Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 143: Flirtation

Shi Dali, who had left Boya, didn't know how the graduating class management committee was doing justice for himself. It was only when he was sitting in the car that he had a little understanding of the next appraisal.

According to Mo Yuqing, this appraisal meeting is an unprecedented scale in Anbei City, because the number of private collections has reached a rather terrifying scale.

At the same time, many experts came.

Especially Mr. Fu Bowan from Beijing, who is a famous figure in the entire antique industry. He could come to Anbei City to participate in such an appraisal meeting, which no one expected.

"After you get to the place, just sit and take a look. This Fu Bowan heard that he is a friend of Zhang Shouye's father. This time I came to Anbei because of Zhang Shouye's relationship, so that guy may embarrass you..."

After saying this, Mo Yuqing reminded in a low voice, with apologize on her face.

In fact, she didn't want Shi Dali to come over, because Zhang Shouye's hatred for Shi Dali was quite deep since Su Hai returned last time.

Especially the big figures of the entire appraisal meeting came with his relationship, so it can be imagined that after Shi Dali arrives, Zhang Shouye will definitely try to target Shi Dali.

However, President Song put pressure on Mo Yuqing again, asking her to invite Shi Dali over.

The whole thing made Mo Yuqing quite depressed, so she explained all these things to Shi Dali. If Shi Dali is unwilling to participate, it doesn't matter if she leaves directly.

"It's okay, I'll just sit and take a look, and I'll treat it as a cheer."

But Teacher Shi's attitude was quite relaxed, and he said after smiling casually.

In fact, for him, the matter was not that complicated. Anyway, he didn't understand the identification of cultural relics at all. The chairman Song invited himself because of Bao Daya, the wealthy boss, so it didn't matter what they deliberately targeted.

Mo Yuqing also nodded when she heard Shi Dali say this. Her thoughts were actually similar to Shi Dali's. Anyway, she went in as a passerby, and there shouldn't be any problems.

In this way, the car quickly reached the place, and then two people got out of the car.

When he first came back to this place, Shi Dali was also very curious. There were indeed a lot of people around him, all of them were carrying strange things on their backs, chatting with each other and lining up.

"So many experts gathered for a free appraisal, and there are many antique lovers from the nearby cities, otherwise there will not be so many people... Let's go in quickly, and the meeting will start soon."

Mo Yuqing led the way and explained to Shi Dali that she was walking ahead, and Teacher Shi naturally followed.

In any case, Shi Dali's mood is a lot better now than before. It's better to look at new things than to stay sulking at Boya.

As the two people entered the venue, they saw more people. At the same time, Mo Yuqing greeted the surrounding staff, obviously they all knew each other.

In the end, they reached the deepest part of the venue and saw Song Hongtu and them.

It was almost the first time that he saw Shi Dali and Mo Yuqing, Song Hongtu came over immediately.

"Mr. Shi, welcome. It is a great honor for you to come."

This guy is an old fox. Last time he was dipped in Shi Dali's light in Suhai to solve the trouble, and at the same time he recovered all the missing antiques. This made him think a lot about getting involved with Shi Dali. , That's why she has been urging Mo Yuqing to invite.

Now that I saw Shi Dali, he was of course smiling and full of enthusiasm.

At the same time, following Song Hongtu's words, the surrounding eyes immediately focused on Shi Dali's body, colorful and different.

"Mr. Shi, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Fu Bowan, a senior in our antique industry, who just came from Beijing."

Following behind, Song Hongtu took the initiative to take Shi Dali a few steps forward, and then pointed to a gray-haired middle-aged man and said.

However, without waiting for Shi Dali to introduce himself, after this Mr. Fu Bowan looked up and down at him, he didn't have any intention to pay attention, and he looked directly at the few people next to him to continue chatting.

After this, the atmosphere immediately became a little weird inexplicably, including Song Hongtu also a little embarrassed.

On the contrary, Shi Dali himself was quite calm.

Mo Yuqing had already said it before. It is estimated that Fu Bowan will be aimed at herself, but now it seems that she is really right.

But it doesn't matter. Everyone is a well water and not a river water. You are an antique appraiser. I am a teacher. I just play on the spot, let him go!

Then, Song Hongtu smiled and planned to introduce the remaining experts. As a result, they all walked in the direction of Zhang Shouye at the same time, obviously not intending to give this face like Fu Bowan.

In this scene, Mo Yuqing's silver teeth clenched tightly. She knew it might be like this, but when she saw it, she couldn't help being angry.

Zhang Shouye was quite proud, and he was so happy.

When he was in Suhai before, Shi Dali did the best of the limelight. It must be the best thing for Zhang Shouye to watch him collapse today!

"Mr. Shi, you sit down first. You are one of the judges at today's appraisal meeting. Just take a look at it later."

Song Hongtu could also afford to let it go, quickly dispelling the embarrassment, and then said to Shi Dali.

"Judges? I don't understand anything."

He did not expect that he was still a judge, and Shi Dali immediately wanted to push him out.

"It's okay, the eight judges, you can just take a look at it, and you can get a certificate when you're done. It might be useful in the future..."

Waved his hand, Song Hongtu said.

He had planned this before, so he was very decisive. After all, for him, it would be great if he could have a little friendship with Bao Daya through Shi Dali, so the necessary promotion is certain.

It can be seen that the arrangements have indeed been made, so Teacher Shi did not say much. His current state of mind is to come and see, so the judges should be judges, as long as they don't speak.

So Shi Dali sat in his place.

Seeing him sitting down, Zhang Shouye gave a look at Fu Bowan and the other experts, and several people immediately understood.

Then they also sat down in the judges' bench. After all, the appraisal meeting was about to start, and the preparations were already ready.

Naturally, Fu Bowan sat in the middle position. After all, he is a recognized expert by everyone, and that is why many antique appraisers come here today.

As for Shi Dali, he was at the most marginal position, and several other experts were chatting with each other, making him even more dispensable.



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