Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1367: The box is gone

At the moment yesterday, the guests in the box took the initiative to share the pressure for themselves. Of course Shi Dali would remember this kind of thing.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the identity of the other person, even though the other party ran away without knowing the reason...

"The guest in the second box? Doesn't Mr. Shi know?"

Frowning slightly, Su Huo looked a little strange.

At that time, the guests in the box were so determined to stand with Shi Dali. Originally, Su Huo thought their relationship should be extraordinary, but now listening to Shi Dali's meaning, it seems that this is not the case.

"I just think the voice is a bit familiar, but I can't remember which friend it was."

Shaking his head, Teacher Shi was quite honest.

"That guest comes from a primitive tribe, that primitive tribe is close to Moss State, their business is quite big, and they happen to have many business contacts with our Su family, and... this primitive tribe Behind the scenes, there are still many big forces involved, so we chose to place them in the box."

Today's Su Huo has absolutely no intention of concealing what Shi Dali is absolute.

After listening, Teacher Shi was completely confused.

Primitive tribe?

As these four words jumped out, some special pictures immediately appeared in his mind.

On the vast grassland, a group of naked-chested men with hairy chests, dancing and singing, surrounded the campfire and looked very happy...

However, do you really know any primitive people?

At that time, I thought that voice was a bit familiar. Shi Dali had an answer in his mind, but now he heard Su Huo say that, but he denied his previous thoughts.

"All right, let's contact if we have news later, bye."

After that, he didn't choose to continue to struggle with this issue. After Shi Dali spoke this sentence to Su Huo, he ordered the team to leave.

Su Huo nodded, and also watched the team leave, his eyes were full of complexity.

This time Su Yun's wedding, none of the scenes he expected appeared, and the final result was a bit inexplicable.

However, he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing after breaking with Heker.

Now, it can only be resigned.


On the other side, Mr. Hecker, who had escaped from Baiyun Mountain Villa, had just returned to the secret stronghold at this time.

Leaning directly on the chair, he took a breath, then slowly adjusted his state.

Having done so much business over the years, Heckel is facing a lot of dangers, but it seems that this kind of thing in Baiyun Villa is definitely the first time it happened.

Even if he has now escaped to a safe area, there is still an indescribable tension and fear in his mind.

It's terrible, that guy is just crazy!

Especially the feeling of natural gas being sprayed directly on the face, it almost made Heker crack.

Thankfully, he finally escaped.


Suddenly, the phone on the desk rang at this time.

Looking at the number, Heker's expression became serious in a very short time, and then he connected the phone.

"I'm Hecker."

"problem occurs."

Just three simple words made Haeckel's brow jump.

"What do you mean? What happened? Su bone is missing?"

Asking directly, Heker was very nervous, and now they were counting on Su Bone to open those boxes. If Su Bone is missing, it is indeed a big problem.

As for why I thought of this, of course it was because of what happened in Baiyun Villa.

The reason why Shi Dali arrived at Baiyun Mountain Villa was to find Su Bone, and coupled with the mysterious and unpredictable means of that kid, maybe he would take Su Bone away.

"It's not Su Bone, it's the box...our box is gone."

The low voice on the other side continued, and there was indescribable tension in it.


Suddenly receiving such news, Heker jumped up directly.

This news is so scary, it can even be said to be devastating!

Heckel is now responsible for those boxes, and it is no exaggeration to say that all the energy of their company now is on those boxes.

As a result, a message suddenly came out saying that the box was missing. It was a hell!

"It's really gone, so the box is missing, but the warehouse door hasn't been opened, and there are no gaps or holes in it, as if... there is really a ghost."

The voice was already trembling. If the box was stolen, they might still have traces to follow, but for this situation... there is really no way to describe it.

"Flying away... let me think about it, let me think about it!"

Leng Khan had already come down from Heker's forehead, and he did not dare to imagine the pressure he might face in the future, because that kind of pressure seemed to be just thinking about it, and it was enough to destroy him.

However, past experience still tells Heker that he should never panic at this time. Only by holding his mind can he find a solution.

"Su bone is still there?"

"He's still there!"

"it is good!"

A good word came out directly and followed... Haeckel was silent.

The people on the other end of the phone are anxious, where is it?

But he didn't dare to urge him, he could only wait honestly to figure out what's better.

"Don't tell anyone the matter. Even if someone asks about it, you must say that the box is okay! I will bear all the responsibilities, understand?"

After a long time, Heker finally said another word.

After saying this, he hung up the phone.


A fist hit the table, Hecker almost spit out blood, and the whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"No... the box?"

Suddenly, as if a flash of light flashed through his mind, Heker suddenly remembered a very important thing.

When Shi Dali arrived at Baiyun Mountain Villa before, it seemed that he wanted to find Su Bone to open the box, and he heard the box of ten trucks directly.

He didn't see the photo at the time, but Su Huo obviously gave him a look after seeing the photo of the box.

What's the secret hidden in it?

Let's talk about Shi Dali, the natural gas in this guy's pocket can be hissed, so maybe he has the ability to get the box away out of thin air!

"That's right, that bastard! The box must have been taken away by him, and his truck... is loaded with my box!"

With another clap, Haeckel understood thoroughly.

Those eyes also surged with murderous aura in an instant!


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