Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 147: Is it worth the money?

Chairman Kang Suming seldom appears, but his character is very strong. There is one thing to say, absolutely different from Song Hongtu, and his reputation in the antique industry is not weaker than Fu Bowan, so he saw this What will happen after blue and white?

Zhang Shouye was too late to stop anything, because Kang Suming had already seen what was on the table.

His eyes flashed sharply, and then the whole person walked forward uncontrollably.

Only those who have been in this industry for many years will understand how ecstatic Kang Suming is at this moment.

Especially the rare treasures that have not been discovered for many years, just appear in front of them so suddenly, there is really no way to control emotions.

"Yuan Qinghua, this is a picture of... the old cow descending the mountain! Yes, it must be right!"

Mumbling in his mouth, Kang Suming had already walked quickly to the porcelain and said in a low voice.

Following his conclusion, the already agitated meeting place immediately caused a real uproar.

Fu Bowan's expression is very complicated, Kang Suming said so, he can no longer refute, because Kang Suming is not Shi Dali, his influence even exceeds himself to some extent.

"This... Yuan Qinghua, is it valuable?"

The worker master, whose head was buzzing for a long time, couldn't help but ask, looking at Kang Suming, he felt a heart trembling constantly.

"President, he brought this thing."

Standing beside him, Song Hongtu also reminded Kang Suming in a low voice.

Hearing this, Kang Suming glanced at him, his attitude changed a little, and then he said quite excitedly.

"Congratulations, it's amazing... a few hundred million!"

It was just such a sentence, it seemed like a bolt from the blue sky, directly hitting the head of the worker master, and even fainted without pulling it up.

The next moment, he rushed towards Fu Bowan with red eyes, it was a madness.

"I killed you **** and cheated me!"

An angry voice sounded, and Fu Bowan fell to the ground, too late to struggle.

The surrounding security responded very quickly and hurried over to pull the people away. The worker master was still screaming at him, wishing to go up and give Fu Bowan a bite.

Fu Bowan also had an ugly face and was quite embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do.

It was indeed a thing worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but I was fooled by myself and sold it. I also set up a document and gave out all the money.

In the eyes of this scene, Kang Suming was a little overwhelmed. After all, he didn't know what happened before. If Song Hongtu hadn't said Yuan Qinghua, he wouldn't have rushed over.

Of course, Chairman Song still told the story in a low voice, especially telling Kang Suming earnestly that now this Yuan Qinghua is from Shi Dali.

After such a disturbance at the scene, everyone's eyes turned to Shi Dali. They were all different and extremely complicated.

In the past, the big guys often laughed at others for not being qualified to be judges, especially Fu Bowan. That was not a chance to mock Shi Dali.

As a result, what everyone believed to be a fake was turned into an invaluable Yuan Qinghua with a pot of hot water.

What does this show?

There is no doubt that Shi Dali is the real master, Fu Bowan, these guys...just for fame!

Even if it was Fu Bowan himself, even if he was depressed and unwilling to the extreme, he couldn't say anything.

Because he had indeed judged that the thing was fake before, but it turned out to be what it is now, how Shi Dali could see that he was quite curious, because he didn't have the ability anyway.

"This Mr. Shi...what do you plan to do with this Yuan Qinghua?"

After watching carefully for a long time again, Kang Suming raised his head and asked Shi Dali.

At the same time, almost everyone held their breath and waited for Shi Dali’s reply, thinking that today’s matter will soon spread across the country, then this Yuan Qinghua will probably attract the attention of many people, so Shi Dali’s attitude is very important.

"I keep it."

Quite neatly, Shi Dali said aloud.

He had already thought about this decision before. He would definitely not sell such a baby, and he couldn't do that anymore, so he wanted to keep it!

When Tian Xiaoyu comes back, he plans to open the door and develop his career, so such things must be of great benefit to him.

Kang Suming looked disappointed when he heard this, but he could understand it.

Shi Dali is willing to keep this kind of thing, it is his own business, and no one can interfere.

However, if it can be given to their association, that would be a great thing.

Of course, Kang Suming also knew that the face should still be needed, so naturally he had no face to say such things.

But he wants face, but there are always people shameless.

For example, Zhang Shouye suddenly spoke out at this moment.

"If this kind of treasure appears, it should be handed over to our association for research and preservation. You are not qualified!"

Zhang Shouye's voice was quite firm, especially his eyes fixed on Shi Dali, because he knew the value of this thing too well, so he really didn't want to miss it.

Especially once this thing can be left by him, then Zhang Shouye can imagine what good things will be waiting for him in the future.

It can even be said that he can make a huge wave in the antique industry in Beijing and even the whole country.

In the final analysis, it was because he felt that Shi Dali was just a small person, a small person who was not qualified compared to himself.

Although it has something to do with the wealthy Bao Daya, it doesn't mean much.

The whole venue, because of Zhang Shouye's words, suddenly fell into silence, everyone's eyes flowed, and finally they all looked at Shi Dali again.

Obviously, the reaction he will make is very important.

"Am I not qualified? It's mine in black and white. Can I keep my own things in my own possession?"

This time Teacher Shi couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhang Shouye, and then said.

There are so many shameless people in this world.

"I have already said that this kind of thing should be kept by an association like ours, otherwise, what if it is taken away by some criminal in your hands?"

Since Zhang Shouye opened his mouth, he didn't plan to have a face, so he continued to speak aggressively at Shi Dali.

But when he spoke like this, everyone from Kang Suming to Song Hongtu was silent, and the attitude was really intriguing.

Mo Yuqing couldn't help it anymore and stood directly in front of Shi Dali.

"Why don't you give it to you? Zhang Shouye, why don't you grab it?"



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