Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1515: All understand

"The urine of the three-eyed blood clam, two drops in each eye, and then cooperate..."

The poisonous insect eyeball also stared at the prescription, and read the content directly.

That's right, Zhang Heshun also said directly that it takes three blood clams to save Mr. Ramo, especially in this situation, he can't lie anymore.

So, things basically know what to do, especially in Shi Dali's heart, it can be regarded as a stone falling to the ground.

But then, he looked at Mr. Poisonously with some curiosity.

"You haven't told me what the **** is the urine of the three-eyed blood clam?"

When he was in the cave before, the poisonous insect saw that he had no hope of leaving the three-eyed blood clam in his hand, so he asked Shi Dali for three drops of urine.

Later, because of the rush, Teacher Shi didn't have a chance to ask clearly. Now after seeing Zhang Heshun's prescription, this question naturally came up again.

"The urine of the three-eyed blood clam has a lot of effects. Anyway, I have told you too much and you don’t understand it. All in all, remember... every drop of the three-eyed blood clam’s urine is extremely valuable. You must put this thing away for peeing."

Poison Worm's face was full of reluctance, but Shi Dali had already asked here, and he could only honestly say.

After he finished speaking, Teacher Shi nodded vigorously.

This urine... not easy!

Besides, on Tam's side, after listening for so long, the whole person is even more anxious.

What he cares about is his grandfather's condition. He can't figure out whether he wants to pee or not, so he hesitated and said again.

"Mr. Shi, what shall we do next?"

After Tam's interruption, Shi Dali looked at Zhang Heshun outside again, and then smiled slightly.

"Let's go, go out and see this gentleman doctor."

In this way, they walked towards the living room.

Let's talk about Zhang Heshun's side. After writing down the prescription, his face was standing on the spot. The surrounding guards still didn't intend to put the gun down, so these muzzles were still directed at his head.

No one likes others' guns at their heads, especially Zhang Heshun thinks that these guys don't just frighten themselves, as long as Tam gives orders, they will definitely shoot.

But... no one can do that recipe!

Da da da……

Following that, Zhang Heshun heard a sound of footsteps.

Turning around completely subconsciously, while opening his mouth.

"Sir, what I just said is very clear. That prescription is definitely the only way to heal your grandfather, but no one can do it. You have to..."

Halfway through the conversation, Zhang Heshun stopped.

This happened because he saw a few people around Tam.

That's right, Shi Dali and Poisonous Insect.

It hasn’t been a long time since the separation from Beijing to now.

If it is said that in Zhang Heshun's heart, the person who hates the most is Yi Hong, then Shi Dali must be next to Yi Hong.

It was this kid who made his Spring Cottage completely gone.

It was also this kid who endured a lot of trouble and enemies when he was in Beijing. In the end, it was this kid who... snatched all his medicines.

In the end, he actually appeared here again. No wonder Tam would affirm that he was not Yi Hong before, and he knew his name. Now he knew everything.

"Mr. Zhang, don't come here unharmed, I am in a very good mood seeing you."

With a gentle smile, Shi Dali was quite polite.

But in Zhang Heshun's eyes, his posture was a naked mockery.

So instantly, Zhang Heshun's eyes were red.

If he is not allowed to do something at this time, it is estimated that the old man will directly come up to fight Shi Dali.

"It turned out to be you... it turned out to be you! This gentleman... he is a liar, you have to believe me!"

After taking a deep breath and repeating the four words twice, Zhang Heshun raised his voice and said anxiously to Tam.

If the person coming out now is Yi Hong, Zhang Heshun might not be so nervous.

Because according to his understanding of Yi Hong, even if he did a lot of unfeeling things to Yi Hong, that guy would not kill him.

But on the contrary, Shi Dali is not such a person. This kid looks white and pure, but in fact his heart is completely black, and he does not have the slightest affection when he starts his hands.

There is no doubt that he has a very close relationship with Tam, so basically Zhang Heshun is sure in his heart that the prescription he just wrote down must have been completely rejected by Shi Dali, and he will let Tam kill himself.

After understanding this, Zhang Heshun would of course still have to struggle a bit, even if it was a dying struggle, he would also struggle.

After Tam heard what Zhang Heshun said, his face did not fluctuate at all.

But Yellow Beard spoke eagerly.

"What do you mean? You mean... this kid doesn't understand art at all?"

Hearing this, Zhang Heshun nodded immediately, and continued to focus on Tam.

"Sir, if I didn't guess wrong, he must say that what I wrote down is fake? Believe me, he doesn't understand medicine at all, he doesn't even know what a three-eyed blood clam is."

Continue, Zhang Heshun said quickly.

But this time, after he finished speaking, Shi Dali took a step forward.

"Mr. Zhang doesn't need to be so nervous, you have to have confidence in yourself, how could I not approve of the prescription you wrote out! And we have decided to treat Mr. Ramo according to your prescription."

Teacher Shi said it very sincerely, just like what he said, I really thank Zhang Heshun in my heart.

If it weren't for Zhang Heshun's appearance so right, Shi Dali and the others would not know how to use the three-eyed blood clams.

Speaking of Zhang Heshun, after hearing Shi Dali's words, the whole person was stunned.

Standing in place blankly, he didn't react.

"What do you mean?"

Shi Dali did not deny himself?

This is not scientific!

Tam nodded at this time, and his voice slowly sounded.

"Yes, Mr. Shi has already said that the prescription you just wrote down is correct, so next we plan to use the method you said to save my grandfather."

Tam felt that he should say something for Shi vigorously, otherwise the conspiracy theory full of Zhang Heshun would be simply outrageous.

Thus, Zhang Heshun was completely stupid.

But almost a few seconds later, he suddenly showed a sarcastic smile at Shi Dali, and then the smile began to spread on that face, so that the face had an inexplicable smell of hideousness.

"Hahaha, I understand, I understand everything!"

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