Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1563:

This donkey is really loud!

But...what's the use?

Smoked so many cigars just for the two calls?

Teacher Shi was a little bit emotional at first, and then a little depressed... He waited for a long time like a grandfather, but in the end there was no sound.


Then, no one thought that the accident happened at this time.

On the side of the fierce red horse in front of the race, suddenly there was a **** horse with a tall head. It slipped and fell directly. The chess player on it also fell off, and one man and one horse flew out of the track.

The audience took a breath, and this scene really made everyone feel tight.

However, horse racing is always like this. Speed ​​and passion coexist, achievements and dangers accompany each other. Any accident is part of the game, just like it is now... Although the big dark horse said that he got out, it made many spectators more excited and cheered. The sound was also one after another, but the rider threw his hat on the ground with a little frustration, and then retired.

That's right, he has been eliminated, there is no hope that he can get the first place.

Su Gelin picked up the wine glass. At this time, looking at the bay red horse still in the front, he even had the urge to hum.

Other people's accidents seem to be an interesting show to him, and he feels full of joy in his eyes.

Blackbeard glanced at him, but there was still no extra reaction.

That's right, this guy probably won't laugh for long.

Next to Fang Beiyue, the guests of Tam were more concerned about Shi Dali's side.

After all, for these people, the attraction of horse racing to them is really limited, and they are more concerned about Shi Dali.

The people of Tam and Satan’s Castle naturally have their reasons, but the other guests are still because of Mr. Fang. A younger generation that Mr. Fang values ​​so much, isn’t there really only such a thing to show?

If it is true, it is really disappointing.

As for Teacher Shi, his gaze just recovered from the **** horse that turned over.

I don't know why, Shi Dali always felt that the accident just happened was a little strange and sudden. It seemed that after Jixiang Ruyi called, this guy suddenly fell.

Is there any connection here?

If there is any connection? What is the connection?

For a while, teacher Shi's mind was full of thoughts, and he squatted beside the old black donkey again.

"Did you just show off your power? If so, do it again and let me see how you win glory for the donkey!"


As if he really understood Shi Dali's meaning, Jixiangruyi suddenly cried out again.

As his voice sounded, there was another burst of laughter in the audience.

"This donkey is starting again... It's really interesting. Is it hungry for the purpose of calling it so long?"

Su Gelin shook the glass and couldn't help but ridicule.

The result was that he had just finished saying this sentence, and it was still in the team where the burgundy horse was. A yellow steed slammed into the sky and then fell down. Look, the whole process is exactly the same as before! Of course, this time even the horse and the man flew out of the track. It is impossible to participate in the race anymore. After all, no matter how good the situation is, The rider has no way to deal with it.

Inexplicably, the atmosphere of the audience was a bit sluggish.

The big guys are not fools, and they still have the least judgment.

Especially before thinking about it again in my mind, it seemed that with the voice of the old black donkey, someone rolled off the horse and was eliminated. As a result, the same thing happened again!

Is there any connection in it?

If you think about it according to normal logic, it must be a coincidence, but if you change your thinking, it will be different.

Especially for Shi Lili, his eyes lit up completely.

The old red face said last night, this donkey, there is nothing special about it, if it sums up, it will be six words, good luck... can't die!

It seems that several times before, Lao Honglian planned to send the old black donkey to the slaughterhouse. After all, a donkey of this age left in his stable is really worthless, and can even be called a burden.

But by the way, every time the old red face has been contacted, but when it is really dead, there are always various accidents.

The car in the slaughterhouse broke down, the wrong target was pulled, the driver had diarrhea, and the sky was raining...In short, the old red face didn't even realize it, and the confused guy stayed with him safely.

Now, from the accident that happened just now, Shi Dali suddenly realized why this horse is called Jixiang Ruyi!

That's right, the reason why this horse can become the number one in the world is because of his name.

Every mountain opens a road and meets water to build a bridge, safe and sound.

"Old man, you are so handsome, come on... yell twice, you smoke cigar hard."

So, Teacher Shi started to be full of motivation.

After a low-pitched exchange with the old black donkey, he continued to light the cigar, and then stuffed it into Jixiangruyi's mouth as before.

Besides, this old donkey seemed to be greatly encouraged, and he continued to scream while smoking a cigar.



He almost just remembered his voice. A piano suddenly fell from the stands, unbiased and blocked in front of the last horse. This guy was completely unprepared and fell out with a horse and a man.

Sure enough, the third accident happened.

At this moment, the audience was completely stunned, and his eyes were all neatly staring at the old black donkey, which can be described as silent.

Why would a piano fall here?

Clear sky, falling down the piano?

Even if you are a fool, you can see how extraordinary this donkey is. Although it is still not clear, it is basically certain that this donkey must have extraordinary abilities, which can affect other participating horses and competitors. .

So, what to do now?

Su Gelin's face became completely serious.

The people around him also had similar expressions, although they said that the red horse hadn't encountered any trouble, but if the donkey continued to bark like this, it would be nothing to say that something happened.

"Ahem...Referee, I think this donkey...isn't it eligible to participate in the competition?"

Immediately, without taking care of his face, Su Gelin looked directly at the referee and then lodged his protest.

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