Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1015: Life is the stage

At the same time, outside Fengtou Mountain, the whole air seemed a little bit wrong.

To say that human beings are still very sensitive to the environment, especially the entire Fengtou Mountain, it seems that all the poisons have become restless.

Zheng Xiaoqi had just returned to the house, and when she was about to take a good rest, suddenly someone walked quickly.

"Sir, those pythons... all ran away."

A trembling voice sounded from the lower crowd, obviously very nervous.

You know, his daily job is to take care of the few big pythons from America.

He hired someone to serve a few pythons. One can imagine how much Mr. Zheng likes and values ​​those things, but now that the pythons are gone, the consequences can be imagined.

"What? Run away?"

For a moment, Zheng Xiaoqi's voice really became deep and cold.

This incident really made him very angry.

"Sorry, sir, I don’t know why. Just a few minutes ago, suddenly they crawled out of the cage like crazy, bit two of my partners, and ran away... I'm really sorry, but I will Find a way to get them back."

Simply kneeling directly on the ground, this subordinate was really terrified.

In Fengtou Mountain, Zheng Xiaoqi can be called the Emperor of Tu.

I angered him now, and if he was not careful, he might die, so he had to show sincerity quickly.

"Go, get me back in three days, or I'll kill you!"

After gritting her teeth, Zheng Xiaoqi sat in a chair.

After nodding quickly, the servant left here, and the room was quiet again.

"It's really a bunch of trash, I can't even look at a few snakes..."

There was still a fire in her heart, so Zheng Xiaoqi cursed again.

It was also at this time that the one-eyed came out from one side.

"It's weird. I saw a few reptiles escaping quickly. I don't know why this happened? It seems that the atmosphere of Fengtou Mountain has changed?"

I don't know what the identity of this one-eyed is, he can actually sense something special in the air.

"Oh? Why is this?"

Out of trust in the one-eyed, Zheng Xiaoqi's expression became serious at this time.

There is nothing for no reason, especially since he is too familiar with Fengtou Mountain.

For a long time, Zheng Xiaoqi has absolute control over this place, but today this control has unexpected.

Because of this, he had to be more careful, even if he solved Shi Dali and the others, he couldn't take it lightly.

"I don't know, but I guess it may have something to do with those people before."

His complexion was equally serious, said one-eyed.

Such a sentence can be said to coincide with Zheng Xiaoqi, after all, he also thinks like this.

But soon, after thinking about it, Zheng Xiaoqi shook her head.

"They won't have any more waves. The prisoners on the second floor will appear at any time. Those guys... will definitely tear them to pieces."

Obviously, Zheng Xiaoqi is very clear about the situation of the underground cage, otherwise she would not make such a sure guess.

"I think so too, but it's okay to be careful. The underground cage is very involved, and there must be no problems. I think we should go to Lianyun Hotel..."

One-eyed continued to speak, and finally discussed with Zheng Xiaoqi. Obviously, he knows everything about Zheng Xiaoqi very well, and it sounds...what is the relationship between Lianyun Hotel and the underground cage?

"Okay, just listen to you, go to the underground cage right away! And it seems that the hotel has found Ropi Pocket before, we just went to have a look."

In this way, the two hit it off, then left the house and rushed to Lianyun Hotel late at night.


At about the same time, in the underground cage, the eyes of the poisonous insect had turned red.

He was very excited, even if he felt like he was going to die here next moment.

"Boat-headed python! Why is there a python-headed here? Haha, there are dark night bats? It's all mine! It's all mine!"

Because he was too excited, his emotions could not be suppressed, causing the poisonous insects to have a hoarse voice at this time.

His face was pale and bloodless, but he still couldn't control the excitement of his brain.

"Ahem...I think it's almost enough."

Seeing so many insects overwhelming the sky, and seeing Mr. Poisonous Insects look like this, Shi Dali couldn't help but say something.

"Leave me alone! I can still carry it! These are my darlings, and I will be rich again after today!"

When he waved his hand, the poisonous insect appeared very determined.

Perhaps it was because he had re-grown his insects and grandchildren, so when he spoke in front of Shi Dali, he felt a lot harder.

"Well, let them calm down first. At least they won't run around. Otherwise, when the prisoners rush out from below, they will be messed up and out of control. Isn't that over?"

After another pause, Shi Dali persuaded from another angle.

Don't say it, after his words, the poisonous insects really realized this problem.

"Okay! Take this! As long as the bugs move around, you blow this Xiao, and they will all be quiet then."

Very happy, the poisonous insect handed Shi Dali a jade flute.

"I won't blow up!"

Shaking his head, Teacher Shi always felt that it was too difficult to blow up, and he still couldn't manage it well.

When he had just finished speaking, Blackbeard patted his chest.

"I'm here! I'm the most dying! Don't look at Lao Tzu's carelessness, playing this thing is a good hand, three days and three nights without breathing!"

Full of confidence, Black Beard took Yuxiao directly from Shi Dali's hand.

Seeing him look like someone else, Teacher Shi is naturally the beauty of an adult. After all, life is the stage. Even if he is a pirate king, he needs his own stage!

"It's almost done, I'll take a good rest, and when those guys come out, let's go to war!"

His emotions were finally pulled back from his excitement, and the poisonous insects calmed down a little bit, and then finally stopped his desperate summoning technique, and followed his eyes closed.

"Thank you."

After patting the Poison Worm's shoulder lightly, Shi Dali felt a little sorry, said something like this, and then looked back at Bao Daya and the others.

"Everyone get torches and fuel!"

It was almost that he had just finished saying these words, and suddenly the whole ground began to vibrate slightly.

Such a weird movement made the big guys stunned.

After that, Liu Yu, along with the prisoners who had been subdued, showed a look of horror.

"Come, they are here!"



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