Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1030: Forcing Mr. Zheng

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Maybe this was the time when I was the closest to a secret, so when this idea came into my mind, Teacher Shi immediately made up his mind.

He didn't know what was inside the third floor of the underground cage, but he wanted to know very much.

"Are you going to the third floor?"

After a slight pause, Zheng Xiaoqi's eyes were full of struggle.

"Big baby, lick him."

As a result, he hesitated so much, Blackbeard immediately patted the Tyrannosaurus next to him and said.

Immediately, with a big tongue stained with saliva, he made an intimate contact directly from Zheng Xiaoqi's face.

That feeling made Zheng Xiaosheng almost spit out bile.

As a result, the tongue finally left, and the poisonous insects were not happy.

"Why do you old black dragon get such treatment? My little butterfly has to lick it too."

At the black beard, the poisonous insect began to yell.

But these words made Shi Dali and Blackbeard both stunned.

"Who is Little Butterfly?"

"It's my big baby, I named him Little Butterfly, what's wrong?"

With an air of expression on his face, Poison Worm explained.

Teacher Shi had a weird look. He couldn't see that the poisonous insect was so rough, but he was very delicate in his heart, which meant that a tiger sniffing the rose.

Of course, when Zheng Xiaoqi heard this, she cried out heartbreakingly.

"No! Don't... don't lick me!"

"Then you take me into the third floor so that you can be spared."

Once again, Shi Dali made the previous request.

"It's not that I brought you in, but in fact... I have never entered the third floor either. I have always contacted the clerk above through the communicator. He told me all the action plans, including your breaking through the iron gate. When it comes out, it’s all told to me above."

Without reservation, Mr. Zheng said, especially when he was speaking, he didn't dare to wipe the juice of Tyrannosaurus rex on his face.

"Is that right?"

His eyes flashed, this is indeed what Teacher Shi did not expect.

But judging from Zheng Xiaoqi's expression, it seems that there is no intention of cheating.

"What I said is the truth. Many people think that the Zheng family has a unique position in Fengtou Mountain. In fact, we have always been supported by the research institute behind! To be straightforward, we are the research institute. Chess, even if I am a second-level clerk, I can't do many things!"

Continue, Zheng Xiaoqi said anxiously.

Don't say it, Shi Dali thought his remarks made sense.

Before, he felt that the Zheng family was a bit too domineering in Fengtou Mountain. According to reason, such a piece of fat, I don't know how many people are staring at it.

Think about it a little bit, the struggle is definitely not trivial.

Even if the Zheng family has some strength, it is absolutely necessary to have the support of powerful forces to occupy such a firm dominant position.

And the strength of the eighth day research institute is beyond doubt!

Everything is reasonable.

"Then what to do? I want you to give me a way, a way that might be able to snoop into the third layer, otherwise I can only make Tyrannosaurus treat you as a snack."

After thinking about it, Shi Dali suddenly lowered his voice and said to Zheng Xiaoqi.

Zheng Xiaoqi must be very clear about Lianyun Hotel and the underground cage below Fengtou Mountain.

Even if he is not qualified to enter the third floor, he might have an idea in another way.

Sure enough, Zheng Xiaoqi's face changed again when she heard this.

Immediately afterwards, the two Crouching Dragon and Phoenix chicks, Blackbeard and Poisonous Insect, were already glaring at him.

"The only way is for me to communicate with the above and tell him that although he said that you will all be wiped out, someone broke into an unknown area, which may affect the security of the third layer, so I need to go in and check it out in person. My corresponding permissions."

Soon, Mr. Zheng said.

This was the only way he could think of, and he didn't hesitate to say it in order to survive at this moment.

"Okay, just do it!"

Immediately, Shi Dali finalized the proposal.

In fact, there was no other way at this time. The only breakthrough was Zheng Xiaoqi.

Next, as long as you hold Zheng Xiaoqi in your hand, nothing will go wrong if you think about it.

"I'm going to prepare, can you let these... eldest brother give me a hand?"

Taking a deep breath, Zheng Xiaoqi's tone is a little complicated. He may be the first man in this century to be so surrounded by Tyrannosaurus!

No, it should be said that it must be!

But this kind of treatment makes him not proud, especially now that it continues like this, and he only feels uncomfortable.

Nodded, following Shi Dali's gestures, the Tyrannosaurus elder brothers moved away from Zheng Xiaoqi.

Relieved, Mr. Zheng quickly got up and sat down on the ground and gasped for breath.

He needs a break, so much!

At the same time, the long braid who had been observing the situation came over at this time.

"Mr. Shi, seeing you again is really exciting for me. I can see your old man's voice and smile again. My mood has not been calm for a long time. I seem to see my old father who has been dead for many years. He treats me like you. Be careful and instructive..."

The emotions had been brewing for a long time, and the words of Long Braid simply spewed out.

Shi Dali heard this inexplicably cold on his back, why did he become his old father?

Blackbeard and Poisonous Insect also have weird expressions. Where did this guy... come from?

"You stop, how did the previous things go? Did the black-robed man come back?"

I really don't know what will happen if I continue to let Long Braid talk, Shi Dali immediately stopped and let him get back to business.

"Uh... I haven't come back. I have never seen him. You don't know how dangerous the situation was before! But I was not afraid of danger, responded calmly, and faced heavy blockades and searches..."

"Okay, well done! I already know, you go out and look for places like cold storage in the underground, and find some food for these big guys."

It was another wave of hands, Shi Dali was really a little scared, so he quickly arranged an errand for Long Braid.

"Okay, promise to complete the task!"

With a grin, the braid is very excited!

After all, feeding the Tyrannosaurus to eat something is really rare, so of course he likes this job.

"What does this flatterer do?"

After watching the long braid go out, the poisonous insect murmured, and then asked Shi Vigorously.

However, Teacher Shi did not have time to answer his question, and turned to look at Zheng Xiaoqi again.

"How? Are you ready? Can you inform your superiors?"

At this time, Mr. Zheng's condition was indeed much better, but in the face of Shi Dali's inquiry, he shook his head.

"not now!"


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