Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 104: Bu Tian Wan


After questioning for a long time, isn't it the answer that was waiting, Shi Dali's eyes lit up suddenly.

I once dreamed of going to the world with a sword, and then canceled the original plan because of going to school... Now that the opportunity is in sight, how can I let it go?

After taking another look at Shi Dali, Huo Lang spoke slowly.

"That was when I was very young. Master told me that a long time ago, it is said that there was something called Butianwan from the Western Regions! It can quickly increase the strength of a person's bones..."


In the end, he didn't realize it, and Shi Dali interrupted him just halfway through his words.

"How do I feel that you are the same as the one I coaxed the kids in class? A long, long time ago, Bu Tian Wan...what?"

Looking at Huo Lang angrily, Shi Dali said.

Following behind, Huo Lang laughed, and then drank another drink.

"I didn't lie to you, it is said that Butianwan is amber in color and emits a strange fragrance..."

Taking care of himself, Huo Lang continued.

This time, Teacher Shi was stunned suddenly.

Amber, special scent, pills... why are you so familiar?

"what is up?"

While speaking, he noticed Shi Dali's weird reaction, and Huo Lang turned his head and asked.

"You will wait."

Then, Teacher Shi threw out two words and followed him into the room. When he came out again, there was an extra bag in his hand.

Walking to the side of Huo Lang, Shi Dali opened the bag.

"Look, isn't this the Butian Pill you said?"

Huo Lang, who was originally puzzled, was completely confused when he heard this and looked at the contents of the bag.

At this moment, it was in Shi Dali’s bag, but it was not filled with exactly the same thing as his description, an amber pill, and it clearly had a very strange fragrance.

"Where did you get this thing?"

His eyes widened, Huo Lang looked at Shi Dali as if he was looking at a monster.

I just said it casually. The three characters for Bu Tian Wan were all names he dug out from deep in his mind. As a result, Shi Dali took it out, and he didn't change his tricks so quickly!

"That's what I told you just now, from that robber!"

Honestly, Teacher Shi said.

As a result, the atmosphere became weird and stiff, and Huo Lang finally let out a dry cough.

"This... shouldn't be a patch of pills, it may just look more like it."

"Didn't you mean that the amber pill, and the fragrance, all match the characteristics?"

Teacher Shi has a real face right now. Who doesn't want to punch Nanshan Nursing Home and kick Beihai Kindergarten, and now he can quickly become a martial arts master, why should I miss it?

"Uh...Yes, it is indeed consistent, but it is indeed not a patch of pills, otherwise you can ask the robber."

Huo Lang didn't know how to divert this topic, because the matter about Butianwan was originally a legend that Master once said. Who knows if it is true or not?

Simply, it is better to transfer the spearhead to that robber again!

Sure enough, Teacher Shi had calmed down for a while, and he also felt that Huo Lang's words were quite reasonable. What on earth did this pill do? After he finds a chance to ask the robber, he will know?

It seems necessary to contact Guo Li again!

"Cheers!" brought up the beer again, and drank it after the two touched them.

Life is really interesting.


The next morning, Teacher Shi slept soundly, but was eventually awakened by Komatsu's surprised voice.

Rubbing his eyes, with such a room, Shi Dali almost felt that he was still dreaming when he saw the scene in front of him for the first time.

what happened?

To put it simply, this is a sea of ​​white flowers. The whole house is covered with sheets of paper from nowhere. Even Yu Shi Dali and Huo Lang are covered by paper. Up.

"What is this?"

His eyes widened for the first time, and at the same time Teacher Shi picked up a piece of paper easily.

Exam papers!

The test papers and reference materials were all made by others, and the scores were written on them. They belonged to a person named Zhang San.

Who is this Zhang San?

Teacher Shi was quite dazed, but he quickly realized that the reason why Zhang San's test paper appeared in his room should have something to do with his pocket.

It may be that after falling asleep last night, these things kept falling out of it, and finally it became what it is now.

"What about these things?"

Huo Lang was also quite helpless to crawl out of a pile of examination papers. Since he was a child of martial arts, he really hasn't touched these things much.

"No way, you can only clean it up."

Rubbing his head, this was the only way Shi Dali could come up with. He was going to work and Komatsu was going to school, so naturally such an arduous task would be entrusted to Huo Lang.

Looking around at Shi Dali and Komatsu, Huo Lang finally nodded.

He once dreamed of being happy, but now he wants to become a cleaner, but as Shi Dali said... there is no way!

After that, Teacher Shi started to pack up things with Komatsu. It may be because of a drink last night. He woke up late in the morning, so the time is quite tight!

There was no delay along the way, so when Shi Dali and Komatsu finally arrived at school, they were not late.

But it is strange that the atmosphere of the Liberal Arts School this morning was quite serious, especially when there were a lot of cars parked at the school gate early in the morning, and many parents were standing by.

Could it be that which age is going to hold a parent meeting?

It was natural to have such an idea, Shi Dali didn't care much, and took Komatsu into the school.

But soon, he knew why there were so many teachers at the school gate, and at the same time, he also knew how incredible things happened in the school last night!

"All the teachers in the sixth grade of the school resigned? Only me?"

Eyes widened, Shi Dali felt that his brain was ringing in Weng Wen while looking at Lao Zhang in the office.

Is this crazy?

Is it the end of the world?

As the most famous educational institution in Anbei City, the treatment of Liberal Arts School is beyond doubt, so the teachers outside squeezed their heads and wanted to come in.

As a result, now, the ghost knows what went crazy with those guys? Resign all overnight?

"Next week will be the city's fourth grade six test. Two months later it will be the entrance examination. This time all the teachers in grade six resigned, especially Teacher Qi took away. This time the school is really going to be a big deal."

After taking a look at Shi Dali, Lao Zhang whispered.

Because this guy is about to retire, he doesn't care about anything on weekdays, but this time he is equally dignified.

Obviously, he also felt the crisis facing the school.



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