Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 74: You guys work with me!

Wu Wuyang took the phone outside and answered.

"Is something wrong with the company?" Wu Yang asked.

"What can the company do now? I have a strange thing. In the morning, my grandfather called me and asked me to pick you up at noon and then go to your grandfather's house with you, right? Why?" Liu Yufei asked Wu Yang over there.

"Oh, it's okay. You can pick me up, or I'll take a taxi. There is something going on the phone. It's not easy to say on the phone, said on the bus!" Wu Yang heard Liu Yufei's question and agreed to him Come pick yourself up.

"What is it, shouldn't we get married now?" Liu Yufei asked again.

"You think too much!" Wuyang said very Wuyang.

"Cut!" Liu Yufei heard Wu Yang say this, and hung up the phone, then looked in the mirror, found that she was still blushing, thought about it, and then smiled a little!

Wu Yang arrived in the classroom. Soon, the class started. Wu Yang started to listen seriously, but seeing that the three people next to him were all sleeping, Wu Yang also felt that it was not interesting to listen. , Also lie on the table, and then began to enter the system to see some of the scientific and technological information required by the company.

I waited until noon after class, Wu Yang left the school first, he said before that, he had something today at noon, and there was no way to eat in the bedroom, to see if he was free next time.

As soon as I arrived at the school gate, I saw a company's Mercedes-Benz car waiting there. Wuyang pulled in the car door and went in, regardless of the exclamation of many girls behind

Alas, Liu Yufei saw Wu Yang getting on the car and left by himself. After driving for more than ten minutes, Liu Yufei saw that Wu Yang hadn't spoken, but she also poked and said, "Don't you tell me in the car? What on earth are you going to do?"

"Ah! Oh!" After Wu Yang heard Liu Yufei's words, he stunned for a while, then sat down for a while,

He was thinking about the problem just now, thinking about waiting to meet some things, it was a bit numb after a long time. Now Liu Yufei asked him, but also woke him up, so he adjusted his sitting position, and then said: "The old man said he wanted me to share some of the benefits of Dream Technology, and said I couldn't keep it?"

"Ah! Don't you go solo by sharing your benefits?" Liu Yufei asked in surprise.

"Well, it's solo, but they seem to have been taken off before taking off, OK, you drive well!" Wu Yang said with a grin, and then let Liu Yufei drive well.

切 "Cut, such a big boss will not even drive a car, sorry!" Liu Yufei said with a contempt.

"Have you seen that big boss driving by himself?" Wu Yang smiled back.

"Yes, I won't pick you up next time!" Liu Yufei said with a smile.

About ten minutes later, Wuyang received a call from his father, and told Wuyang an address, and asked Liu Yufei to take him there. Wuyang told Liu Yufei the address, Liu Yufei nodded, said that he knew, and then Wu Yang hung up the phone,

After waiting for that place, Wuyang found it to be a villa.

"Don't underestimate this villa. All the people who can come here to play here are people of all levels. They are not open to the public. It seems that the Yu family is open!" Liu Yufei was right when she saw where Wuyang stood and looked. With Wuyang said.

"Oh, let's go, whoever drives him!" Wu Yang nodded and started to walk inside. The guards standing at the door didn't stop them either. Those guards had already been ordered.

I just entered the gate of the villa, and someone immediately led them to Wuyang, and went to a place similar to a farmhouse. After a briefing with them, Wuyang entered them.

As soon as I went in, I felt the heating coming forward. In the whole room, half of it was wooden and half was glass. On the glass side, there were many green plants, and there was a small fountain in the middle. Beside, there is a long table with a lot of fruits and pastries on it,

At the same time, there is a long, young girl with a very ancient Chinese beauty temperament making tea, and around the long table, there are 10 or so white-haired old men talking about the sky.

"Ye, you are here!" One of the old men looked at the door exactly and saw Wuyang coming over, and they shouted immediately. The others also looked at this, Wu Yang smiled slightly. , And then went inside with Liu Yufei. The guard inside closed the door.

"Come here, have you eaten?" Wu Zhenfang asked Wu Yang looking at him.

"No, I will come after class!" Wu Yang said, shaking his head. Then he and Liu Yufei made it to Wu Zhenfang's side, where Liu Yufei happened to be his grandfather.

