Super Tech Overlord

Chapter 89: Must be him

Because those consortia have a very important position in Shencheng, they are very fast when lending to banks, so before the opening of the afternoon, the money was in place.

Immediately after the opening of the market, Wu Yang felt that he saw a lot of orders coming out from the other side. After seeing Wu Yang, he immediately laughed: "After making so much money, I still have a high price. OK, let me sell it!

”Then, in the afternoon, Wu Yang also tossed the stock he bought at a low price two days ago.

In the afternoon, at the close, Wuyang took an inventory. Today's income is not bad. Except for the purchase this morning, all the previous stocks went out. This afternoon, I made more than 4 billion.

But many people who followed Wuyang's operation before made more money. Some of them invested in one or two stocks. So in the afternoon, when those investment institutions sold, they also made a lot of money.

Wu Wuyang doesn't care about those investment institutions coming in. He hopes more people come in and it ’s better. Tomorrow is the weekend. The stock market is not open. Wuyang is thinking about starting a good rest for two days. Next week is the real battlefield.

According to Wuyang's speculation, many investment institutions will follow up next week. Wuyang started and ended with Wuyang.

But those people in Beijing at this time, when the people from the academy of science came down for dinner, they immediately gathered together. Those in the Academy of Sciences shook their heads lowly, saying they had not been found.

"How could it not be, the source code is not in the company, how do those operating systems in Wuyang run, you tell me?" Yun Jintian asked them aloud.

"Yes, it is definitely there, but we haven't found it yet. We have checked all those servers, and even the USB flash drives found by the company, we are checking, there is no such thing!" The first expert said immediately.

"Then let me continue to investigate, you must find it out!" Gu Xinlong immediately shouted loudly. Those in the Academy of Sciences looked at Gu Xinlong with a contemptuous glance and did not speak.

After the people from the Academy of Sciences left, they were sitting down on the sofa in the lobby. Now they are under great pressure. They have been notified by the people on their side. They ca n’t wait any longer. Now the Internet is completely noisy. opened,

Some people even hung banners at the door of Dream Technology, asking people to explain to them. Although those media reporters are afraid to report, those media organizations ca n’t stand for a few days.

So many consumers of Dreamtech computers and players in Fengjiang ’s cracked land questioned online, and even began to question the media, why did n’t they dare to report on Dreamtech companies?

But overseas, many media have reported on it, and they have also reported interviews with senior executives of Dream Tech. Those senior executives are suggesting that someone is specifically targeting Dream Tech companies. They fancy the company ’s operating system and want to To forcibly **** the dream technology company,

And those overseas students also posted screenshots of the news to Chinese forums. Many people saw it, and they were even more angry, so they scolded and posted.

"What to do, what to do now? When we sealed up, those operating systems and games were running, they could not be transferred out!" Gu Xinlong sat and asked.

"The source code of the operating system must be in the company, it must be there, but they can't be found for a while. They are all pigs. So many experts can't find a source code!" Liu Yan cursed loudly.

"The time given above is not enough. If it is not found on Monday, then it will be troublesome. The above will definitely come forward to give an explanation to those people. We will definitely throw scapegoats by then. Those who cooperate with us then Everyone will be punished, who will dare to cooperate with us in the future! "Zhao Jinbiao said anxiously while sitting there,

These are also the main problems they have to face. They have nothing to do, but those allies of their family must be implicated! The allies who have managed to develop, if suppressed, would be a huge loss to their family! Now they sit there and do n’t know what to do,

At this time, Yun Jintian's phone rang. Yun Jintian took it out and immediately picked it up and asked, "Have you found someone?"

"No, I'm not in Beijing. How can I find it? It's a waste of our time!" There was a shout immediately.

"Not in Beijing, what do you mean?" Yun Jintian immediately asked.

"The person you are looking for is not in Jingcheng at all. We just called and checked it by himself. He went to Pengcheng by plane this Monday, and then went to Baogang through Pengcheng. How did you ask us to find you in Beijing? Here! "Said immediately.

