Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 137: bow

President Qu Tongyou's hair is gray. This old gentleman is very famous in the education circle of Anbei City. He has also served as the president of the Education Association in Anbei City for many years.

This time he came to personally preside over the announcement of the final test for the entire primary school graduating class, and he was actually preparing for the battle.

Anbei City has always had fierce competition in education with the neighboring Suiyuan City, and many of the exams between the two cities are joint exams, such as the entrance exams a few months later.

There is no doubt that the winners of better performance can get better resources.

Therefore, no test can be sloppy.

At this moment, as Chairman Qu sat on the rostrum, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone below, and then he looked at the report card in his hand, and was inexplicably silent for a moment.

Especially the emotions he showed seemed to carry some kind of weirdness that couldn't be said.

"Welcome everyone to participate in this announcement conference. I will start straight to the point and just sum up the exam... Incredible! This is how I feel. The results of a school make me feel like they cheated. It's a world of difference compared to the span once!"

A calm voice rang from Qu Tong's quiet mouth, and the venue immediately below was inexplicably tight.

Especially Huang Song and the representatives of Hongzhi School all smiled openly, as if they were pouring honey.

Huang Song's eyes were almost narrowed into a small slit, and he raised his eyebrows in the direction of the Liberal Arts School very proudly.

Hongzhi has been underneath by Boya for so many years, and today can be regarded as exuberant. There is no doubt that the school that Chairman Qu said is Hongzhi. There is nothing ambiguous about this.

The representatives of other schools around also looked at Huang Song one by one, with envy on their faces.

In contrast, the faces of the few leaders on Boya's side are not very good-looking, and no one likes the feeling of being famous, especially on such occasions.

Chen Shuke's expression was quite calm, without showing anything.

On the contrary, Shi Dali was a little nervous, anyway, when he heard the word cheating, he felt a little guilty in his heart, but in desperation, he had to... it is also excusable!

"Let’s post the results of this school and announce it later. Let’s talk about other schools first... The results have improved, which is indeed very satisfying. For example, Hongzhi School, this time has achieved second place in the city. "

Chairman Qu's voice continued to sound, and when he heard the word Hongzhi halfway through the speech, Huang Song stood up and bowed to the audience.

He has rehearsed this action several times in his mind, so it is quite neat now.

But soon after President Qu finished speaking, a question mark appeared in his mind inexplicably.

Second place?

What do you mean? Second place again? Who is the first place?

His eyes widened, Huang Song looked at the podium and felt that he must have heard it wrong!

How could it not be the first?

Other people on the scene didn't react for a while. Huang Song just wrote first on his face, but they announced that they were not the first?

"Principal Huang, you..."

Qu Tongyou also looked down. Huang Song bowed so fast that he was a little caught off guard.

Without this project, what is this kid doing?

"Uh...Chairman Qu, did you make a mistake? This time...we are still second?"

Standing in place, Huang Song felt that his eyes were staring at him like knives, which was uncomfortable, but he had already reached this point and he was willing to ask questions. "Yes, the transcript is with me. You are indeed second."

Nodding seriously, Qu Tongyou said.

"Then who is number one? Which school did you just say?"

Huang Song didn't plan to have a face anymore, he just wanted to figure out this crucial issue, anyway he didn't want to believe that Boya would get the first place again.

In fact, almost everyone at the scene wants to know this question.

Before the start of the test, everyone knows what amazing changes happened to Boya.

So under this circumstance, could it be said that there are still people who can be ranked first in Hongzhi?

This is really unimaginable and unbelievable.

Qu Tongyou hesitated a little, but he also saw that Huang Song's attitude was quite determined, so after asking a few other people on the left and right, his voice rang from the audience.

"Liberal Arts, the first place is the Liberal Arts School."


Both ears rang, and Huang Song almost didn't mention it.

Grief, humiliation, doubt, sadness...

The complex emotions were intertwined, making him wonder what to say, and thinking about the things he had bowed triumphantly before, he felt like a clown.

But soon, he directly questioned the stage.

"Chairman Qu, since Boya is number one, can you tell us what kind of results Boya has achieved this time?"

His eyes widened, Huang Song looked very excited.

This time, even Qi Fangzheng, who was quite calm from beginning to end, was filled with doubts and surprises.

As the Dinghai Shenzhen of the graduating class, no one would doubt Qi Fangzheng's teaching experience.

Over the past few decades, what kind of test questions will be used in the exams for the graduating class in Anbei City, what aspects will be examined, and what content will be examined... These things are too clear and familiar to him.

So when he decided to leave Boya and go to Hongzhi, he made a mock test paper himself.

This mock test can be regarded as his certificate of submission.

Otherwise, Huang Song and the others would not swell to the point of exploding on the spot, because they have no reason to doubt Qi Fangzheng or his mock test papers.

However, Hongzhi lost again, to such a seemingly inevitable Boya!

But this result, from Huang Song to Qi Fangzheng, is not so easy to accept, so the results that will be announced next have become a matter of great concern to them.

What happened?

When everyone's eyes were once again on Chairman Qu and waiting for the result, Boya's Chen Shuke was no exception, and they were even more nervous and shocked.

Even if they are the school leaders of Liberal Arts, it is not clear why Liberal Arts can still keep the first position!

"Since everyone wants to know, let me announce it in advance... I just said Boya's results this time, which is incredible! Of the 450 students, 432 got full marks in each subject. , The remaining 18 candidates lost less than 100 points in total..."



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