Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1214: Fire shirt

"Just a dish?"

After a pause, Tian Shouye stared at the Big Dipper on the opposite side and asked.

Originally in their imagination, this time the Big Dipper came here aggressively, so they definitely prepared a lot of things.

Similarly, the entire first floor has a lot of preparations, and even several eight-star chefs have discussed together for a long time, just to deal with the Big Dipper.

But who could have thought that this guy is only planning to cook a dish now, which really makes the big guys feel like a surprise.

"Yes, it's just a dish. As long as you can beat me on this dish, then this challenge is that I lose. Naturally I will do what I just said, but... if I get lucky, then I will take the sign on the first floor, and the entire Chinese cuisine industry must admit that it is inferior to our island country Black Dragon Club.

The Big Dipper's face still kept a smile, for him, everything was under control.

Moreover, he has confidence in this competition.

"What are you going to do?"

Mr. Tudou's expression became serious inexplicably, and then he asked the Big Dipper this crucial question.

There is no doubt that since the Big Dipper will take the initiative to make such a request, the dish he intends to make is definitely not simple.

"Finally I know what the most important problem is, the dish I want to try today... is above the river!"

Slowly speaking, the Big Dipper suddenly pulled off his coat in the end.

This action made Shi Dali's eyelids twitch.

Teacher Shi saw him wearing a black dragon robe last time, and now this posture subconsciously thought he was taking out the dragon robe again, but soon Shi Dali remembered... the black dragon robe was in his hands!

And this time the Big Dipper, under the coat is a small red vest.

"This guy... is really a model. I don't know how to cook, but he has a lot of clothes."

He muttered a word, Shi Dali thought it was quite interesting, the grape fairy next to him was also slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"What model?"

"Let's watch the game first, I don't know what this little vest is for?"

Shaking his head, Old Shi regained his solemn expression. Although it is said that this little vest is unspeakably weird when worn on the Big Dipper, there is no doubt...nothing is for no reason, this thing must have his effect. .


Sure enough, without waiting for the Big Dipper to explain what he was wearing, Mr. Tudou on the other side had already called out these three words.

Following him, several other masters also suddenly changed their expressions.

"What is... a fire shirt?"

Sweetbread was at a loss, asked subconsciously at this time.

However, his question is obviously something the big guys want to know, including Teacher Shi, who is also quite confused. I haven't heard of a blazer!

"Pihuoshan is said to belong to the God of Cooking, but the authenticity of this news really remains to be verified."

Slowly shaking his head, Tian Shouye explained it to his son.

"What is he going to do in a pihuo shirt? What kind of food is related to pihuo shirt?"

Go on, Sweetbread asked. Although it looks like the Big Dipper is very powerful now, then this fire shirt should not be easy.

But how difficult it is, few people know.

"Above the big river! He intends to be above the big river!"

Finally, Mr. Tudou's solemn voice sounded, and it seemed that he already had a suitable answer.

"Yes, it's above the big river! One of the signature dishes of the God of Cooking in China back then can only be done in a piping jacket."

Nodding satisfied, Big Dipper felt very happy, and the confidence appeared on his face again.

Standing next to Shi Lili, Grape Fairy couldn't hold back again, and then raised his head to ask his cheap master.

"What is above the river?"

However, her expression seemed to be a preparation that Shi Dali didn't know.

However, this time Teacher Shi smiled slightly.

"On Dahe, as he said just now, it is one of the signature dishes of the legendary God of Cooking, and it is rumored that only the God of Cooking can cook this dish. Later, as the inheritance of the God of Cooking disappeared, this dish is Disappeared."

"It turned out to be so, so how could he do it? Still wearing such a small vest?"

Continue, the grape fairy asked.

"I do not know either……"

This time, Teacher Shi was quite real, but while speaking, he tried to recall some things in his mind about the inheritance of God of Cooking, especially about this dish called Dahe.

Besides, the several masters on the first floor in front of them almost became extremely solemn when they heard the words above the big river.

"Impossible, Dahe Shang has disappeared with God of Cooking, how can you know how to complete this dish!"

Immediately, someone questioned the Big Dipper.

However, the Big Dipper laughed directly.

"You know when you see Pihuoshan, the dish I have to challenge can only be from Dahe. Since I can get the Bihuoshan, I can naturally complete the dish on Dahe."

Because everything has been prepared, the Big Dipper at the moment seems very confident. For him, the look of these people is what he wants to see, and he feels very satisfied and excited.

"I will never believe what you said. With regard to this dish above the river, only the chef of the year can complete it, so your challenge can't be carried out at all!"

As the leader among several masters, Mr. Tudou directly shook his head at this time, and shaking his head was full of determination.

"Can I do it? I will prove it to you later. The important thing now is whether you want to accept my challenge?"

Without paying attention to Mr. Potato, the Big Dipper spoke out again.

Accompanied by his words, the group of islanders who followed him directly opened the baggage beside him.

In the next moment, the familiar cooking utensils of the God of Cook appeared in front of everyone, as if the Big Dipper would start cooking in the next moment.

As for the entire first floor, there was silence again, complete silence.

Tian Shouye looked at several eight-star chefs, including Mr. Tudou. It is because of them that the first floor can exist for so many years. So at such an important moment, it is natural to choose what they want.

"Okay, we accept the challenge! But there is no need to lie. We don't know how to make this dish above the river. If you can do it, we will give up."

Finally, Mr. Tudou's voice sounded.


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