Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1577: Familiar powder

Just in the box near the corner, there was some black powder on the ground.

That thing was not so eye-catching because of the messy relationship in the entire basement, but as Shi Dali noticed this place, he was immediately attracted.

A few steps forward, Teacher Shi's movements were full of tension, and he finally squatted beside the black powder.

This thing actually appeared again!

Verus and the others, seeing Shi Dali's behavior, were really weird in their hearts. They all looked at each other and didn't understand at all.

Of course they can also see the black powder, as if something left after being ignited here.

But, is this thing special?

Is it really necessary to make such a fuss?

From the beginning when he entered the yard and noticed the well, Shi Dali was so utterly nagging, but now he is here again... Is there any secret to these powders?

Of course, after what happened just now, even though Shi Dali’s behavior was full of doubts, no one dared to say anything.

So everyone kept quiet, watching Shi Dali study those powders.

As for Teacher Shi, of course he doesn't know what other people think, or that he has no time to control what other people think.

Because in this short period of time, he was completely certain...These powders were the kind of things he had seen!

Whether it was the room where Jin Beihai had an accident, or later settled down in Jiazhuang, and then went to the Happy Home Community... All the black powder accompanied by the mysterious man's existence appeared here!

So, he can basically be sure that the disappearance of Pan Shuangyu's parents must be closely related to the second substance.

"Mr. Shi, have you found anything?"

As the person in charge of the Qingfeng Academy at this time, Verus bit his head and spoke out.

Shi Dali's reaction like this was obviously something he found!

But he didn't understand at all, but he had the responsibility to figure it out, so he could only ask out loud.

After hearing Verus's voice, Shi Dali stood up.

"Arrange for someone to collect these powders, be careful, and give them all to me after they are collected."

After speaking, Shi Dali refocused his eyes on the box, and then took out a box from his arms.

Regarding Verus's question, he had no intention of answering it.

After all, at this time, for Teacher Shi, there is no doubt that the most important thing is the box in front of him and the disappearance case, and all relevant news about Professor Lopez, his plan is to continue to be kept secret.

As for collecting these black powders, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate to hand over to Velus. After all, this guy has a very professional technical team under his hands, so they can do this thing more reliably than themselves.

When Verus heard this, there was a whisper in his heart.

Shi Dali's answer like this obviously regarded him completely as a coolie and assistant, but after thinking about it, Velus had no way to deal with such a situation.

And he really wants to let his own people collect this black powder, and he will have the opportunity to secretly save a little for research at that time.

Of course, their eyes continued to follow Shi Dali's movements, and Verus and the others looked at the small box in Teacher Shi's hand.

At such a point in time, why did Shi Dali take out such a box?

What's in this box?

But soon, this question of the big guy was answered as Shi Dali opened the small box.

Inside this box, there is an old compass!

Take a quick look, this thing should have existed for a long time, whether it is the material or the pattern, it has a sense of simplicity and vicissitudes that people can't describe.

Even Shi Dali, as the compass was taken out, the whole person's expression became solemn.

That's right, this thing was given to him by Wang Qingyue when he was on the Golden Island.

In the following time, Shi Dali also conducted a lot of research and exploration on this compass, especially he learned from Ye Zan'en that after the Apollo crash, Lopez and Moran were all survivors. Brought something back, and that thing is also the goal that the Research Institute and the dark forces are looking for now on the eighth day!

So it was a judgment based on intuition. Shi Dali felt that the compass in his hand was what those guys were looking for!

Of course, this was just an inference, and he even had another inference... When he was in Suhai at that time, he had heard many people say that his father, Shi Doufang, left something in the Wang family.

It was precisely because of such things that Wang Qingyue's father Wang Qianren's temperament changed drastically, and at the same time the entire Wang family quickly expanded.

But what exactly is that thing, no one knows... So is it possible that such a thing is a compass in one's hands?

All these questions and judgments are intertwined in Shi Dali’s mind. Although there is no clear answer, at least one thing is certain, that is, this compass is very important, especially in the second substance. Explore and research above!

So at this moment, he will take out this compass, the purpose is to simply try it out to see if there will be any special discoveries!


After a brief deep breath, Shi Dali took the compass in front of him and approached the pile of boxes in front of him.

The others watched this scene and then held their breath.

They don't know what Shi Dali is doing, but as the so-called emotions are contagious, their emotions have been completely infected by Shi Dali at this moment. Almost everyone is nervous that cannot be said.


Suddenly, under Shi Dali's gaze, the compass in front of him began to jump quickly, and this jump naturally came from the pointer in it!

No one knows why, the pointer is constantly turning, the speed is suddenly fast, but it becomes slow again in the next second, and then it spins rapidly.

"what happened?"

Blackbeard's brow furrowed, and he reached Shi Dali's side in a few steps and asked in a low voice.

Although Verus and the others said they were equally curious, they didn't dare to make too many moves. They could only watch Shi Lili and Blackbeard stand in front of them, and they didn't know what they were communicating.

"In these boxes... there is something!"

Teacher Shi's gaze was staring at the pile of boxes in front, and he whispered to Black Beard.

What exactly was in his mouth, he doesn't know now, but this compass can have such a big movement, and what is hidden in it... is definitely not simple!

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