang heard it, thinking there, without speaking.

"Hey, hey!" Wu Wenlong didn't hear any noise from Wuyang and immediately fed.

"Listening!" Wu Yang said immediately.

"Well, Wuyang, this matter is very important to us, and even to our country!" Wu Wenlong emphasized again.

"I know!" Wu Yang responded.

"Is there anyway?" Wu Wenlong asked immediately.

"What project are you going to get out of here!" Wu Yang asked.

"Ah!" Wu Wenlong heard it, hesitated, looked at the others, and the commander motioned him to continue, to be honest!

"It's electronics, biotechnology, and materials and precision instrument technology!" Wu Wenlong continued.

"What, no, these are going to expand externally. You did n’t discuss it with me, you have to invest?" Wuyang heard it and sat up and asked.

"Nothing, we are just discussing to see if those can be expanded to the outside world. Tomorrow, we still want to talk to you. We must talk about these things in detail!" Wu Wenlong said immediately.

"Huh, Dad, I can't tell you if there is more advanced technology. This is our company's secret. If you want to talk about it, talk about it tomorrow!" Wu Yang said to Wu Wenlong. His technology is It is impossible to tell them! (To be continued.)

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