Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1345: arson

The driver in front only felt that he couldn't move his whole body, but he fell into the dark in front of him.

To say this is that he doesn't even know the identity of the thin old man.

Just kidding, Sihaimon King, this is a real old monster-level figure, and it's a miracle to be able to live to this level!

Because of Shi Dali's special nature, the extremely weak and thin old man did not take him.

But in the face of such an ordinary driver, the thin old man estimated that even if he lay in the coffin, he could easily clean up.

After leaning on the seat and watching the boy lie down, the thin old man also lay down again.

Since Shi Dali left with Sun Ka, he held his breath and waited.

As for why he did this, it was entirely because Shi Dali gave a look when he left.

How to say it is not a day or two to get along with this kid, so even with a simple look, the thin old man immediately understood what he meant.

Obviously, Shi Dali told him to beware of this driver.

Why does Shi Dali have such a reminder?

The thin old man didn't know too much, but he knew what Shi Dali meant, and that was enough.

On the other side of the core area, under the leadership of Sun Ka, Shi Dali successfully found the number 1170.

"Are you sure that the safe cannot be opened?"

Looking at the familiar box in front, Shi Dali asked Sun Ka again.

To say that when he was in Anbei City, Mr. Shi really had contact with the staff from Sun's Exchange, and after that opportunity, he successfully got the inheritance of Hong Ruhai.

"The safe can only be opened with the corresponding number plate. If you want to get the contents have to go outside to find a way."

Sun Ka also looked at the safe, and said slowly.

"Okay, I'll clean up the safe, and you can set it on fire! I know your hatred for Sun's Exchange, this time is your chance to vent! If you can't put the fire down, just smash it. The more severe the smash, the better. They pay the price for their mistakes!"

With a stern face, Shi Dali said to Sun Ka.

These words made Sun Ka completely confused.

He knew at first that the scene might take a long time for him to act, but he didn't expect it to be so.


"Don't worry, we're already here, just leave the rest to me, you just have to vent it out! Don't waste time, let's get started."

He patted Sun Ka on the shoulder again, and after Shi Dali finished speaking, he began to focus on the safe in front of him.

Sun Ka stood there for ten seconds, and then kicked on the cabinet next to him.


Such a dull crash sound reverberated throughout the warehouse, and it really made Sun Ka feel special.

He has always come to this place with great respect, and even feels cautious.

And because of Sun Ye's relationship, his position in the entire exchange is also very special. It is clear that he is also a direct line of the Sun family, but everything is in charge of Sun Ye, and he is neither up nor down.

Many times, Sun Ka thought about breaking out and finding a sense of presence, but after all, he didn't have that courage.

But now, he actually acted recklessly in this place. Such a thing... really has a strange excitement.

Thinking of this, I only felt a kind of inexplicable heat and excitement in my heart, and then Sun Ka kicked over again, and followed closely behind, directly breaking the fire cabinet, carrying the contents and smashing it. Hearing the clanging sound behind him, Shi Dali also sighed in his heart.

This child is really suffocated.

But it was just a flash of thought, and Teacher Shi then turned his attention to the box again.

Because he had already experienced it, he also knew that this box really needed a number plate to open it.

But in this situation, no one knows who the box containing the red vine grass belongs to, so the number plate is even more impossible to talk about.

So I really have to take the box out.

But this kind of thing is easier said than done, especially when it comes to taking out the box in front of you, it's really not that simple.

In fact, this is also a cautious opportunity that Sun Ka hides in the whole plan.

If you want to bring out the safe in the entire warehouse, you can only get the key through that special key, and you must sign Sun Ye to get that key.

Now Shi Dali wanted to use his own ability to take out the safe, unless he bombed it strongly, otherwise it would be basically useless.

In this environment, it is impossible for him to get explosives!

Just like this, Sun Ka saw that Shi Dali hadn't moved for a long time, and he breathed out in his heart.

Finally, this guy was stopped.


However, before Sun Ka sighed a little, a huge roar followed, and a thick smoke and flame rose into the air.

There was no sound in the entire space, but suddenly, Sun Ka slumped to the ground.

After that, he saw Shi Dali take out the safe with a scorched body.

The impact of this scene on Sun Ka is simply beyond words.

He can be sure that when Shi Dali followed him in, he definitely did not bring any dangerous goods. In fact, if he brought it, he would not even be able to pass through the first door.

But now, where did the explosion come from?

And it's all exploded like this... Why does this **** seem to have nothing to do? Still happy?

In fact, Shi Dali was really happy.

Since Uncle Pocket started to explode in confusion, Teacher Shi has scolded several times, and I don't know what this uncle is going crazy!

If it weren't for Shi Dali's strong growth, it might have been lost.

But the world is really unpredictable, this time I actually helped myself to blow up the safe!

This is a good thing!

So even if I was choked by the smoke again, but this time Teacher Shi was in a much better mood, exploding something like this...sometimes it is acceptable!

"What do you think I am doing? Hurry up! Help set the fire by the way and make the flame bigger."

Holding the safe and raising his head, Shi Dali followed when he saw Sun Ka's sluggish gaze, and then he said.

He reacted violently and got up subconsciously. Sun Ka quickly started to ignite with the explosive flames, while continuing to smash things.

This time, it may be an extremely nervous mood, which caused Sun Ka to be a little crazy.

In the end, it was Shi Dali who held him back.

"It's almost done. It seems that you really hate the Sun Exchange, Sun Ka!"


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