"Jingle Bell....."

At the same time, all the branch managers of the import and export company received a call at the same time.

The calls were all from the head office.

These managers were asked to immediately thoroughly investigate all the people named Wang Nan in the branches.

No matter whether they were temporary workers or regular workers, no one should be missed.

And remember, find out all those with homophones.

Because the person who issued the order did not know which Wang Nan was, which Wang or which Nan?

They could only cast a wide net.

It was not over after finding the people.

It was also necessary to ask each Wang Nan clearly whether he knew a classmate named Zhang Yang. This was the top priority.

Only when Wang Nan and Zhang Yang were matched, could we find the right person.

At this moment, the Haicheng branch was also in a state of chaos.

Wang is a common surname.

Wang Nan is also a very common name.

There are many men and women with this name.

However, after Wang Dingtian received the call from the head office, he immediately thought of someone.

This person was also called Wang Nan, the Wang Nan who gave him 300 kilograms to complete the annual task.

However, since the head office wanted to investigate, Wang Dingtian did not dare to disobey.

More importantly, the head office also informed him that Vice President Zhang of the head office was on his way to Haicheng, and asked Wang Dingtian to prepare for the reception.

With the superior coming, Wang Dingtian dared not to falsify anything, and immediately asked his secretary to go to the Human Resources Department to check.

Check carefully, and make sure not to let go of anyone named Wang Nan.

And Wang Dingtian himself personally found Wang Nan.

Because Wang Dingtian had a hunch that the answer the head office wanted was most likely on this Wang Nan.

His hunch was not aimless.

It came from the sudden appearance of 300 kilograms of gold.

Hard currency like gold is not available to ordinary people.

Especially a large amount of 300 kilograms, which is almost as much as the output of a small gold mine.

Remember, it is not monthly output, but annual output.

This is even more impossible for ordinary people to get.

In addition, Wang Nan told Wang Dingtian that the gold was obtained by his classmate.

Although Wang Dingtian didn't know the name of Wang Nan's classmate, he was definitely not a simple person.

Considering the head office's request to find someone, it is most likely this Wang Nan.

However, in order to ensure that everything is foolproof, Wang Dingtian decided to call Wang Nan over to ask him clearly.

Wang Nan also came soon.

Ever since he helped Wang Dingtian complete the task of 300 kilograms of gold, he has been in a state of slacking off.

No one dared to manage, and no one dared to ask.

Just now, when Wang Dingtian called Wang Nan, Wang Nan was still playing games.

Although Wang Nan dared to ignore other people, he still had to give Wang Dingtian face.

So after Wang Dingtian summoned him, Wang Nan came in a hurry.

"Mr. Wang, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I have something to ask you."

Wang Dingtian nodded.

"Mr. Wang, feel free to ask me anything"

"The classmate who helped you get gold, isn't he called Zhang Yang?"

Wang Dingtian got straight to the point.


Wang Nan was stunned for a moment, but still nodded.

"Is there a problem?"

At this moment, Wang Nan also began to feel uneasy.

There won't be any problem with the 300 kilograms of gold Zhang Yang got?

You can't blame Wang Nan for thinking so.

This is 300 kilograms of gold, not a stone on the roadside, not something that ordinary people can get.

In fact, after the deal with Zhang Yang,

Wang Nan seemed a little neurotic.

Whenever he had time, he would search the Internet, both the external network and the internal network, to see if there was any place in the world where a gold robbery had occurred.

He was not afraid of anything else, but he was afraid that there was something wrong with the source of Zhang Yang's gold.

If something went wrong, he would not be afraid of being fired, but he was afraid that Zhang Yang would be arrested.

"The head office is looking for a person named Wang Nan. This Wang Nan has a classmate named Zhang Yang. I guess it might be you, so I asked you here. It turned out to be you!"

Wang Dingtian did not hide anything and told him about the head office.

He was very keenly aware that Wang Nan in front of him might take off.

That's right, take off.

It is very likely that the head office needs that person named Zhang Yang, and Wang Nan, as the link, will take off if he doesn't?

It might even be a rocket launch.

I knew it from the fact that Vice President Zhang came here in person.

Wang Nan will definitely be Vice President Zhang's favorite in the future, and Wang Dingtian will have to look up to her.

"Wang Nan, come and sit down. I'll make you a pot of good tea. Try the Da Hong Pao I just bought."

While Wang Nan was stunned, Wang Dingtian became extremely enthusiastic. Wang Nan couldn't adapt to it for a while.

The last time Wang Dingtian was so enthusiastic, Wang Nan had only seen it when Wang Dingtian was receiving the leaders of the head office. He didn't expect it to happen to him now.

""Thank you, Mr. Wang."

After coming to his senses, Wang Nan quickly expressed his gratitude and sat down with a little trepidation.

However, Wang Nan was not stupid. He knew very well who had brought all this to him: Zhang Yang.

There was no way back!

"Good tea!"

Wang Nan had to admit that Wang Dingtian did use his private tea to treat him.

Wang Nan had only drunk this kind of tea once or twice from his old man. He had gotten it for free. Wang Nan would never dream of having his father make such good tea for him.

Because it could turn into a nightmare in a minute.

"Okay, I've finished my tea. Come with me to the airport to pick up Vice President Zhang from the head office."

Wang Dingtian patted Wang Nan's shoulder gently and asked him to get up.

After getting up, he seemed to remember something and immediately added:

"Vice President Zhang is coming this time, it is very likely that he is going to see your classmate Zhang Yang, you should be mentally prepared."

"Oh, I see. Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Wang Nan responded softly, and was very clear that this was a kind reminder from Wang Dingtian.

Although it was not obvious, it was clearly a roundabout way to please him.

On the way to the airport, Wang Dingtian kept stirring up topics.

The content of the topic was nothing more than some information about Zhang Yang.

Wang Nan's mind was the same as Mingjing's. Wang Dingtian did so much, wasn't it just for these?

So Wang Nan was also returning the favor.

He picked some and told Wang Dingtian

"Mr. Wang, if I'm wrong, Vice President Zhang should be going for the lithography machine. Zhang Yang once sold one to Shengming Optoelectronics."

"There is such a thing?"

Wang Dingtian was surprised.

He had never thought that this would involve something as high-end as a photolithography machine.

Compared with the 300 kilograms of gold before, it was indeed a small matter and not worth mentioning.

Although gold is difficult to deal with, it is not comparable to a photolithography machine.

It is not a level of thing.........

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