Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 123: Welcome everyone

"Impossible! He only has one hand, what can he win the band of fighters?"

The fighter group has always been the place where Cyclops is the most proud, and it is also the key to his ability to establish authority in Sanhechang. Although the entire team has only 20 people, its combat power is absolutely extraordinary!

When Shi Dali took the first place in the game before, he thought about whether to think of a way to make him spin the roulette again, and then let the fighters take the shot.

In this case, the money will definitely be returned, and it will not be so embarrassing.

However, the military commander stopped him and asked him to send out a black card.

I know the meaning of that black card too, so the one-eyed blue can't understand why he did it!

The words of the military commander now made him feel even more incredible.

"I will never read it wrong. That guy... is dangerous. Although I don't know him, I can feel the breath."

The military division's eyes narrowed slightly, and his voice became deeper and deeper.

He had been observing almost from the moment Huo Lang got off the car.

However, until Huo Lang left, he didn't see anything. This was too rare for him. After so many years of his debut, the military division had been confident in his eyes!

But this time, he was surprised.

"There is no need to hand out a black card, you know... the next month's gambling game is very important for us!"

After a short pause, Cyclops continued to express his views. Obviously, he still didn't understand the military division's decision so easily.

"Don't forget the reason why we established the Sanhechang. It is enough for you to listen to me. That black card... is absolutely valuable!"

His complexion was still calm, and the military commander got up after a green one-eyed glance.

This kind of action, this kind of tone, if you are seen by others, you will definitely be very surprised.

After all, everyone has known that the boss of Sanhechang is one-eyed, but now it seems that things are not that simple.

Clenched his fists, Cyclops planned to say something, but in the end he could only remain silent.


On the other side, since Mo Ran left Sanhechang, his eyes have been staring at the black card inside.

He really didn't expect that Cyclops would hand out such a thing.

And this black card, and what exactly the gambling game next month represents, just happen to know.

"Uncle Mo? What do you think?"

After driving the car for several glances, Shi Dali couldn't help but ask.

As a result, after he finished speaking, Mo Ran stuffed the card into Shi Dali's pocket.

"Take this card, and you must participate in the gambling game next month!"

Very serious tone, even with a kind of exhortation.

This made Shi Dali a little unresponsive. Originally, he thought that he valued this black card so much, thinking that he wanted it very much, so he planned to give it to him directly.

In the end, he suddenly gave it to himself, which was really unexpected.

"What kind of gambling? Is it necessary... to participate?"

After a little hesitation, Shi Dali asked.

In fact, Teacher Shi is also thinking about it, if it is not necessary, let it go. He really has no interest.

The one-eyed blue looked like eating people, and he really didn't want to see him more. "It is very necessary. If you can get the top three in this bet, I will marry your daughter!"

Old man Mo followed behind and said directly.

With such a sentence, Teacher Shi's eyes widened, and he almost stopped the car.

"Uncle, what age is this, how can you say such things casually...Um, you didn't kid me?"

Teacher Shi tried to keep her emotions stable, but in the end she couldn't help but ask.

"I'm her dad, there can be fakes! Listen... the first three!"

It was another slap to Shi Dali, the old man Mo was so proud.

Teacher Shi smirked and nodded. Although he said he didn't know what was good about him, he was very happy thinking about what the old man said.

Huo Lang sat next to him, watching this scene without any fluctuations on his face.

It's just that in the depths of those eyes, some memories flashed suddenly, as if thinking of something in the past, who was in the past.

In this way, after Shi Dali returned to Anbei City, he first sent Mo Ran back.

The two have made an agreement, and nothing will be mentioned to Mo Yuqing tonight.

Mo Ran was afraid of her daughter chasing him and nagging again, but Teacher Shi himself felt that what happened this evening... was really troublesome!

After that, he didn't care about sending the car to Big Tiger. Shi Dali and Huo Lang went home directly. It was already midnight, and it was estimated that Big Tiger was asleep.

What's more, the next day is the bottom test. Teacher Shi still remembers his profession and work very clearly. Especially at this time, for him, there is nothing more important than the entrance examination.

In this way, without sleeping for a few hours, Shi Dali rushed to school.

Because it is a test and exam, and it is a city-wide unified exam, this exam is also very formal, and students are assigned to different campuses to take the exam.

As the sole head of the graduating class of Boya, Shi Dali is very important in his work at the school today.

However, Teacher Shi did not expect that within a few minutes of his work, he received the above notice, asking him to go to the conference room.

Originally, because of the good relationship with Principal Chen, Teacher Shi didn't think there would be any major problems, but when he pushed in, he was shocked.

Basically all school leaders and grade directors have arrived.

Of course, these people know Shi Dali and don't feel much about it.

What really caught him off guard were the four men sitting in front of him staring straight at him.

On the wall behind them, there was a banner with a row of characters written on it.

Warmly welcome the arrival of the group training group!

That's right, these four are not the four of Mo Shiyan and Lu Hui'an!

However, shouldn't these four guys still be in the security team?

Muttered in his heart, on the surface, Teacher Shi completely expressed the doubt and confusion that should be at this moment, as well as excitement and tension.

"This is Teacher Shi Dali, Teacher Shi...These four are members of the training team sent by the group. This time they will guide the teaching work in our school, and they want to meet you by name."

Vice President Qian got up at the right time and introduced quite enthusiastically.

"Welcome everyone, hahaha..."

Following behind, Teacher Shi greeted enthusiastically.

But in contrast, Mo Shiyan's four people stared at Shi Dali but couldn't laugh at all, especially the four people with exactly the same gritted teeth on their faces, staring at Shi Dali as if staring at the enemy!



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