Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 78: Find a draw

The Shaodong family of several consortiums all looked at Wuyang there, and they made it very clear that they wanted to buy a company in Wuyang, and now they looked at Wuyang's answer.

"You should all know that my company has not had much time to set up, and now the cash flow is very good. I want to invest my money in other places now. I do n’t know where you can open your business to me. Wu Yang said with a smile on those people.

"Ha, Dong Wu, we know that you have a lot of cash in your hands, but sometimes it ’s useless to have money alone, and it still has a relationship, right?" Zhang Tianlong of Huamei Consortium smiled and looked With Wuyang said.

"Yes, no matter where you do business, you need a relationship!" Wu Yang nodded,

"We also got the news. Yesterday you should have talked to those old men. I think, they can't give you, we can give you!" Xie Tianlong of the Longxiang Consortium looked at Wuyang and said confidently.

"Oh, really?" Wu Yang said intentionally and very surprised.

"I think it's true, you can set your conditions, I think we can still cooperate!" Zhao Jinbiao looked at Wu Yang and nodded.

"I'm very surprised. You are all well-known consortiums in Shencheng, and the lowest assets are over 100 billion yuan. Why do you want to come to me together? I think Wuyang doesn't have that ability!" Wuyang Wang Leaning back, first shift the subject and ask them.

"Haha, although we belong to different consortia, we all have one goal, that is, profit, and your dream technology, the profit level is quite objective, we also want to come in and cooperate! We all make money together! Gu Xinlong said watching Wuyang.

"Well, that's right, if you have money to make money together, how do you plan to make money, first buy shares, and then go public?" Wu Yang looked at them and asked.

"Your company is definitely going to go public. Not only your computer company, but your gaming company can go public. Now your dream technology game department, I think it should be very profitable, right?" Liu Ye nodded and looked Wuyang, and then asked Wuyang Dream Technology company.

"Compared to you, that's a small amount of money, maybe not enough for you a car!" Wu Yang replied immediately.

"Brother Wu, we don't have to go around the corner, can we cooperate in the end, how to cooperate, you just say!" Zhao Jinbiao looked at Wu Yang impatiently and said.

"Haha, I dare not cooperate with you, I think, you all know my identity, if I cooperate with you, then I will really be annoyed, everyone, I am really sorry, I know everyone Very powerful, but my identity restricts me and cannot cooperate with you! "Wu Yang sat there and smiled, watching them say.

"Haha, identity, an illegitimate child, what identity?" Gu Xinlong said with a smile while looking at Wu Yang.

"You are looking for death?" Wu Yang heard it, and immediately sank, staring at Gu Xinlong.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, Xinlong is unintentional, don't be angry!" At this time, Yun Jintian sank when he saw Wu Yang's face, immediately persuaded Wuyang and gave Gu Xinlong a wink!

"You don't have to wink at me. What I said is also true. You have long been abandoned by your family. You do n’t go to your family. Are you still up there, is it interesting? Follow us, at least we still Can protect you! "Gu Xinlong first finished speaking to Yun Jintian, and immediately started to arouse Wuyang.

"Yeah, what does their family have to do with you, you are just an abandoned son, and besides, you will not ignore you even if you rely on the past, you also talked yesterday, and the result?" Looking at his face in the mirror, he said indifferently there.

"Ha, abandoned son! Don't be excited, in addition, you, apologize, apologize for what you just said!" Wu Yang smiled and pointed at Gu Xinlong.

"Ha, apologize! Wuyang, don't feel good about yourself, yes, I admit, we fancy your company, but you listened to me clearly, we just fancy your company. As for you, we are at all No look! You are an illegitimate child from the countryside, what qualifications do you have for me to apologize to you! "

Gu Xinlong said very horizontally. When he said later, he would not look at Wu Yang at all, but looked at other people, and then laughed.

"Slap!" Gu Xinlong was still laughing, and immediately slapped his face, and then Gu Xinlong's head took his body and fell on the table by himself.

"You, you **** dare to hit me!" Gu Xinlong looked at Wu Yang with hatred, and at this time, the people next to him were a little bit blind. It happened too quickly, and they haven't reacted yet. Already.

"I hit you, is it interesting to ask this question? Would you like me to prove it again?" Where did Wu Yang stand and looked at Gu Xinlong and asked with a smile.

"Don't do this, Wuyang, don't do it!" Yun Jintian only reacted at this time, and quickly grabbed Wuyang, he was afraid that Wuyang would do it again.

