Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 85: Counterattack begins

At this time, in society, many people are discussing the seizure of Wuyang's company, especially those who saw the video before. They said Liu Yufei's sentence: The company is making money, it's jealous. That's why I came to seize it!

句话 This sentence aroused many people's imagination. More people also started to scold those people, especially those departments that were ordered to investigate, even more severely scolded, and Yun Jintian they care about it,

In the evening, they took a group of people from the Academy of Sciences to Wuyang's company and started to look for the source code of the software of Wuyang's company. Only when they found the source code did they really get the dream technology company, Yunjin God sent the computer scientists to the dream card and sat on the sofa in the front lobby.

"Dong Yun, get excited, this company makes you lose it!" Liu Ye said while sitting there teasingly.

"Haha, it's up to everyone to help!" Yun Jintian said to them with a smile, and his eyes were full of pride. At this time, Yun Jintian's phone rang, and Yun Jintian took a look at the phone, yes The phone at home was answered immediately.

"Father, what is it?" Yun Jintian asked.

"Did you find the source code of the operating system?" Father Yun asked this,

"I'm still looking for it. We have so many servers in Dream Technology. We are now turning on it, and then we can find the root server, which is easy to find!" Yun Jintian said immediately.

"Well, you have to hurry up. Now the pressure on it is very high. The Deputy Dean just called me and said that the society has blocked your dream science and technology opinion very much.

If you can find the source code, that's fine, you can open it immediately! Only in this way can those opinions be eliminated, and then you will go to Wuyang to discuss the issue of signing the transfer contract! Wuyang will definitely agree! Father Yun explained to Yun Jintian on the phone.

"Understand, rest assured, I definitely know! The source code must be in the company, as soon as we find it, we can operate it immediately!" Yun Jintian said confidently.

恩 "Well, the old Wushu's immortal is too cunning. This time we just moved his peripheral staff. We didn't get any of the core staff. They didn't even do it.

If the Wu family does not object, then the above will definitely not do anything against the Wu family. This time, I am afraid that the state will give the Wu family some compensation! And when you talk to Wuyang, you have to give some money! Father Yun explained again.

"Understand, you can rest assured, I know, this time the Wu family has escaped a disaster, but a pity!" Yun Jintian said immediately.

"Unfortunately, the Wu family has such a strong foundation that it really has to move. We will also suffer heavy losses. When you take down Dream Technology and develop it for a year or two, we will be able to win more capital! It's not too late to deal with them! "Father Yun said calmly.

"Okay, I see!" Yun Jintian nodded.

Suddenly, Father Yun immediately hung up there. At about 12 o'clock in the evening, the scientists came down. When Yun Jintian saw them, they immediately stood up and asked, "How did you find them?"

"Not yet. There are too many servers. It is estimated that we will not find them in a few days. This needs time!" One of them said to them.

"Ah, it will be a few more days, can you hurry up or get some more people, we will pay for it!" Gu Xinlong said very anxiously.

"How can it be so easy to find and how useful are many people? Every server must be checked!" Said one academician, staring at Gu Xinlong.

"Okay, he's more anxious, you take the time to find it, and now the pressure on it is too great!" Yun Jintian persuaded immediately.

The experts nodded, and then went out. They had to go to a nearby hotel to rest, and after Yun Jintian sent them away, they sat for a while at Dream Technology and returned to the villa where they lived before inside.

By the next morning, Yun Jintian and they were still at Dream Technology. At this time, Wuyang had opened all the computers, logged in to the previously prepared account, and started waiting for the two domestic stock markets and Baogang Stock Market. opening,

After the time is up, Wu Yang himself holds the mouse with his hand, and then controls more than 50 computers in his own brain, and controls those computers to quote after the market opens, buy! Soon, many people found that the broader market was falling, especially the holding companies of the consortiums in Shencheng. The stock prices they wanted to buy were very low. Many shareholders began to discuss the opening. I do n’t know what happened.

