Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1542: Forget it

Knowing this completely, Su Gelin's eyes flashed a cold light.

He didn't know why Fang Beiyue would do this, but she had already done it right now, and she had no way to raise an objection.

Because Fang Beiyue has already said, this is what Mr. Fang said!

Facing Fang Beiyue, maybe he can say nothing, but facing Mr. Fang, he dare not say anything.

However, Su Gelin, as the American gambling king, would not just swallow his stomach in this way, so he turned his eyes to other guests and the messy banquet hall.

"According to my information, it was this guy who just opened a box that he didn't know why, and then made all the guests very embarrassed and destroyed the banquet hall, so how to deal with this matter? Everyone is invited by invitation The guest of, but received such treatment, I think Miss Fang should give the big guy a reasonable explanation."

Sure enough, after Su Gelin was so incited, many of the guests who had backflipped before became angry.

How do you say that big guys are people with faces and faces. They were played like monkeys before, so it is absolutely reasonable to ask for justice now.

"Yes, that guy has to deal with it!"

"He must have done it. After the box was opened, I started backflip, as if my brain was broken."

"It won't be poisonous? If it is poisonous, I must sue him!"

"Miss Fang, please give us justice."


In an instant, everyone's spearhead was transferred to Kong Erdan.

And when you think about what they said, it seems that they are really right. They originally attended the banquet, but because of the empty Erdan's gift, they became a backflip acrobats.

So it doesn't matter to them that Blackbeard cleans up Pete, but the second egg should be punished.

Naturally, Fang Beiyue looked at Kong Erdan in this way.

Of course Kong Erdan didn't have any reaction. He wouldn't care about these things. If he cares about these things, he would not be sent to Tutou Mountain back then.

However, Pan Shuangyu became nervous inexplicably.

Fang Beiyue is Mr. Fang's daughter. She is different from Su Gelin. From a certain angle, she represents Mr. Fang.

Now if she wants to punish the empty second egg, no one can stop it!

Although it was a bit inexplicable to say that this first date with Kong Erdan, and the gift that everyone backflips together, she also found it inexplicable, but Pan Shuangyu felt that things had something to do with her, so at this time she didn't want the empty Erdan to suffer. hurt.

So, she subconsciously looked at Shi Dali.

However, before she turned her gaze, Teacher Shi took the initiative to stand in front of Kong Erdan, and then smiled at Fang Beiyue.

"I'm really sorry, it was a little accident before, or else... forget it, right?"

With these words, everyone was taken aback.

Especially these guests at the scene almost exploded on the spot after reacting.

What are you? You say forget it?

And this look, as if everyone was going to give him face, was really ridiculous.

If Blackbeard says this, everyone still thinks it makes sense. After all, his identity is there, but where did this kid... come from?

Su Gelin also flashed a weirdness in his eyes, and then turned into sarcasm.

This is really an interesting kid, Fang Beiyue won't even give you face, will he give you this face?

It seems that he is going to be sprayed to death by these guests! Sure enough, the full-bodied ridicule is already ready from the guests’ mouths, but before they spray these ridicules, Fang Beiyue vigorously clicked on Shi nod.

"Okay, forget it."

There is nothing too much, Fang Beiyue just expressed her thoughts and attitude.

As a result, the audience was stupid again.

And as Fang Beiyue finished speaking, the hotel staff who had been waiting for a long time began to pack things quickly, as if nothing had happened before.

Aya is completely silly here.

Before, she felt that the weird scientist boyfriend next to her sister, who could have such an incredible friend like a black beard, was already shocking.

But now, it seems that things are far from what she sees.

Why can this mediocre friend make Miss Fang Beiyue lower her head again?

What exactly is going on?

What is the identity of my sister, boyfriend...?

In fact, Pan Shuangyu was shocked.

Shi Dali is her mission goal as an agent, but now it seems that she still knows too little about Shi Dali. What kind of relationship does he have with Fang Beiyue?

"Why! Why should we give him this face? Who is responsible for the grievances of us people?"

Suddenly, Su Gelin's voice sounded.

He really couldn't help it anymore, and the things in front of him were full of weird taste.

A guy who didn't know what it was, he just settled everything like this?

This is unscientific, unreasonable, and unfair!

Could it be that the injury suffered by my own son is forgotten because of the face of this Chinese kid?

Therefore, Su Gelin asked such a question only when he was angry, and that he asked such a question also meant that he had taken a bit of a risk.

So naturally, Fang Beiyue turned her gaze around.

But, instead of waiting for Fang Beiyue to speak, a voice rang behind her.

"I will be responsible for the damage you have suffered, and I will pay for the compensation."

This voice immediately attracted everyone's attention. Naturally, the big guys all looked in the direction where the voice came from, including Shi Dali.

Looking at it this way, Teacher Shi was also a little surprised, it was actually a kid like Tam!

But think about it, it's really reasonable for Tahm to appear here. After all, for such a grand event in the Americas, Tahm must be invited.

When he said these words at the moment, he was also full of momentum!

For Tam, money... he really has a lot. If he can help Shi Dali at this time, there is nothing wrong with it.

While speaking, Tam also blinked at Teacher Shi.

The audience was stunned again, and so did Su Gelin.

Of course they know Tam, but Tam... why should he give this kid face?

Just as the big guy kept the same doubts in his mind, behind Fang Beiyue again, a man stood up.

"I will be responsible for this matter, and I will settle all compensation!"


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