"Gu Xinlong, you fancy my company, and I also fancy your company! Who are you good at? Who bought the company first?" Wu Yang said, bending over and holding himself from the sofa. Jacket and then ready to go.

"Stop it for me!" Gu Xinlong saw Hu Hao want to leave, immediately shouted, and then spit in a spit toward the ground, and directly found a few teeth sandwiched in **** saliva.

怎么 "Why, if you want to be solo or just beat yourself up!" Wu Yang stood still and looked back at Gu Xinlong.

"Your uncle!" Gu Xinlong was on fire when he saw his teeth on the ground. With Wu Yang's provocation, he immediately wanted to rush up, but was embraced by Yun Jintian.

"Xinlong, don't do this, Xinlong, you are not an opponent!" The person next to him also rushed over and hugged Gu Xinlong.

"Some kind of don't go, I'll kill you!" Gu Xinlong looked at Wu Yang and cursed.

"Are you sure?" Wu Yang asked at this time, staring at Gu Xinlong, his heart was also fierce.

"No, no, Wuyang, you go back first, go back first. He excited you to go back first, and let me deal with it here!" Yun Jintian saw Wuyang like this and immediately stopped in front of Gu Xinlong and shouted. ,

He knows that Wuyang's fight has already been famous. If Wuyang is really hands on, then tonight, no one can persuade Wuyang, or maybe Gu Xinlong will carry it out!

"Ha!" Wu Yang smiled and left.

After I walked out of the door, Wu Yang laughed. I didn't know how to get out tonight. I didn't expect Gu Xinlong to be stupid and sent it up. Isn't this looking for a pump? The Gu Xinlong inside was also persuaded by those people, and Yun Jintian also called the medical staff who came to the hall to treat Gu Xinlong!

"Mad, Wuyang, I have to kill him!" Where Gu Xinlong said fiercely, he could not speak clearly.

"Hum, you killed him, I tell you, you killed him, the Wu family can kill everyone in your family!" Yun Jintian sneered beside.

"Isn't he an abandoned son? The Wu Family will take the lead for him!" Gu Xinlong said a little bit incomprehensibly, and other people didn't understand,

"Abandoning you is paralyzed and abandoned. He is an abandoned son. He can collect Laozi's Yuanfang Technology. Laozi has no temper at all! We could have forced Wu Yang to give up some benefits tonight. You have no problem That illegitimate child is farting, is he an illegitimate child? "Yun Jintian shouted at Gu Xinlong, and Gu Xinlong and the others were blinded.

"No, no, don't you all say that?" Liu Ye looked at Yun Jintian with wide eyes.

此时 At this moment, Yun Jintian untiedly untied his tie, and then cursed, "He's the bitch, you know a fart!"

Others heard it and looked at him.

"Once we had to pressure him tonight, there was definitely a chance. At least he could share his overseas market, and then slowly eat the dream technology.

You guys are good ~ ~ I really think you are pretty good, I tell you, those of your family have assets, but if you say cash, you really do n’t have Wuyangduo, his dream technology, company, to So far, more than 5 million units have been sold, with a minimum profit of 30 billion. These are all cash! "Yun Jintian cursed at them. After hearing these people, they were silent!"

They know Dream Technology and make money, but they don't know that the profit is so high!

"What do you do now?" Zhao Jinbiao asked Yun Jintian looking at him.

"I don't know, where do I know what to do now, next time we want to meet him, it will be harder than going to heaven!" Yun Jintian scolded a little.

那 "Let's go to his company!" Liu Yan shouted immediately.

"You haven't looked at the official website of Wuyang Company. Wuyang just appointed Liu Yufei as the general manager of the company this morning to take charge of the operation of the entire Dream Technology. Can you find Wuyang in his company?" Yun Jintian said at a glance. .

"Liu Yufei, the Liu family?" Zhang Tianlong asked.

"Well, also Wuyang's fiancee!" Yun Jintian nodded.

"Our day, a flower has really been inserted in cow dung!" Xie Tianming's direct response was to scold.

"Forget it, send Gu Xinlong to the hospital first, then say it again!" Yun Jintian said to those people, he didn't know what to do for a while,

Suddenly, after Wuyang got on the company's car, he immediately called Liu Yufei's phone: "Those things should be prepared as soon as possible, and the talk broke down tonight!"

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