PS: The pros are very unhelpful.,But the evaluation votes have accumulated more than 200.,Although it's not the day.,But it's still a plus.,Three more today!!!!!!!!!!

"Mr. Chen, the national husband Wang Sicheng called you and said that there is a project cooperation!"

The secretary's phone called, Chen Yu was stunned, how did this national husband find him, but he won't underestimate this national husband, a ghost, can play with tens of billions of dollars, is it an ordinary person!

"You take his call!" Chen Yu thought for a moment and said.

"Hey, Mr. Chen, I hope you don't feel weird!" Wang Sicheng said with a smile, there is no arrogance and arrogance as Chen Yu imagined, but he is very old-fashioned.

"That's right, the national husband calls and visits, I don't know how many people will be envious of death!"

"Haha, what you say is to hurt me, then ask your company to accept investment now?!" Wang Sicheng went straight to the topic, and now he is very optimistic about this company, and intends to take a stake in the original shares at the beginning!

"Can I say we're not short of money for a while?!" Chen Yu looked at the billions of cash lying on the account, how could he be short of money?!

"Mr. Chen, is this a joke?! As far as I know, your company seems to be fighting against the water, and the bank still owes more than a billion dollars! I'm really optimistic about our company! Of course I prefer S-martOS! Wang Sicheng said with a smile.

"That's in the past, the money has all been repaid, it looks like you must not have paid attention to my latest press conference, otherwise you wouldn't have said that!" Chen Yu's words made Wang Sicheng stunned, he really didn't pay attention, he was busy during this time, of course, it can also be said that he had a good time.

Some time ago, I asked someone to help investigate this new smart technology, and it was fine two days ago, but it was delayed for a while!

"I really haven't seen it, in this way, how about we meet and talk, business is good, and we should make friends!" Wang Sicheng said with a smile.

"Of course no problem, do you come or do I go?!"

"I'll go find you, you must be very busy!" Wang Sicheng thought for a while and said, Chen Yu's identity was different from him.

"Then wait for the national husband to come and guide?!" Chen Yu said with a smile.

The two hung up the phone, and Chen Yu smiled happily, but he was also worried about washing his hair, because now smart technology has been targeted, which is not a good sign!

Wang Sicheng hung up the phone and regretted it a little, turned out a number, and called!

"Hey, Uncle Liu, you can help me check the current funding information of the smart technology I asked you to help me investigate! The message you gave me last time was completely wrong! "

"No, it's impossible, I have evidence?!" The other party obviously did not agree with Wang Sicheng's words.

"Oh, Uncle Liu, I don't doubt your ability to do things, otherwise I wouldn't continue to let you help me check, I mean the situation has changed, and this smart technology now seems to have solved the problem of funds!" Can you help me see what company is injecting capital?! "

"Good!" When the other party heard this, he suddenly came down, and the mall was unpredictable, and this situation was normal.

Wang Sicheng began to search for information about smart technology on the Internet.

It didn't take long to discover the launch of the Common collection!

This is the rhythm of grabbing the market! However, looking at the evaluation and feedback, netizens are still more optimistic about this commonA1!

But he had to admit that the price of the common really lived up to its name.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Uncle Liu's phone called.

"There has indeed been a change, the 1.6 billion arrears of smart technology have been repaid, and the other is that there are at least billions of cash in the current smart technology account, which is from abroad!"

"Billions in cash?!" Rao is not bad for money, Wang Sicheng also had to take a deep breath, this Nima is really not bad for money.

It's easy for a company to have billions in assets, but billions in cash is simply too hard!

"Can you find out if it's that company?!"

"It takes time, but it depends on whether the other party uses public or private, if it is private, then it is estimated that there is no play, if it is public, the probability is still very large! But you don't have to get your hopes up too much, after all, foreign countries are not as good as domestic ones, and it is very simple to be able to hide from billions of people casually! The other party explained.

"Okay, I understand, thank you Uncle Liu!"

"You're welcome!"

Hung up the phone, Wang Sicheng had to change his mind, he originally planned to pick up the omission and invest hundreds of millions of dollars to wait for appreciation financing and then make a profit, it seems that someone has taken the lead!

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