"In terms of your ability, what else are you going to school!" One of the old men said immediately, and the girl who poured the tea was also brought tea to Wuyang and Liu Yufei, and then put the cup in front of them.

"Shi Yun, you, are you back?" At this point, Liu Yufei realized that the girl was an old acquaintance.

"Well, come back! Try it, I made it!" The girl named Shi Yun smiled at Liu Yufei. Wu Yang looked at them both strangely.

"Well, Wu Yang, let me explain to you, this is the old man of the Yu family, this Ding family, the Ding Yuan in your school is one of his distant nephews! This is the Lu family!" Wu Zhenfang said After introducing Wuyang in turn, Wuyang also said hello with a smile.

"This is Shi Yun, the granddaughter of the old man Lu, who is against the sky with a small IQ, has just returned from the rice country after finishing his PhD, and is only 19 years old this year!" Wu Zhenfang introduced again.

"Hello!" Wu Yang still greeted with a smile,

"Hello, I've heard your name abroad. There are reports in the United States that China has developed its own operating system. I never thought it was a child of the uncle's family!" Lu Shiyun said with a smile.

"Eat something, we elderly people, eat less at noon, just eat pastry. You eat more, Yu Jiapu, no lunch at all! Eat more!" Wu Zhenfang said, and brought a few dishes to Wuyang Before.

谢谢 "Thank you, I'll do it myself!" Wu Yang said immediately. Wu Yang ate the pastry, and also gave Liu Yufei a quick look. Liu Yufei was a little embarrassed to see Wuyang like this, but still said thank you in a low voice, and then took over to eat!

"Boy. You have the ability. I, the old man, admire you. Those people in the Academy of Sciences have thrown in tens of billions of countries. I haven't seen anything from them. You, the boy, gave the operating system silently. Come out, the market prospects are so good! There is a skill! "An old man from the Sun family said to Wuyang with a thumbs up.

"Thank you, it happened by chance!" Wu Yang said with a smile.

"Wuyang, I ask you, what are you going to do with this company? You also know the purpose of coming to you today. We want to hear your true thoughts! Don't hide it, just do it, or just do it, we don't force it! All of us here are people who are fast going to the ground. They won't try to rob a doll, then they will go out and be ashamed! "Ding's father said immediately.

"Ha ha!" Wu Yang heard him say this, he hushed twice, and stopped talking.

"Wuyang, I do n’t know if your old and immortal told you that. The consortiums in Shencheng are now dying, it depends on us. If you want to continue to completely control the dream technology, we will not control , You handle it yourself,

If you cooperate with us, then the consortiums and small actions of Shencheng can be suppressed, but you can only solve commercial matters, we cannot solve them! The old man of the Cai family also looked at Wu Yang and said, Wu Yang was eating there, nodding while eating.

"Our families, together with your grandfather, are all together. They are helping each other before we can go to today ~ ~ If you disagree, it will not affect the cooperation between our families. We know, your grandpa Promised you solo,

So, we can only talk to you about this matter, otherwise we will talk directly to your grandpa! "The old man from the Sun family said to Wuyang.

好处 "Benefits!" After Wu Yang swallowed the cake, he said two words directly.

"Good boy, good man! What good do you want?" Ding asked with a smile.

"Your family cooperation has nothing to do with me. Now it is your cooperation with me, including the Wu family!" Wu Yang sat and said,

When those other people heard this sentence, they looked at Wuyang in shock and then looked at Wu Zhenfang.

"I promised him to fly alone, this sentence has always been valid!" Wu Zhenfang said. "Well, you old man, what do you want? Wu Yang isn't your grandson?" The old Cai family asked Wu Zhenfang in surprise.

"He can't change this, but this child, to be honest, it doesn't matter if he speaks in front of Wu Yang. He has a great opinion on my Wu family! What can I do?" Wu Zhenfang took a sip of tea after speaking, and then Lu Shiyun continued to give him.

"What is the law of cooperation?" The old men heard and nodded,

This is the Wu family's family affairs. Just now Wu Zhenfang said so, and told them that Wu Yang was their Wu family anyway, and now working with him is also working with the Wu family.

Wu Wuyang certainly listened to it, but he didn't refute it. What was going on, he couldn't explain it here for a while, and Wu Yang was too lazy to refute this sentence.

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