Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1574: without return

On the blacksmith's side, after hearing what Velus said, he was very excited, and he nodded and left.

This atmosphere is too depressing for him. If he can, he still prefers to stay in his own studio instead of being interrogated like this.

As the blacksmith left, everyone's eyes were directed at the manhole cover in front of him almost at the same time.

It should have been a very simple dry well, but after such a thing, the situation is completely different.

Even high-level detectives like Velus are now having big question marks in their minds.

Did they miss something when they checked this dry well before?

"Mr. Shi, do you think..."

"Open the manhole cover!"

Just as Velus was about to ask Shi Dali's plans behind, Teacher Shi said directly.

That is to say, as soon as his voice fell, standing beside the poisonous insects and black beard who had long been unable to restrain them, he stepped forward and lifted the manhole cover open.

In everyone's mind, there was an imagination about the scene under the manhole cover, but when the manhole cover was really opened, it was discovered that everything was ordinary.

Especially Velus, it can be said that he breathed out in his heart, and even a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Shi, I have already said that there is really nothing special about this well..."

"Have you guys gone down?"

Shi Dali did not look back, glanced at the bottom of the well, and asked aloud.

It was another moment, and then Verus shook his head subconsciously.

Before, they only noticed that the manhole cover is relatively new, so they made a brief investigation, and this well was also checked with a flashlight on it. Of course, there was no going down.

After all, there are so many things that can be inspected in the entire yard, and such a powerful detective would not hold on to an ordinary dry well all the time.

And there is another point, that is, this dry well has really existed for many years, and the mere weeds and messy things below make people instinctively resist it.

"Sorry, we haven't gone down yet..."

After hearing Verus' answer, Shi Dali nodded instead.

Fortunately, this group of people didn't go down. If they went down, they might destroy some important things, which would cause trouble instead.

"Mr. Shi, are you going to go down?"

Going on, Verus asked.

It may be that the time spent with Shi Dali for a long time made him temporarily forget the terrible shadow experience of Hua Xia, and the whole person also relaxed.

When Shi Dali heard his question, he nodded without hesitation.

Based on the disappearance cases of Anjiazhuang and Xingfujiayuan, Shi Dali has determined that the water well has a very important position in the disappearance case, so he has to go down and take a look anyway, not to mention that Pan Wensen can already be judged from the blacksmith The couple also have a special understanding of this well.

It was quiet all around. Although there was never any evidence that there was really something under the dry well, Shi Dali’s decision and actions made everyone feel nervous.

"Let me come! I am in good health and I am careful in observation. I am more suitable for this errand than you."

Suddenly, the poisonous insect stood behind Shi Dali and made a sound, his eyes blinked. Hearing what he said, and looking at this guy's appearance, Shi Dali had already guessed in his heart.

There is no doubt that this kid thought there was something good in the well, that's why it looked like this.

Regarding the Anjiazhuang and Xingfujiayuan community, the poisonous insects do not know, so from the very beginning, seeing that Shi Dali attaches such importance to this well, the poisonous insects felt that there must be something good in it.

After all, in Mr. Poison's cognition, Shi Dali is very cunning!

This kid is not profitable and can't afford it early. Why is he so impatient for a well for no reason, even resolutely to go down himself?

Others can't understand, but Mr. Poison can see clearly!

Yes, there is a treasure in it, and it must be a valuable treasure!

So naturally, his poisonous insects must quickly shoot, otherwise they will fall into Shi Li's hand like a three-eyed blood clam.

"Are you sure you want to go down?"

Looking at the poisonous insect, Shi Dali took a moment before continuing to make a sound.

"Of course, this kind of dangerous thing must be entrusted to me! Anyone who knows me knows that I am a famous person who only asks for dedication and does not ask for anything in return! Some people are alive, he is dead, some Man is dead, but he is still alive...Yes, man is inherently dead, but heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, and I, Mr. Poison, just inquire about..."

"Okay, you can go down."

Seeing that the poisonous insect began to whisper something useless, Shi Dali couldn't listen to it, so he could only wave his hand and say.

Seeing that Shi Dali really gave the opportunity to himself, the poisonous insects felt happy.

Rolling up his sleeves, he leaned toward the well.

But just before he was about to jump down, the poisonous insect looked back at Blackbeard, his face full of alert.

"Old black guy, say it in advance, this matter has nothing to do with you, don't rush to make contributions with me, let alone give back..."

These words sounded confused to others, but both Shi Dali and Blackbeard were very clear.

There is no doubt that Poison Worm is worried that Blackbeard will **** the baby from the well with him.

When Blackbeard heard his words, he immediately shook his head.

"Yours is all yours!"

With the assurance of Blackbeard, the poisonous insects are completely relieved. According to his knowledge of the king of pirates, since this guy has said so, he should not break his promise, so the next thing he has to do is to stay in this dry well. Touched gold inside.


In this way, the poisonous insect jumped directly, which can be said to be unceremonious.

Seeing this scene, Teacher Shi felt weird in his heart, Mr. Poisonous Insect... really a soldier!

Verus and the others watched this scene, but they were stunned for a moment, and even now they don’t know where the unknown hero who just jumped into the well came out of?

You know, if they are dealing with such dangerous things within their team, it is estimated that basically no one will take the initiative to stand up, let alone be so impatient like a poisonous insect.

In this way, the atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and everyone was plunged into a nervous waiting.

What is in this well, it is estimated that there will be an answer soon, after all, it is just a dry well, and the poisonous insects fumbled around in a full circle, and it would not take long to think about it.

Sure enough, in about ten minutes, a depressed voice of poisonous insects came from the well.

"Take a rope to pull me up. There...the special lady doesn't even soak shit!"

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