"Are there any bad news coming out, we don't know?" Some investors asked the people next to them, but everyone shook their heads.

After about an hour, those people saw that the stock prices of several companies were still falling, and some people couldn't sit still and started to throw up.

And in the investment department of Shencheng Dingli Group, those who operated the stocks also felt wrong. At first they thought it was a bad news. After responding, the answer was no. Immediately, they found that someone was working on their company's stock. . So immediately reported it.

When the people above saw it, they also instructed those people to continue to observe and report to the head office! And Wuyang put up a lot of orders and slowly received a lot of stocks. The stocks of those companies also slowly fell. Until noon, each of those stocks fell nearly 6 cents.

一 As soon as the market opened in the afternoon, Wuyang went short and kept hanging low. At this time, those consortia also felt wrong, and they ordered the people in the finance department to invest money to protect the disk. Some investment institutions saw it and began to analyze it.

I found that some people started to observe after taking action on those stocks. When the market closed in the afternoon, through the review of those consortiums, the stock price also pulled back a lot, but it still fell today!

On the first day, Wuyang spent a total of more than 8 billion to buy the stocks of those companies, and on the side of Dream Technology, they still could not find the source code.

The pressure on the society is also increasing. Many people are asking on the forum what dream technology has committed, and they have been blocked without even an explanation!

"Evil door, they have searched for a day and night and haven't found them, can they?" Xie Tianming looked at Yun Jintian and asked. :

"Who else can they do, and they are sent by the country, do you think?" Yun Jintian glared at them and said.

"Wait!" Zhao Jinlong sat there, playing with his cell phone.

On the second day, it was Wednesday. As soon as the market opened, Wuyang began to operate and sold the yesterday's sales at the appropriate price, mainly because the consortiums were buying themselves and continued to hang low prices.

Many investment institutions have read it. It seems that some people have to deal with those consortia. It should be very rich in funds, so they have also tentatively entered it! Start shorting the shares of those listed companies

Wu Wuyang laughed when he saw funds coming in. Although it is not much now, Wu Yang knows that once he has been playing for so many days in a row, he will definitely have more funds to play with himself!

那些 And the consortiums are also feeling the pressure, and they have mobilized cash from various companies to continue to protect the disk. Many shareholders also understand that at this time, some people are about to take action, so when they feel that they are not bad, they throw the stock out.

Wuyang and those investment institutions have received a lot, but the price of Wuyang is low. Only after those investment institutions have completed the acquisition, it is Wuyang's turn.

结束 By the end of Wednesday, Wuyang counted his funds and found that he had made more than 200 million yuan.

On Thursday, Wuyang continued to play this way. At this time, almost all of the investors began to sell off the stocks of those companies ~ ~, and Wuyang and the investment institutions began crazy acquisitions, but those consortia are unwilling. ,

If it keeps falling like this, the market value of their company will shrink severely, which will cause a series of financial problems and even become insolvent! So the funds to protect the plate are more,

Wuyang still uses the lowest price to collect it. After seeing their protection, Wuyang sold what they bought yesterday. Just one in and one out, Wuyang kept lowering the stock prices of those companies, even the broader market. All fall down!

云 And Yun Jintian at this time they are very angry, 3 days, they have not found, those servers are almost finished, now many people scolded online, even the local news began to report,

Dream Technology has been blocked, and there is no explanation. Those who do not blame Dream Technology, they all think that the main personnel of Dream Technology must be controlled, so there is no way to issue a statement.

And those institutions that go to seizures have no way to give an explanation. If the explanation was given on the first day, it can still be said in the past.

But three days have passed. They ca n’t seize Dream Technology because of some conventional problems, but Dream Technology has no other major problems. They have no way to convince those netizens.

政治 The people in politics who cooperate with Yun Jintian now start to remind them, and ask them if they have been found. When will they be able to find them? It is said that they can no longer tolerate them for a long time. They need to hurry up! Add 2 more chapters tonight, and tomorrow I will try to add 2 more chapters! Thank you!

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