什么 "What, went to Baogang, I 艹!" Yun Jintian could not help but cursed, and now Wuyang blocked the last road of their family,

Ji Yunjintian hung up the phone very irritably, then looked at those people and said, "Wuyang went to Baogang, how can we find him now!"

When those people heard it, they were all silent. They went to Baogang to find out how to find out who knew where he had gone.

By the next day, where were they still staring at the staff of the academy of sciences to find the source code of the operating system, and after a day passed, they still could not find it. Those people had no hope anymore. They knew that the source code might be really Not in the company, they were cheated by Wuyang, but they don't understand. Wuyang doesn't put the source code in the company, where can he put it!

At the Yun family, Yun Jintian and the immediate children of the Yun family are back at this time. Now they also know that the rain is coming. The Yun family's action cannot fail to bring down the Wu family, or even the Wuyang company. No, but your own family may suffer significant losses!

"Tell me what to do. On Monday, if we still can't find it, then it's really troublesome!" Said Mr. Yun, looking at the people in front of him.

When those people heard it, they all bowed their heads, and no one dared to say more. Everyone had been confident before, but who knew it was such a result.

"Let's talk, this time we got the Wu family's pawn!" Father Yun looked at them and said.

"Father, I see, this time one of us is to keep the business, and the other is to keep the core. As long as we keep these two, our family still has hope!" Yun Jintian's brother Yun Jinglong looked at Yun The old man said.

"It's easy to keep these two things together. The Wu family is not a fool. They can see it. This time, we have to give a lot of money no matter in business or in the core position! The Wu family will even kill us! "Father Yun said sitting there, holding his crutches in both hands, they heard that they lowered their heads, and really didn't know what to do.

"Father, there is something wrong with the business side now. These days, some people are deliberately hitting our stock prices. These days, the stock prices of our 2 listed companies have been pulled down by 15%. This is still the result of our protection. Today, our two companies lost more than 4 billion! "Yun Jinfei's brother Yun Jinfei said immediately.

"What did you say?" Yun Jintian immediately looked at Yun Jintian and asked.

"Our stock has been pulled down!" Yun Jinfei replied immediately.

"Why not say it earlier!" Yun Jintian shouted at Yun Jinfei loudly,

"Second Brother, what's going on?" Father Yun saw Su Jinyun suddenly get angry, and asked without understanding.

This is not a big problem. Previously, such things often happened, that is, to protect the disk, recover at a low price, and hang it at a high price ~ ~ Short-term losses are not called losses!

"Father, it is Wuyang, Mad, it must be him. Why did I forget this? At the beginning, Wuyang used the stock market operation method to get Yuanfang Technology, Mad! It must be him!" Yun Jin Shouted very angry.

"He did it, do you mean he can keep the stock of our company low?" Asked Father Yun immediately.

"Father, you do n’t know how powerful he is. At first, he only had a few hundred million. He actually pulled my billion-dollar company with a market value of less than 1 billion. Do you think about it, scary? Now he has the least It is 20 billion. Do you say he can deal with our company? "Yun Jintian said very anxiously.

"Second Brother, it doesn't seem to be ours. The listed companies in Shencheng's consortium have also been attacked. Now I want to come, as you said, really Wuyang,

If I did not make a wrong estimate, each of these companies will lose at least three or four billion! In this way, this week, Wuyang lost us tens of billions! Yun Jinfei started to analyze, but after the analysis, he was startled by himself.

肯定 "It must be him! The family is billions, and no one cares about it at the beginning. By the time you care, it's too late! This is the means of Wuyang!" Yun Jintian was very angry at this time,

终于 He finally knew why Wuyang was going to Baogang, because those consortiums in Shencheng also had companies listed in Baogang.

Wu Wuyang must deal with those consortiums. He must be hiding somewhere in Baogang. If he is hiding in the country, those consortia and their families can find him through the forces of black and white.

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