Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1343: Warm-hearted captain

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As the most direct person guarding the entire exchange building, the security captain's rights are extraordinary.

Especially after this kind of security system has problems, many things need to be directed and arranged by him, which is why he can open the second door.

"This... thank you so much."

Teacher Shi stood by, really a little surprised.

So enthusiastic?

"No, everyone understands! I hope you can criticize and suggest our work. After all, this is the best way to push us forward."

Continue to speak, the security captain gave a big smile.

In response, Shi Dali also showed a big smile, and at the same time clasped his hands tightly with the security captain.

Sun Ka stood by, almost sluggish.

In his mind, he tried to remember the entire journey of the security captain in the company.

At this moment, Sun Ka almost felt that this guy was the gap that Shi Dianli'an had inserted, and he was waiting for today's opportunity to turn back!

"Let's go, don't live up to everyone's expectations, we need to repair the security system as soon as possible."

Immediately, Shi Dali shouted at Sun Ka.

After an extremely difficult nod, Sun Ka took a deep look at the security captain again.

When the security captain saw this scene, his heart was overwhelmed.

It's this look again, or the feeling of trying to be reserved while trying to praise... It's so fascinating!

Even in his mind, he has begun to imagine whether he can get a promotion and raise his salary after today.

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing Shi Dali cross the second door with Sun Ka, the security captain standing behind suddenly called out.

This sound made Shi Dali a little nervous.

Could it be said that this guy found something wrong?

As for Sun Ka, he almost cried with excitement.

This idiot finally found out that something was wrong, although some mistakes had been made, but... it was still too late!

"What else?"

Turning around slowly, Shi vigorously said.

"Well, just let me continue to take you forward. This way, there will be a lot less trouble and it will be convenient for your work!"

Then, the security captain said happily and blinked at Sun Ka again after speaking.

Anyway, now the network system has encountered an attack. What he needs to do here is patrol. In this case, there is time... It would be better to take Shi Dali and follow Sun Ka in.

In the past, he wanted to get close to Sun Ka many times, but the boss was too busy and never paid attention to him.

But today, the captain of the security felt that it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially Sun Ka had already handed him the admiring eyes twice, which was simply unimaginable in the past!

Therefore, he must seize this opportunity, show his face well, and perform well!

"Is this... embarrassing?"

Teacher Shi was completely dumbfounded this time. He had known that he would meet such an enthusiastic security guard. What plans did he make? So much time wasted?

"What's the embarrassment, this is what I should do! And you may not know, there are several security checks next, but don't worry... With me by your side, all these troubles can be solved, I can We promise to send you to the core position smoothly!"

The hearty voice sounded, and the security captain couldn't even close the last laugh.

Moreover, Shi Dali's side also came from the bottom of his heart, and reached out his hand.

As a result, the two people's hands clasped tightly again.

Sun Ka stood by, watching this touching scene, almost crying.

Sure enough, there is a fart for planning or something... I knew I would meet such a terrible guy, so I don't want to struggle.

Originally in his thoughts, he could use at least three opportunities to inform him of his situation, and then trap Shi Dali.

But now, with such a security guard rushing in front, all plans are lost.

"Let's go, just follow me."

Immediately, he nodded vigorously, and then the security captain took a step forward.

Naturally, Shi Dali kept up. At this moment... Teacher Shi's state was as relaxed as never before.

On Sun Ka's side, even though his heart was suffering and painful, there was no way to resist.

In this way, the three of them moved forward together.

In the rest of the time, there was really nothing special. The security captain was always leading the way. The only thing Shi Dali and Sun Ka had to do was to keep up with him.

Along the way, many people were surprised and puzzled, and other colleagues in charge of safety came up to ask questions.

But all these were resolved by the security captain.

The only thing he did was to take the initiative to step forward and then pull the opponent to the side.

"Mr. Sun Ka is visiting WeChat privately. All of us don't know. Don't mix up. I'll deal with it. Just get out of the way."

With such a sentence, coupled with Sun Ka's face, of course, he will not encounter any doubts.

So it went very smoothly, it was a bit outrageous, Shi Dali and the others entered the core area.

"It is absolutely safe here. You can rest assured to do the inspection. I will guard you outside."

Finally stopped, the security captain said sincerely.

Hearing this, Shi Dali really couldn't restrain his excitement, so he moved forward again, and immediately clasped his hands tightly together again.

Seeing such a moving scene in front of him over and over again, Sun Ka's mood finally collapsed completely.

Tears just fell from the corners of his eyes, and his eyes turned red.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, Sun Ka was really frustrated, on the other hand... he also wanted to try to send a signal in this way.

I...I was really kidnapped!

However, his red eyes were seen by the security captain, which made the security captain feel more happy.

It seems that his performance today is really perfect, and Mr. Sun Ka was so moved that his eyes were red.

If it was on weekdays and was so appreciated by the boss, the security captain would definitely jump up with excitement.

But at this moment, he knows that he still has to be reserved. After all, as a security captain, he must be calm at all times, especially when facing the boss, he must show a proper attitude.

So he just took out a tissue very calmly, and then handed it to Sun Ka.

"This is what I should do, for the safety of the company...I am willing to do anything!"


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