Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1545: Strange coincidence

At this time, he could say such a thing, and it was a kind of attitude, which really made Pan Shuangyu feel warm.

But then, she slowly shook her head.

"This matter is not easy, you may really need to ask Qingfeng Academy for help, how can you help me?"

In today's situation, it is indeed not easy for Pan Shuangyu to find a friend who can help her, so at the empty Erdan, she questioned and asked at the same time.

Regarding this question, Kong Erdan looked directly at Shi Dali.

"Just leave it to Dali, he has nothing to worry about."

Good guy, Teacher Shi was thinking about it after listening to the whole thing. Suddenly Kong Erdan took the matter over and threw it on himself, but there was no defense at all.

However, looking at this Tutou Mountain scientist's clean vision and trust, Teacher Shi really didn't know how to refuse.

Kong Erdan is a very special person. He is a scientific genius, but he is like a blank sheet of paper in life.

Similarly, before meeting Shi Dali, he had no friends.

But the look and attitude at the moment, there is no doubt that he really regarded Shi Dali as a friend, otherwise he would not be so confident and unreserved.

In fact, this kind of thing between friends is extremely valuable.

Especially after thinking about all the things that happened before, especially in the robot experiment base, why Kong Erdan followed Shi Dali and didn't look back, because he believed in Shi Dali at all times.

So after all, Teacher Shi nodded at Kong Erdan.

"Okay, I will try my best."

So naturally, Aya and Pan Shuangyu turned their attention to Teacher Shi's side.

Especially Aya, with some unconfident doubts in his eyes.

Although what happened before has shown that Shi Dali is definitely not easy, but in the matter of the disappearance of his parents, Aya realized that it is very difficult to do it.

"Mr. Shi, are you...really willing to help?"

Pan Shuangyu is different from Aya. Although she didn't have much contact with Shi Dali, she has now formed an almost identical understanding with Kong Erdan.

That is Shi Dali, there is really nothing that cannot be done.

Not to mention other things, just let the pyramid fly over out of thin air, this kind of thing has been incredible.

If Shi Dali is really willing to help him investigate the disappearance of his parents, it is more useful than anyone else.

"Help, but I can only say as much as possible, try to do as much as I can."

It's also conservative, Teacher Shi said.

After speaking, he glanced at Kong Erdan.

The reason why Shi Dalixin agreed so happily was that Shi Dalixin actually had another layer of consideration.

If you don’t investigate this matter yourself, then there is no doubt that Kong Erdan will do it himself...

Other people's words are fine, but if you do this kind of thing, the ghost knows what kind of things will happen according to his brain circuit.

Before leaving Beijing, Lin Jing asked herself to help take care of Kong Erdan, so...for the safety of Kong Erdan, and for the safety of others, it would be better for him to handle this matter.

After getting the thorough affirmation from Shi Dali, Pan Shuangyu hurriedly thanked him, and at the same time this kind of gratitude was also aimed at Kong Erdan.

Pan Shuangyu is a smart woman, so she knows that she doesn't have that much face to let Shi Dali interfere with the investigation of the disappearance of her parents. If it were not for the empty dick, there would be absolutely no such possibility.

In this way, now that an agreement had been reached, Teacher Shi looked at Aya and his expression became serious.

"Tell me in detail. What happened before your parents disappeared, and what was the whole process like? Afterwards, did you feel something wrong, or found any unreasonable details?"

Pan Shuangyu didn't know this at all, so Aya might be the one who knew best throughout the process.

So naturally, the only breakthrough point is Aya.

Hearing this question, looking at the gaze in front of him, including his sister, after taking a deep breath, Aya began to speak.

"Your question is the same as the previous detectives. Before my parents disappeared... I didn't think anything was wrong. They went out for a walk in the park in the afternoon as usual, and had dinner together after they came back. Then they went back to their room and rested. I disappeared from home the next morning..."

Indeed, what Aya said is quite simple, and such a process is also weird.

The good guys are missing like this?

Teacher Shi suddenly frowned.

When it comes to disappearance, it is the most common case worldwide, so theoretically there is nothing to make a fuss about.

But I don't know why, from Aya's words, he felt some familiar flavors.

Inexplicably, the person who should have been sleeping in the room disappeared mysteriously?

Such things seemed to have happened to him when he was in Beijing.

That's right, the bizarre disappearance of Anjiazhuang and the emergence of unidentified corpses... and later in the happy community, it is also a mysterious disappearance case!

"Did you hear any special sound in the room that night? Whether it was outside the room or inside the yard?"

After that, Shi Dali continued to ask Aya.

Hearing this question, Aya shook her head directly.

"No, I carefully recalled all the details. I slept well that night, but I woke up once in the middle of the night and saw that it seemed to be foggy outside..."

Aya continued to remember, but when he was talking about this, Shi Dali suddenly clenched his hands.

"You mean you saw thick fog from outside the window?"

Staring at Aya, Teacher Shi looked very nervous.

And his emotions were quickly transmitted to these people around him, so that Aya was a bit at a loss.

Regarding this question, she still nodded.

"That's right, it's a thick fog. It's a thick fog, but I didn't care. Our house... seems to have had thick fog before."

Aya continued speaking, but this time Shi Dali did not interrupt again.

But in Teacher Shi's mind, there has been a wave of waves.

Thick fog?

It's thick fog again!

Before, he just thought that the entire disappearance case sounded a bit familiar, but now that the same dense fog appeared again, he could not avoid starting the association.


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