A week passed in the blink of an eye.

Previously, Zhang Yang also called Secretary Liu of Deputy Minister Qian and told him a specific transaction time.

Asked them to come and pick up the goods on time.

And today is the day of the transaction.

However, the transaction time is in the afternoon.

The transaction location is also at Zhang Yang's home.

Not the previous home, but the new home of the scrap yard.

Zhang Yang has never changed his bad habit of cramming at the last minute!

The transaction is going to be completed today, but he has not yet traded back the F22 that he promised to give to Deputy Minister Qian.

In Zhang Yang's eyes, there is no need to rush for a few minutes.

Even if you are unlucky and happen to encounter the transaction partner who is running for his life, then leaving one or two hours is enough. At


Zhang Yang got up on time

"System, I want to trade with Jack."

After entering the system, Zhang Yang immediately said to the system

"The transaction partner has been selected and is connecting......"

This time it seemed as if the heavens were helping Zhang Yang.

A few seconds later, the system's voice sounded again.

"The link has been successfully established. Please prepare for the transaction."

In a blink of an eye, Zhang Yang appeared in the trading space.

At the same time, there was Jack, who sold the aircraft carrier to him last time with half a bottle of water. Zhang Yang had always felt embarrassed to exchange the aircraft carrier for half a bottle of water, so this time Zhang Yang specially brought a whole box of water to trade.

It was also a way to make up for Jack!

Jack had already seen the box of water next to Zhang Yang, and immediately became excited.

His tongue couldn't help but licked his dry lips.

"Old man, you wanna trade that case of water with me?"

"Whatever you want, just tell me. I can give it to you if I have it."

"Give me an F22 and this box of water will be yours!"

Zhang Yang pointed at the water beside him and replied with a smile.

"Just an F22? Actually, you can ask for more."

Jack seemed a little bit unbelievable.

Someone actually exchanged a box of such high-quality water for a piece of scrap metal like an F22.

In Jack's eyes, both the aircraft carrier and the F22 were scrap metal.

Now that the gasoline has long been exhausted, these things are really not even as good as a piece of biscuit.

This is why he was willing to directly exchange the aircraft carrier for half a bottle of water.

"Then get me three!"

Since the other party was so enthusiastic, what reason did Zhang Yang have to refuse?

"Sure, no problem. How about I give you another cruiser?"

"No, let's trade next time!"

Zhang Yang refused without even thinking.

It was totally unnecessary.

It would not benefit Zhang Yang at all except for occupying an inventory.

Just like the aircraft carrier before, Zhang Yang had not figured out how to hand it over to the country. A big thing like an aircraft carrier is not as easy to hide as a small thing like the F22.

As long as it shows up outside, it will definitely cause an uproar.

However, Zhang Yang knew that this was not what he should care about.

Under appropriate circumstances, he would also hand over the aircraft carrier to the country.

"All right!"

Jack showed a trace of regret for not sending the cruiser out.

"How about I give you two F22 simulation cabins?"

"This is fine."

Zhang Yang thought about it and finally agreed.

The cruiser is useless, but the simulation cabin is still somewhat useful.

Zhang Yang has already allocated two.

One for Deputy Minister Qian and one for himself.


"The transaction has been concluded, and the items of both parties have been placed in their respective inventory."The system's voice sounded again.

Then, Zhang Yang and Jack disappeared into the trading space at the same time again.

After leaving the trading space, Zhang Yang immediately took out the three F22s.

The storage location was, of course, the large warehouse in his scrap yard.

A warehouse of nearly 1,200 square meters can store three F22s and two simulation cabins, which is not a big problem.

There is enough space.

This large warehouse will also be the main battlefield for Zhang Yang to trade with the outside world in the future.

However, there are exceptions.

For example, the production line handed over to Shengming Optoelectronics cannot be placed in this warehouse, so

Zhang Yang needs to find another larger place.

"Wow, it is indeed the crystallization of modern industry."

Looking at the three F22s in the warehouse, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but touch it.

If he hadn't got the system, Zhang Yang would never have the chance to touch such a thing in his life.

Not to mention that Zhang Yang is a pure Dragon Countryman, even if he is a person from the United States, such a thing is not something that ordinary people can touch.

"It's just that there's a lot of dust."

Looking at his own hands that were already pitch black, Zhang Yang had to complain.

But he also understood it very well. Do you still want the things from the doomsday to be bright and beautiful?

It's already a blessing if it can be used after a little maintenance.

Zhang Yang just satisfied his eyes for a while.

He felt that it was not very interesting after looking at it for a few more times.

If Zhang Yang wanted, he could trade two more.

He wouldn't give them to anyone, but would put them on both sides of the door of the scrap yard to guard the door for him.

F22 guarding the door, it's a very impressive card!

Now, Zhang Yang didn't want to think about anything else, he just wanted to wash his dirty hands quickly.

Zhang Yang couldn't guarantee whether the dust from the doomsday brought any deadly virus........

It's not 3pm yet.


The sound of tracks passing by has been heard continuously near the scrapyard.

"What's going on?"

"The road is closed?"

"Armored vehicles and tanks are coming?"

"Is this a drill?"

The people who had been stopped on the road immediately started to discuss it.

They thought it was the end.


Suddenly, the roar of helicopters came from afar. After arriving above the scrap yard, they kept circling around.

With the arrival of the armed helicopters, everyone's discussion became louder.

"Is that Wu 10?"

"Is it necessary to make such a big fuss?"

"The armed helicopters have arrived. What big deal is going on?"

"No, I want to take a photo and post it on WeChat Moments"

"Yes, this is the first time I have seen such a big scene, I have to show off."

After being reminded, many people immediately came to their senses.

Some took photos.

Some posted to their Moments.

However, soon everyone found that the Moments could not be posted.

Even the phone could not be dialed.

The mobile phone signal was directly turned into a cross.

"What's going on? Why is there no signal?"

"Could it be that the signals are blocked?"

"Since the signal needs to be blocked, it means that what happened here cannot be leaked."

"If you don't want to go in and use the sewing machine, delete the photos. Leaking secrets is no joke."

There are still some smart people in this world. Someone immediately spoke out his guess.

He also immediately deleted all the photos he had just taken on his phone, and almost formatted his phone.

We are all ordinary people. When we heard that we were going to use the sewing machine, we were all scared.

We quickly deleted all the photos on our phones.

Who would want to go in and use the sewing machine just for a circle of friends if they could live a good life?........

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