Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 1630: Snarling dog

After the poisonous insect had finished speaking, Blackbeard patted his hands, and then he became happy.

"Awesome! I have seen your abilities thoroughly now, and I think you are exactly the same as a very famous mythical character!"

Blackbeard spoke with sincerity all over his face.

His appearance made the Poisonous Insect really a kind of inexplicable pride and satisfaction. After all, he was able to gain the praise of a pirate king these years, but no one can do it.

"Let's listen, who is it?"

So, quite curious, the poisonous insect asked.

"Snarling Dog!"

A firm voice rang from Blackbeard's mouth, and the poisonous insect almost choked himself with a spit.

Depressed, he looked back at the two generals on the left and right.

At this time, Poisonous Worm felt that he didn't need to be familiar with barbaric pirates like Blackbeard. The most important thing at the moment was to find those two hearts.

When the two hearts are found, the murderer will naturally be found!

"Mr. Poison, what should we do next?"

The General Right spoke out at this time, but they were so worried about finding the murderer, so they couldn't help asking questions.

Hearing this, the poisonous insect walked straight ahead.

"Follow me, wait until you get to the place, do it when it's time to do it, understand?"

As the poisonous insect spoke, his face became serious.

Sure enough, emotions are contagious, and with emotions like poisonous insects, other people also become dignified.

But speaking of this kind of reaction is really reasonable, after all, no one knows what kind of danger they will face next, so there is always nothing wrong with keeping up your mind and dealing with it carefully!

So, in the weird eyes of many people, these guys started to move forward.

The security originally wanted to come forward and say a few words, but in the end he was still afraid of their aura, so he honestly retreated to the side.

After all, in a place like a hospital, there are all kinds of weird people. There are some things with one eye and one eye closed, which can really avoid a lot of trouble.

In the following time, the poisonous insects walked in front, and the others followed behind.

Passed the elevator, passed the corridor, followed a path with almost no people again, and then reached the front of a big iron door.

"Okay, it's here, the heart is inside, look... do you want to go in?"

As the poisonous insect stopped, he followed and asked left and right.

At this moment, the big guy listened to him completely, even the black beard, after such a tortuous advance, his eyes on the poisonous insects were filled with surprise and admiration.

"Your nose... better than a dog!"

A word from the heart almost made the poisonous insects curse.

This old gangster, really can't speak human words, no wonder he would be a pirate. If he were on the shore, he would be beaten to death.

Holding the depression in his heart and keeping his face calm, the poisonous insect pointed to the iron gate in front of him.

"turn on!"

At this point, there is really no reason not to go in and take a look, and with the secret method of poisonous insects, poisonous insects can clearly feel that there are definitely more than two hearts under this iron gate.

So following the words of the poisonous insects, the generals left and right and a group of them started their hands.

At this time, of course no one cares about hospital facilities and other issues. For the tribesmen who influence the general and Jianglong line, the most important thing is to find out the truth of the matter and revenge.

So let alone an iron gate, even if it is a ghost gate closed, it is estimated that it will be knocked open directly.


To say that the iron gate is quite strong, but for this group of people, it means three times and five divides two, and the gate is directly pushed open.

As the iron door opened, the big guy instantly felt a blast of cold air blowing out of it, as if it were a cold storage.

Several people looked around again, and then General Left took the first step and walked inside.

He took the lead, of course others followed.

Instead, this time, both the poisonous insect and the black beard fell behind.

These two guys are not too much to call them old foxes. Their identities as the detectives of Qingfeng Academy are fake, so there is no need to charge to the front, and the dead have nothing to do with them.

So naturally, it's always right to go back and be careful.

Besides, inside the iron door, there is a stairway towards the bottom. As a group of people continue to descend, the temperature gradually decreases.

When they got to the front of the entire staircase, they realized that there was a cold room in front of them, but it was different from other cold rooms that kept fruits and vegetables. There were boxes after boxes, and they didn’t know what the material was. Shining a strange metallic luster.

At this moment, the left and right generals looked back at Mr. Poisonous insects behind.

They got here step by step, and now they don't know what to do next, so they must listen to Mr. Poison's decision.

"Open those two boxes. Inside the box is what you are looking for."

With a solemn complexion, the poisonous insect felt a strong anxiety in his heart at this time.

As a professional side door, he can clearly feel the atmosphere here is extraordinary. In addition to the coldness above this temperature, the entire basement has formed a special aura, as if gathering the surrounding shadows. gas.

What are the reasons for the need for these removed hearts?

Also ponder again, what is the reason for the establishment of such a basement?

And...what about the murderer?

Originally in the imagination of the poisonous insects, the murderer should be here, but now the situation is completely different from their imagination.

Along the way, Poison Worm and Black Beard both understood in their hearts that they didn't have Shi Dali's ability to transform good luck, so be careful when you should be careful.

Even the poisonous insects are ready, as long as there is something strange when the box opens, he will leave immediately.

As for the old gangster next to him, Poison Worm knew that he must run faster than himself.

The generals left and right, of course, did not have so many thoughts of poisonous insects, so after hearing his words, they immediately went to open the box.

Sure enough, as the box opened, everyone saw the contents of the box.

Everything is exactly the same as the poisonous insect said, the heart... two hearts!

Uncontrollable anger began to spread directly in the hearts of the left and right generals. After seeing these two hearts, they seemed to have seen their tragic companions.

"Roar! Come out, come out to me!"

So, the general right yelled first.

With such a voice, the scared poisonous insect and the black beard were both irritating. Both of them planned to move forward and take a closer look at the heart, but the sound instantly numbed the scalp.

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