Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1206: Weird Rebirth

"Why didn't you kill him?"

Besides, Shi Dali's side, the poisonous insect holding the barrel is obviously a bit depressed.

According to his intentions, it was the most agile to just kill Steward Lan and his gang directly, after all, Steward Lan sent a killer to kill Shi Dali.

For a person who wanted to kill himself, Shi Dali chose to let him go, but Poisonous Chong couldn't understand.

Teacher Shi smiled slightly when he heard this.

"It's not easy to kill him? But if you kill him, no one will spread the word for us. What's more, I still don't understand what the gambler is doing. If he kills his butler, he will definitely be irritated. Then the next meeting will probably be ruined..."

Obviously, Shi Dali has very clear plans and plans for everything.

"This gambling king is very mysterious. I have heard something about him. It is said that this guy occupies a very large business in Asia. Although the assets in his hand are not comparable to me, it is definitely a terror. The most important thing is that he is said to have many faces, and no one knows what he looks like."

Blackbeard stood on the other side, speaking slowly.

As the king of pirates, Blackbeard should not be wrong about what he knows.

And these things, Shi Dali had never heard of them before.

"It's quite mysterious. So many forces want to get the route to the Golden Island, but they have always been in his hands. But in this case... It seems that the Wang family is even more strange. It is just a large family of Su Hai, but it is Under the gaze of so many powerful forces, I can quietly enter the Golden Island."

Shaking his head, Shi Dali also felt that these problems were not very clear.

"All in all, it must be right to meet this gambling king, and I also think that the sea area of ​​Golden Island...may cause big events."

Blackbeard continued to nod his head. He obviously supported Shi Dali's plan to meet the gambling king.

"Well, don't care what those guys are doing, since that's the case, just wait for him to come to us. Anyway, it's more important to go back to Beijing first. My sweetheart Millis must miss me."

His face was full of poisonous insects on peach blossoms, and when he spoke, he seemed to be happy to eat honey.

Only Shi Dali and Blackbeard looked at each other, but at the same time remained silent.

In this way, the ship continued to set off, and they arrived in Beijing smoothly after two days.


It was almost the night when Shi Dali and the others arrived in Beijing, Guo Li, who was ready to go out on a mission at any time, received a special call.

"Happy Home Community, there is an urgent task that needs assistance, please come right away."

The arrival of this call made Guo Nuxia very excited.

You know, she has been waiting for some days in Beijing, and now she finally has something to do. That mood is completely imaginable.

Therefore, even late at night, Guo Li rushed to the mission location immediately.

Happy Home is a very ordinary residential area. When Guo Li arrived at the scene, it had been sealed off.

At the same time, she also met the person in charge above.

It's a coincidence that the person in charge of this mission actually happened to be Su Hai's acquaintance, Captain Xia!

At that time Captain Xia had cooperated with Guo Li because of the development of Promise. This time, the reason why Guo Li would participate in this task was actually because of Captain Xia.

"Captain Xia, what's the situation? What happened here?"

Obviously he had arrived at the place, and looking at the Hessian community in front of him, Guo Li still didn't understand why she was urgently called for.

Captain Xia looked left and right, then pulled Guo Li to the side.

Then, after a short pause, he slowly said.

"Xiao Guo, let me ask you, have you participated in the previous village affairs?"

While speaking, Captain Xia's eyes were a little nervous.

Almost immediately, Guo Li understood what he meant.

"You mean Anjiazhuang, that ancient temple? Strange well... and missing people and bodies?"

When she blurted out, Guo Li felt even more cold in her back.

Regarding Anjiazhuang, in fact, it has always been a task that she can't forget in her heart. On the one hand, everything was too weird at the time, and on the other hand, it was because of the way it was handled later, which was also very strange. Be cautious and careful.

"Yes, it's about Anjiazhuang. I will ask you again. At that time...Did you let Shi Dali go there too?"

Nodding, Captain Xia continued to speak out, this time actually mentioning Shi Dali's name.

"Yes, there was no breakthrough in the situation, so he wanted to let him go and see."

There is nothing to hide, Guo Li speaks honestly.

"Well, I can tell you now. The same thing happened in this happy community in front of me. The three families have mysteriously disappeared without any clues, and...for no reason, a well was created! Now it has been established for this. The special investigation team has been sent, but there are no breakthrough clues for the time being. If possible, I would like you to help again and ask Shi Dali to come over and take a look.

Captain Xia finally said his plan, his eyes filled with sincerity.

As the so-called practice tests the truth, Shi Dali has used the things he did to prove very clearly that his ability is absolutely extraordinary, and it can even be described as magic.

So naturally, in this case, it is most appropriate to let him go.

"It turned out to be so, I will contact him later."

Guo Nuxia was very happy and agreed directly.

And she felt that the enthusiastic Mr. Gardener would definitely not refuse to serve the people.

"But Captain Xia, why is there such a problem here? And the last time breakthrough?"

Frowning, Guo Li still felt a little confused.

This thing is really strange.

"It's still unclear, but I can tell you that this is not the only situation that happened here. Just a few hours ago, the news from the Americas was...they have similar problems, and they have reported to Qingfeng Academy. I asked for help."

While speaking, Captain Xia's face was full of solemnity.

Guo Li's eyes flickered as well, and she felt the tremendous pressure inexplicably.

You know, Qingfeng Academy is the world's most recognized detective academy, and those who can graduate from it are absolutely master detectives.

But it is a pity that this school is located in the Americas, so naturally... the Americas can benefit from it more.

At such a juncture, similar mysterious events occurred on both sides, and it is obvious that there has been a contrast and competition, so...the pressure can be imagined!


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